Leaving Cat Alone After Moving


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 31, 2021
Hi there!

At the beginning of the pandemic I plucked an abandoned neighborhood senior cat off the street. She ended up being very healthy and made an easy transition to life inside and loves people - although I was still working full time, she got to hang out with my WFH housemate all day.

So, last week I moved in to my own place, no house/roommates, and she stayed behind for a week when I got unpacked and built a catio (she is indoor/outdoor and I have moved from a house in a familiar neighborhood to a third-floor apartment a few miles away). I moved her in on Saturday and although she was annoyed for a few hours, by Saturday evening she was rolling around on the couch purring and playing. She's found the litter box, the water fountain, and her food - a pretty easy transition minus a tiny bit of stress barfing.

HOWEVER. I am still working full time, and now, for the first time in who knows how long, she is being left home alone all day. My boss, a big cat person, has let me go home to check on her a few times (I moved ten minutes away from work) and she seems alright, if a little cranky, and is clearly stressed out by so much happening at once.

What are some things I can do to make her time at home more enriching? I have all the windows open for her to look out into the woods and parking lot, and we are adjusting to the catio (I'm not ready to let her out there unsupervised yet, not sure I ever will be) but she is not a big solo-play-er as far as I can tell - scratcher pads, the little ball-on-the-track toys, crinkle mats, etc mostly seem to bore her, and he only likes puzzle feeders when she's getting positive feedback.

Has anyone had any success enriching a very picky cat's home life like this? What worked for you? Am I stressing out over nothing?

Thank you!


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. You could try some cat music to listen to while you are absent. David Teie's Music for Cats which is on Prime and Spotify, Cat In My Arms on Spotify and elsewhere, and RelaxMyCat. A lot of members on this site say it helps calm a cat. Testing the music while you are at home should help give you a clue if it would be helpful.

Leaving out some of your worn, unwashed clothing for her to lay on, be near, could help as well. Others have also tried a heartbeat toy, or a soft ticking clock. If she is at all used to your TV playing, you could set a timer and have it run for periods of time while you are gone.
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 31, 2021
Hi. You could try some cat music to listen to while you are absent. David Teie's Music for Cats which is on Prime and Spotify, Cat In My Arms on Spotify and elsewhere, and RelaxMyCat. A lot of members on this site say it helps calm a cat. Testing the music while you are at home should help give you a clue if it would be helpful.

Leaving out some of your worn, unwashed clothing for her to lay on, be near, could help as well. Others have also tried a heartbeat toy, or a soft ticking clock. If she is at all used to your TV playing, you could set a timer and have it run for periods of time while you are gone.
These are great ideas, especially the music - She really likes heavy metal (well, I play in a metal band and she likes to sit next to me while I practice) but I'm not sure how the neighbors would feel about it. Ha! :)

I went over to check on her at my lunch break and she's clearly miffed that I'm gone but also happy to see me. I am sure she will adjust, but it is tough. I keep thinking "isn't she going to get bored?" forgetting that she is a twelve year old cat and mostly just sleeps anyway.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I was about to ask how old she was, but see she's 12, so you're right she probably sleeps most of the time.

If you think she's bored, maybe something in this TCS article will be helpful:
Bored Cat? What Cat Owners Need To Know (including 10 Actionable Tips) – TheCatSite Articles

Also, unless you notice her eating less, or having litter box issues, overgrooming, etc., she probably isn't stressed. If you're concerned, though, here's another TCS article: Stress in Cats – The Ultimate Guide – TheCatSite Articles

Thanks, btw, for rescuing her when you did. You probably saved her life. :petcat:
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 31, 2021
I was about to ask how old she was, but see she's 12, so you're right she probably sleeps most of the time.

