Losing Squeaky


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 10, 2017
San Diego
We lost Squeaky on September 6th,2017. She adopted us 4 years ago February 22, 2013 when someone else had abandoned her. You will forever remain in my heart. She used to talk to me as I worked on the computer and sewing. She loved to sit on my papers. She also loved to get on the counter as I washed dishes. If she could, she probably would open the door. Wednesday the 30th, I brought you in because I didn't want the coyotes to get you or you get hit by a car. Thursday the 31st you were fine. September 1st, you got sick-throwing up and you wouldn't eat or drink. I know I should have taken you to the vet. I am sorry for my poor lack of judgement. I don't know what is wrong with me since I have always taken you to the vet to get your shots. Monday, I called the vets, they were closed and by Wednesday the 6th-you passed away. I miss you so much. There will never be another cat like you. You were my baby girl. I miss those times together. Squeaky was a black female Manx cat. I don't not understand why you would refuse to eat or drink. I went to the store to buy the best cat food and treats.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
So sorry to hear of your loss, sometimes awful things like this happen and quickly, but you had no idea of knowing it would be fatal, you probably thought she just had a stomachache and would be okay, you had no way of knowing what was wrong and the vet might not have been able to help even if you did take her. But you gave her 4 great years, she loved you and you loved her, she is fine now no more pain and you will see her again someday.

I hope your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless......:alright: :grouphug2: :rbheart:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
We can no more see into the future than try to change the past. You had no way of knowing this was going to happen, you tried, and you showed her you cared, that is all that counts.
You developed a bond with that little girl, use it and your beautiful memories of happier times to give yourself comfort, she will forever be sitting on that counter next to you. Love is spiritual, something that is felt, but not held, like the frail physical body, so eternal. The love you have for her will follow you for the rest of your life, until one day your life path will cross once more with hers. Think of the good times you shared, try not to dwell on the end, it changes nothing and brings nothing but heartache. You know she wants nothing but happiness for you, because that is what love is.
Thank you for letting us know of this special girl, she will be thought of by many now, as her sweet soul deserves. Be gentle on yourself and take care..........RIP precious Squeaky,you will never be forgotten and will forever be held in a loving heart. Goodnight, sleep tight, little one!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Squeaky has nothing to forgive you because you dd everything for her and showed her you cared.
You protected her from the outside world and gave her the best you could.
Take comfort from this.

RIP Squeaky, your mom loved you beyond imagination!

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
You loved your squeaky girl and she knew that. You gave her a wonderful life and a loving home, so many cats don't know what is feels like to be loved. RIP Squeaky


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:alright: I am so sorry for your loss. I, too, once had a Manx as my right-hand-kitty who behaved just like your Squeaky did, and I lost him to the sudden onset of severe manx syndrome. Manxes are like the Siamese and Maine Coons ( although my moggy Lance is equally personalitied). When Lance got sick in the wee hours of the morning, I took him to the vet where he was PTS. Sadly, even the best of care does not detour their fate. Vomiting and not eating/drinking is such a vague symptom for any mammals - it can be just a stomach bug, a glitch in a particular piece of food, an exposure to FIV, calicivirus, herpes, etc. during kittenhood, or even the result of a stroke. Squeaky had wonderful years of being adored - think how thrilled she was too see you delighted with her antics, how she purred when she made you smile. She knew she was loved, valued, treasured - with my religious beliefs, I am a "Sixth Day Christian" and I do believe that our animals are Heavenly sent companions whose spirits rise Heavenward, just like King Solomon suggested. So I believe that Squeaky, and all our other beloved pets, will reunite with us again. Until then, I pray that you are comforted in knowing that not only did you save Squeaky from the streets, you made her your rock star.
Please keep us updated on how you are doing! You can PM me or anyone else here at any time. Also, we are always interested in what ways people find to cope with loss.:angel::catrub::kitty: