Lost My Cat After A Bad Reaction To Cheristin Flea Meds?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 4, 2017
I am (was) the owner of two beautiful older cats until Saturday, September 4, 2017. Thumbelina was a 13 yr. old long-haired domestic golden-haired beauty who was blind in one eye and had hyperthyroidism, and Fletcher is a rambunctious 10 yr. old Orange Maine Coon – Tabby mix. They’d been together for years and were a bonded pair.

I phoned my Vet’s office to pick up some flea medicine but since it’d been over a year since Thumbelina had been seen, the receptionist said I’d have to get a full check-up to get the Capstar tablet Thumbie usually got. I could get Cheristin, which I was told worked quickly and effectively, without an appointment. Being temporarily out of work, I decided I would go with the less expensive option and picked up the Cheristin.

I arrived home and applied the Cheristin after thoroughly reading the package insert at about 5PM. Thumbie was OK for a little while. But he kept coming up to me like he wanted me to open a can a food yet when I did so, he just walked away. By 11PM he was just lying in the bathtub, I didn’t think this was so unusual because we are in the midst of a heatwave here in San Diego and the cats have been lounging in the shower, tile floors, bathtub, or anyplace cool they can find. About 4am he cried out and I went into the bathroom to find he’d spilled his water dish and was just kind of sliding around in the wet tub. I picked him up in a towel and held him while I laid back down. He seemed OK and purred a bit. I got an eyedropper to force some food in him. The Cheristin package insert had said “inappetance” was a side effect and I heard once that if a cat stops eating for a period of time, organ failure can set in. I had some fresh cream downstairs and I gave him several, maybe 5, full eyedroppers of cream that he seemed to swallow. I watched him awhile, he seemed calmed down, and I went to bed in the room connected to the bathroom he was in. Around 10AM I heard flopping noises, I went to see him and I believe he was having seizures at this point. I wrapped him up in a towel, got dressed, and had my boyfriend drive me to the VCA Animal ER Hospital in San Diego. 10 minutes prior to our arrival he made several stiff movements and his mouth opened as wide as it could. Then he kicked his back legs one last time. He died in my arms. He did not look the least bit peaceful. His eyes were open but sunken back in his head, his mouth was wide open, and all his limbs were stretched out. This is not a death I would wish for any pet.

This beautiful cat was healthy and happy, minus the annoyance of fleas, just 18 hours previously, and other than Cheristin, I can think of nothing responsible for his horrific and seemingly painful last hours of life. I am positively heartbroken.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 27, 2015
Juliebelle26, yours is probably the most horrific story I've ever read on this site. I'm so sorry for Thumbelina's suffering, as well as for yours. Your story is absolutely heartbreaking, and I'm so sorry that these things befell you and your cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Oh, J juliebelle26 , I'm so sorry to hear this. You may find that you want to post a memorial page for Thumbelina in the "Crossing the Bridge" thread. If you don't want to, or don't want to do it right now, that's okay, of course, do it only if and when you think it will be comforting for you. I see that you've already posted in our ongoing Cheristin thread; thank you for adding your experience to help warn others off.

:rbheart: :rbheart: :rbheart: :vibes: :alright: :grouphug2:

It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway. This is a safe place for you to come to vent, and to grieve, and we're happy to give you all the shoulders you need to cry upon.

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Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
I am (was) the owner of two beautiful older cats until Saturday, September 4, 2017. Thumbelina was a 13 yr. old long-haired domestic golden-haired beauty who was blind in one eye and had hyperthyroidism, and Fletcher is a rambunctious 10 yr. old Orange Maine Coon – Tabby mix. They’d been together for years and were a bonded pair.

I phoned my Vet’s office to pick up some flea medicine but since it’d been over a year since Thumbelina had been seen, the receptionist said I’d have to get a full check-up to get the Capstar tablet Thumbie usually got. I could get Cheristin, which I was told worked quickly and effectively, without an appointment. Being temporarily out of work, I decided I would go with the less expensive option and picked up the Cheristin.