If you think she's bored, maybe something in this TCS article will be helpful:
Bored Cat? What Cat Owners Need To Know (including 10 Actionable Tips) – TheCatSite Articles

Also, unless you notice her eating less, or having litter box issues, overgrooming, etc., she probably isn't stressed. If you're concerned, though, here's another TCS article: Stress in Cats – The Ultimate Guide – TheCatSite Articles

Thanks, btw, for rescuing her when you did. You probably saved her life. :petcat:
Yeah - I mean, it's only day two of me leaving for work in the morning, but as of yesterday she's eating the same amount, using the litter box at her usual rythm, and seems to be grooming normally, so it's VERY possible I am overthinking things. I plopped her onto one of the shelves before I left this morning and she was absolutely stunned by the revelation that this place, too, has windows you can look out of and see different things happening during the day. She's also been getting used to exploring the catio on her own when I am home and that seems to be fun for her too.

Someday I will tell the entire story of how she ended up in my life, it's a wild ride. :)
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 31, 2021
Well, good news - the maintenance guy is coming today to fix a few tiny issues I noticed while moving in, and I have ordered him to pet the cat vigorously before he leaves.

Gotta take it where you can get it.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 17, 2021
So I have a question about your catio! You say you’re in a third floor apartment as am I. Is this catio for the balcony??
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 31, 2021
So I have a question about your catio! You say you’re in a third floor apartment as am I. Is this catio for the balcony??
Yes! The balcony is enclosed on 2 and a half sides (plus roof and floor of course) and then the railing sticks out about an inch away from the edge of the balcony. I cut some 2 x 2s to size so that they could line the edge of the concrete "floor," and then cut a third one to size up about 6 feet running up towards the ceiling. I secured them all together with some L-Brackets at the angles and then wrapped two layers of 3-foot-wide chicken wire around the outside of the makeshift frame. I stapled the chicken wire to the walls as well as the bottom "frame" and then zip-tied it to the railing. She can't poke her nose through the railing because the chicken wire gets in the way, but she can still look down onto the park in the middle of the complex, and as I stock the catio with places to sit she will be able to get a better view.

It doesn't look perfect as it was my first time making something like this, but unless she decides she wants to climb up six feet of chicken wire it's quite safe and secure as best I can tell. That said, I'm still not at the point where I feel confident letting her in and out unsupervised. If you're curious, I'll be happy to post some pictures when I get my computer unpacked and running.

She was previously indoor/outdoor and my former housemates were able to let her in and out of the backyard all day. This was my compromise with her to make sure she would still have fresh air and things to look at after the move. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Can you get a wifi camera or two to satisfy your need to check up on her? You may be making more of this than you need to.

I like these. You can buy them in a two-pack. They are about the size of a salt shaker. Because of they are small in size and weight, you can attach them to the ground or furniture with 3M velcro command strips. You can configure them for motion control if you really want to be buzzed when she's awake and moving. I like the night vision. And I love the cloud recording. It's cheap and easy. You can download all or none of the videos they record for you. If you don't go with cloud recording, you will get motion notifications (if you want them) and it's up to you to record to your camera roll on demand.


You may also, at some point, need a timed feeder or two to bridge the gap between breakfast and dinner. Senior cats have a harder time eating only twice a day. They are also more prone to gut and kidney issues so offering a higher digestibility, moisture-rich wet meal in the afternoon is better than leaving out dry all day.

I like the clamshell designs more than the wheel design. No time limit on portions. If you need more meals, just get more feeders.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 31, 2021
Can you get a wifi camera or two to satisfy your need to check up on her? You may be making more of this than you need to.

I like these. You can buy them in a two-pack. They are about the size of a salt shaker. Because of they are small in size and weight, you can attach them to the ground or furniture with 3M velcro command strips. You can configure them for motion control if you really want to be buzzed when she's awake and moving. I like the night vision. And I love the cloud recording. It's cheap and easy. You can download all or none of the videos they record for you. If you don't go with cloud recording, you will get motion notifications (if you want them) and it's up to you to record to your camera roll on demand.


You may also, at some point, need a timed feeder or two to bridge the gap between breakfast and dinner. Senior cats have a harder time eating only twice a day. They are also more prone to gut and kidney issues so offering a higher digestibility, moisture-rich wet meal in the afternoon is better than leaving out dry all day.

