
TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2016
I rescued Tonnie over a year ago. I was told he doesn't like to be picked up but not that he would mutilate my body if I tried. He's very loving, spends a lot of time either lying on my chest and wanted to scent me and be loved and lying on me while I sleep. When he's on my chest, I can brush him, even hold him tightly in a hug but that's the only place I can do that. I have another tabby, Jackson who is over 25 lbs and I've owned for over 10 years. There are no problems between them in spite of the fact that Tonnie only weighs 7 lb but is faster lolol.

He is also asthmatic, something I didnt' find out til after I had him for several months. The first vet visit, he had such a bad attack that it was easier to corral him into a carrier, cost me $500 to diagnose him with asthma. Now I need to have a vet come out to the house every few months at a cost of over $200 to give him a shot of extended release steroids as well as dispense his daily steroids that I add to his wet food. I'm a senior citizen on a tight budget that really needs to find a way to pick him up. I lost my dog in December and can't get another until I can somehow reduce the vet costs for Tonnie.

I'm willing to try anything. I love him and obviously don't want to give him up but I hope someone out there has encountered this problem and has a solution.  Please help us!!!!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 3, 2014
$500 to diagnose asthma? 

Do you have any other vet option around you? That is shockingly high to me. I've never even paid half that amount for a vet visit, not even full blood/fecal workups and emergency 'that is a serious symptom come in immediately. I'll have an aide stay with you and I'll squeeze you in even though I'm completely booked for the day' type visits.

As for picking him up - is there a need to actually pick him up? I have a stray/rescue who after 2 years is still not comfortable enough with me to let me pick her up. She trusts my hubby to hold her, but I am only allowed to pet, brush and feed her. 

If there's an actual need, I would suggest trying a towel wrap. Drop a thick towel on him, then wraps it around him so his paws are tucked in and he can't get you with them. But if there's not an actual need, it'd probably be better to let him come to trust you enough to do so on his own.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2016
Hi Losna,

Thanks so  much for your timely and helpful reply.

Yes, and worse, the vet that charged me 500 was the same one I had been bringing all my cats and dogs to for 23 years. He bought a second practice and I knew I was in trouble when the new vet came in asking how much money I could afford that day...shut your mouth...its true! I switched vets immediately and have found a very nice area vet who truly loves animals and is willing to make housecalls for Tonnie.

You're so right. I honestly don't care if I can ever pick up Tonnie at home other than approximately 4 times a year to take him to the vet and decrease my expenses. I tried a blanket, even put it over my body knowing he will come onto my chest. He came. The second I started to pull up the blanket, I guess my mr smartypants felt the vibrations and took off like rocky the flying squirrel. Unfortunately, dealing with a disability, he can definitely outrun me.

I feel like I could write a comedy book about the antics of trying to get him into a towel or a blanket or the dreaded carrier. The vet and the tech cornered him in my smaller bathroom and managed between the two to capture him with a comforter.  I sat in the living room hearing things crashing from the room in all directions but they got him and I was able to pick things up again, no breakage.

So thank you. I am now going to try finding a friend that might be able to catch him for me. He doesn't like any people foods nor have any pet treat that he likes so he's a tough nut.

I'm seriously content to have him lie on my chest and get all the pets he wants while constantly scenting me lololol.

If anyone has had success in a similar situation, please let me know.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Our cat, Casper, sounds similar to Tonnie.  We adopted him about six months ago and, over time, we have him at the point where he will tolerate being picked up.

I started by petting him on the back with just one hand.  When he got used to that, I would alternate hands then got him used to being petted with two hands at a time.

When Casper was used to that, I did the same thing on his sides.  Pet one side, then the other, then both sides.  Eventually, I came to a time when I was able to pick him up and put him on my lap. 

Consider the process a success if you can get Kitty to stay on your lap for any length of time after you pick him up.  From that point, it's all about continuing the process and repeating, over and over, to show the cat that you aren't going to try to hurt him.