I arrived home and applied the Cheristin after thoroughly reading the package insert at about 5PM. Thumbie was OK for a little while. But he kept coming up to me like he wanted me to open a can a food yet when I did so, he just walked away. By 11PM he was just lying in the bathtub, I didn’t think this was so unusual because we are in the midst of a heatwave here in San Diego and the cats have been lounging in the shower, tile floors, bathtub, or anyplace cool they can find. About 4am he cried out and I went into the bathroom to find he’d spilled his water dish and was just kind of sliding around in the wet tub. I picked him up in a towel and held him while I laid back down. He seemed OK and purred a bit. I got an eyedropper to force some food in him. The Cheristin package insert had said “inappetance” was a side effect and I heard once that if a cat stops eating for a period of time, organ failure can set in. I had some fresh cream downstairs and I gave him several, maybe 5, full eyedroppers of cream that he seemed to swallow. I watched him awhile, he seemed calmed down, and I went to bed in the room connected to the bathroom he was in. Around 10AM I heard flopping noises, I went to see him and I believe he was having seizures at this point. I wrapped him up in a towel, got dressed, and had my boyfriend drive me to the VCA Animal ER Hospital in San Diego. 10 minutes prior to our arrival he made several stiff movements and his mouth opened as wide as it could. Then he kicked his back legs one last time. He died in my arms. He did not look the least bit peaceful. His eyes were open but sunken back in his head, his mouth was wide open, and all his limbs were stretched out. This is not a death I would wish for any pet.

This beautiful cat was healthy and happy, minus the annoyance of fleas, just 18 hours previously, and other than Cheristin, I can think of nothing responsible for his horrific and seemingly painful last hours of life. I am positively heartbroken.
:grouphug2::grouphug: I am so sorry for your terrible loss and the pain and fear your poor beloved Thumbi suffered. How is Fletcher doing? Bless you for your love and care and for your brave warning so others may be spared the heartache you are going through.:grouphug::grouphug2::hearthrob::redheartpump:


TCS Member
Jul 23, 2016
Dear juliebelle26, I am so sorry to hear of the death and suffering of your beloved, Thumbelina, after putting on Cheristin and it is especially alarming that Cheristin took the life of another hyperthyroid cat. It took the life of my golden boy, Otis, a little over a year ago.

He was at least 18 years old and had been hyperthyroid for quite a while and on Methimazole. He started salivating as soon as I put Cheristin on him, could hardly move, tried to drink, seemed paralyzed. I tried to force feed him, but he got worse and died late the next evening or early the following morning. I did write an email to the National Pesticide Information Center, [email protected], and will also fill out form at FDA and file complaint with Elanco (even though Jules10 says they deny any complaints) and the FDA won't help, because Cheristin isn't regulated by the FDA. I think the National Pesticide Information Center will just have me contact my state, but this is nation-wide problem and they should have a nationwide board to complain to. Back in Jan. 11, 2016 catchild also lost her 14 year-old female hyperthyroid cat after putting Cheristin on her. At least maybe we could get someone to make Cheristin put "Not to put on Hyperthyroid cats" on their label/literature, and research if it might be a drug interaction between Methimazole and Spinetoram. Again, so sorry for your loss.

Notorious pets

TCS Member
Sep 15, 2017
Toronto, Canada
awwwwwwwww so sorry to hear of his suffering and your broken heart. It's so sad to say goodbye to our loved one... even more so when it's a painful death.

Have you contacted the vet? Were they able to give you more information as to why this happened? Could he possibly been allergic to an ingredient in the medicine?

Thank you for sharing your story. I hope it will prevent another sad incident from occurring.

Navy Wave

TCS Member
Jan 14, 2018
I am (was) the owner of two beautiful older cats until Saturday, September 4, 2017. Thumbelina was a 13 yr. old long-haired domestic golden-haired beauty who was blind in one eye and had hyperthyroidism, and Fletcher is a rambunctious 10 yr. old Orange Maine Coon – Tabby mix. They’d been together for years and were a bonded pair.

I phoned my Vet’s office to pick up some flea medicine but since it’d been over a year since Thumbelina had been seen, the receptionist said I’d have to get a full check-up to get the Capstar tablet Thumbie usually got. I could get Cheristin, which I was told worked quickly and effectively, without an appointment. Being temporarily out of work, I decided I would go with the less expensive option and picked up the Cheristin.

