Looking for information on certain breeds


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2024
I wasn't sure where to post this but I am researching a few cat breeds. I have owned cats but never purebred.
I had an amazing domestic shorthair and after having her, there are some traits that I would like to find in cat, which is why I am
considering purebred.
I was looking at Ragdolls, Maine Coons, and Manx, based on what I've read. I would like an intelligent, social cat that likes people, affectionate cat that follows me around and will be a lap cat, and a cat that is unafraid of dogs, loud noises.


Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
I agree... This is personality of the individual cat and could be challenging to get all in one cat. There are always outliers for any generalities about breeds too so it doesn't guarantee the cat will be that way. I do think that maybe a kitten would be best, so you can try to desensitize them to dogs/loud noises and socialize them from the start. But, some personalities are just the way they are - even from kittenhood.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2022
I wasn't sure where to post this but I am researching a few cat breeds. I have owned cats but never purebred.
I had an amazing domestic shorthair and after having her, there are some traits that I would like to find in cat, which is why I am
considering purebred.
I was looking at Ragdolls, Maine Coons, and Manx, based on what I've read. I would like an intelligent, social cat that likes people, affectionate cat that follows me around and will be a lap cat, and a cat that is unafraid of dogs, loud noises.
Once you decide on a desired Breed. Then I suggest you Contact one of the Breeder Associations. ACFA, CFA or TICA for a reputable Breeder. This way your assured your Kitten or Adult is healthy.
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TCS Member
Dec 28, 2021
I have shown my cats in CFA from coast to coast, so I have spent time around all of the breeds.

The breed that you seem to want is a golden retriever. Lol, it's tough to find the perfect cat unless you buy an adult who already has their personality set - then you know exactly what you are getting. I show cats, and since I want only the best in my breed (Siberians) I adopted adults who were shown as kittens/young adults, and the one was a stud. Both of them are great with dogs, kids, loud noises b/c the breeder exposed them to all of that. They travel well (I flew with my spay 27 times for shows). They walk into their carrier because they want to travel. If you get a kitten you can work hard to get them accustomed to all of those stressors. Be prepared for waiting list for all breeds.

Manx - I only know 2 or 3 breeders in the US, so cross them off the list. It's just a difficult breed from genetics/health.

Maine Coons - lots of breeders who produce very unattractive cats (too extreme), but CFA/TICA standard requires them to have a sweet expression so a breeder who shows will have nice cats and they will test for hip displaysia and HCM (heart disease). It is always a safe bet if you are fine with how much space/food/litter.

Ragdolls - a few breeders who show, and lots of backyard breeders who have mismarked cats or angry looking cats. The best breeder in the country told me at a recent show that she has a hard time competing with backyard breeders. The coat takes a bit of work, but bathing a cat from kittenhood makes it easy.

Other breeds to consider. - you will love them - Tonkinese. They aren't as vocal as Burmese, and they are all Colorpoints. More plentiful - guaranteed to see them at a cat show.
RagaMuffins - some are perfectly marked like Ragdolls, but they are a little smaller and all colors are accepted. Such sweet faces.