Give him some kitty treats or a small pinch of catnip if you think it will help.  Bribery!  Right?  ;)

Some cats like being picked up.  Some cats don't.  Most cats, in my experience, will at least tolerate it.  However, most cats universally don't like being picked up like a sack of potatoes.  Always pick up a cat with two hands.  On hand supports his front and the other supports his bum.  A cat will never learn to let his humans pick him up if he doesn't feel safe.

Just be patient and keep at it.  If Tonnie is the kind of cat that will tolerate being picked up, you'll eventually get him used to the idea.

Remember... This isn't something you're going to accomplish in a week.  This is a long-term project.  It took me almost six months to get Casper to the point where I can pick him up.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2016
Hi Casper's Human,

First, what a great name! I really am their servant more than Mom but their human works very well too lol.

Thank you for sharing your great success with Casper.  When I first got Tonnie, he would only ride my shoulder around the house. I would eventually get tired and sit on my recliner.  Having a large soft chest if you get my drift, Tonnie quickly learned to lie on it. At that point, he totally stopped riding my shoulder. His foster mom said she never got past the riding of the shoulder so I figured I was being successful. He was fine with the two dogs I had then who have since passed on and really acclimated well to his now big brother Jackson.

The strangest thing is that when he comes up on my chest, and yes, it only happens when he initiates it, I can honestly do anything to him even more sometimes than I can do with my other and former cats. He has an obsession to scent me so constantly rubbing his cheeks against my nose and then his nose against the sides of my chin. I can actually hold him in a tight hug and he will enjoy my petting him including his stomach, anywhere I choose,for very long periods of time. He not only sleeps in the bed with Jackson and me, he will actually sleep on top of me if I'm on my side.

To approach him, outside of the recliner, I first need to say his name.  He'll sometimes allow me to pet his back but only if I approach it very gently. At any given moment, he's ready to run.  I've yet to find any human food or cat treat that he'll respond to so that does make the process harder.

Hearing your success, I feel I am part of the way there. I'll just have to keep up approaching him in various  places in the house and eventually get him to trust me enough to pick him up.  In the meantime, I'll try lookin for a friend or neighbor who feels they can get him with a blanket or towel so I can take him to the vet and not have to pay so much extra for home visits.  He needs a shot of extended steroids every few months and renewal of same pills. She's already done blood work to rule out all the other cat illnesses so I hope my costs will do down. Btw, when I took him from the Rescue, he had not yet been diagnosed with Asthma. Not that I would ever rehome him, by the time I called the Rescue to tell them about his issues, they had dissolved the Rescue!

So thanks again, so inspired by your success with Casper!  I'll report back periodically so you can hear about our progress.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Gosh!  I wish Casper would ride on my shoulder!

He will usually only lay in bed with me, down by my feet.  I'm mostly okay with that.  I've never really been comfortable letting animals sleep in bed.  I'm not against it.  I just don't sleep well.  But I sleep okay with him lying by my feet and he seems to like it so all's well, I guess.

Casper will lay on his girl-human's lap and sleep in bed with her, snuggled up right beside her, but not me.  I'm having a good day when he sits beside me on the sofa.  I've only shared lap time with Casper maybe a half-dozen times.  That's still a far cry from the way he was when we first adopted him.  We're assuming that his previous man-human must have abused him because he's always been skittish around me but hot her.  Casper was found abandoned outdoors but he's happy to have food and a warm place to sleep, now.  He's slowly coming around.

Mainly, I watch Casper's body language...  Eyes, ear position, tail position, body posture, etc.

One important thing that tells me whether Casper is calm or anxious is whether he wrinkles his fur when I pet him on the back.

Casper doesn't like human food, either.  Maybe he'll have a lick of ice cream or a taste of Marmite but that's about it.  He does love Temptations cat treats.  I have to give him his "cookies" every morning when I come down for breakfast.

Casper also really loves catnip!  OMG!  I have never met a cat that was a bigger catnip fiend than Casper!  He'll put his head right in the jar and eat it if I let him!

The main thing is consistency and patience.  Just keep doing what you are doing and let Tonnie know that you aren't going to try to eat him. 
  One day he might just decide that he likes being petted and picked up. 

Cats is cats! 