I arrived home and applied the Cheristin after thoroughly reading the package insert at about 5PM. Thumbie was OK for a little while. But he kept coming up to me like he wanted me to open a can a food yet when I did so, he just walked away. By 11PM he was just lying in the bathtub, I didn’t think this was so unusual because we are in the midst of a heatwave here in San Diego and the cats have been lounging in the shower, tile floors, bathtub, or anyplace cool they can find. About 4am he cried out and I went into the bathroom to find he’d spilled his water dish and was just kind of sliding around in the wet tub. I picked him up in a towel and held him while I laid back down. He seemed OK and purred a bit. I got an eyedropper to force some food in him. The Cheristin package insert had said “inappetance” was a side effect and I heard once that if a cat stops eating for a period of time, organ failure can set in. I had some fresh cream downstairs and I gave him several, maybe 5, full eyedroppers of cream that he seemed to swallow. I watched him awhile, he seemed calmed down, and I went to bed in the room connected to the bathroom he was in. Around 10AM I heard flopping noises, I went to see him and I believe he was having seizures at this point. I wrapped him up in a towel, got dressed, and had my boyfriend drive me to the VCA Animal ER Hospital in San Diego. 10 minutes prior to our arrival he made several stiff movements and his mouth opened as wide as it could. Then he kicked his back legs one last time. He died in my arms. He did not look the least bit peaceful. His eyes were open but sunken back in his head, his mouth was wide open, and all his limbs were stretched out. This is not a death I would wish for any pet.

This beautiful cat was healthy and happy, minus the annoyance of fleas, just 18 hours previously, and other than Cheristin, I can think of nothing responsible for his horrific and seemingly painful last hours of life. I am positively heartbroken.

Navy Wave

TCS Member
Jan 14, 2018
I was so sorry to hear about your beautiful Thumbelina. I was scanning the internet for information regarding side effects and adverse reactions to “Cheristin” for cats. Two days after receiving treatment for fleas with Chetistin, I needed to put my cat , Katie to sleep. Katie was 16 years old and also had hyperthyroidism. However other than the flea problem she was doing well except for her weight loss. She was 5.8 lbs. After returning home from the Vet which she was given Cheristin,Mitazapine for appetite, Profender Feline and Capstar Blue she was very lethargic could hardly stand and not eating. Tried feeding with a syringe for a little nourishment..I think the Doc put her on some serious meds including Cheristin which should be taken off the market. I am not through my investigation of this medication nor am I happy with the overload of meds given from the Vet. Again my condolences to you for losing your Thumbelina.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 3, 2016
I am saddened greatly to read about the death of your beloved cat. I am still around and fighting the good fight! I have noticed that the price of Cheristin for Cats has dropped significantly in some places (i.e. chewy.com sells this poison now! I let them know what I thought!
Again, very sorry to read about your loss!

Navy Wave

TCS Member
Jan 14, 2018
Thanks for your input about chewy.com selling Cheristin for cats. Any ideas on how to get this product off the market? There should be a class action suite or some legal action against this product.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 3, 2016
I have done every I can think of to get the word out on this poison. My beloved girl died June 6, 2016 and not a day passes that I do not think of her.
I tell people, that is the BEST way to spread the word as Elanco sure isn't going to do it nor is your vet. I tell people to tell 10 more people about this horror!
As for my cat, she was 12 lbs. and was only 6 lbs. when she died.
I have no doubt that Cheristin for Cats (origins from Monsanto & Dow Chemical -- need I say more) killed her and if you find a class action lawsuit, let me know.
I have filed 3 cases with Elanco as all 3 of my cats were sickened by this poison and one has a form of PTSD from it. Every time you touch him on the back he thinks you are putting the poison on him and he will and does BITE you because of his fear, not that I blame him.
This is a sickening situation at best. My cat died with white foam and blood running from her mouth, was paralyzed and blind by the time she died!
This is a disgrace and if chewy.com can only give me 2 paws up and say they are sorry, well forget them! They are in the game with the rest of the fat pigs out there making money by killing our best friends in life!
Again, very sorry to read about your losses. It sounds all to familiar to me sadly. :(