I like the clamshell designs more than the wheel design. No time limit on portions. If you need more meals, just get more feeders.
The cameras might be fun! I've thought about those! If I keep stressing out in a week or so I'll pick some up. :)

re timed feeders, fortunately as of her last checkup Sassy's weight, as well as her kidney and bladder function, were "optimal," especially for her age - she is a big water drinker, so I don't worry about her hydration. She gets wet food (Tiki Cat After Dark) morning and night and grazes on the dry food (Wysong Epigen 90), which seems to work well for her. That said I appreciate the recommendation and should anything change I will absolutely pick some of those up - I didn't know you could get timed feeders compatible with wet food!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
A few ideas:

A self heating cat bed

Hide treats (& her dry food) in a treat bowl somewhere different, every day before you leave. Make the first ones super easy. If she has dementia, feed her in the same spot every day.

Buy a bird bath to attract more birds.

Feed some unsalted peanuts to the local squirrels.

Buy compressed bird seed to attract birds. I buy one with chili oil in it to keep the squirrels from eating it. I buy this from wild birds unlimited & they sell it bell shapes.
Interactive toys like:

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  • #12


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 31, 2021
Good thinking on attracting birds - I have plenty of room on the patio above where I have my chicken wire where I could hang bird feeders.

She's not much of a player, more of a snuggler and explorer, but I'll keep trying on toys.

Fortunately no dementia, she is quite sprightly and healthy for a senior cat. Object permanence has always been a bit of an issue but I think that's just a personality quirk.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 31, 2021
I would love that - she would hate it. Probably. But no, I am a banker and lots of people bring their dogs into the lobby - not a cat-friendly workplace by any stretch of the imagination even if she did like road trips, as much as I wish that were the case. :)

Also, my boss's cat would get very jealous if she found out!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I would hang the bird feeders 3 feet or more from the catio. If you hang it on the catio the birds might not come from fear of the cats paw reaching through.

Bird baths attract lots of birds, sometimes more than a bird feeder. A bird bath with a solar fountain works great. (Just buy the pet safe algae killer that you add to the water.)
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 31, 2021
The "catio" is just six feet of chicken wire enclosing the balcony - but the balcony has a nine foot ceiling, so I've got three feet of prime bird real estate right above the edge of the chicken wire.

The lady downstairs has a bunch of bird feeders and baths on her balcony as well, we'll get a good setup going for our feathered and furry friends.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
If you don’t mind squirrels get fruit grub & nut compressed bird food. I just had a squirrel(s) that was eating big chunks off of my bird food column! So I switched to the chili cranberry one.

I have tried many suet cakes (they didn’t like it) & they really seem to like it over the other kind. A humming bird feeder is always good to.

You can try cat tv but your cat probably will like the catio better.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 31, 2021
Well, good news - the maintenance guy is coming today to fix a few tiny issues I noticed while moving in, and I have ordered him to pet the cat vigorously before he leaves.

Gotta take it where you can get it.
The maintenance guy said she was a big help.
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 31, 2021
If you don’t mind squirrels get fruit grub & nut compressed bird food. I just had a squirrel(s) that was eating big chunks off of my bird food column! So I switched to the chili cranberry one.

I have tried many suet cakes (they didn’t like it) & they really seem to like it over the other kind. A humming bird feeder is always good to.

You can try cat tv but your cat probably will like the catio better.
Yeah, the apartment backs up to a park, so trying to keep squirrels away is going to be a losing battle. I'll be sure to post progress pictures of the catio as it takes shape, though! :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Buy bird seed or bird seed cakes with chili oil. The birds don’t taste it but the squirrels do! 😈 It was how I stopped my thieving squirrels.

I do feed the squirrels once or twice a week but I buy them squirrel food & unsalted peanuts ($ store.) The squirrel feeder is far away from the bird feeder. It keeps my cat entertained & the squirrels well fed through winter.