Kitten in New Home Not Eating


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Alpha Cat
Jan 19, 2023
Hey folks,
I brought home a 5-6 month old kitten on Saturday night. He's been living in the bathroom since then so he can get acclimated to his new home. He's very, very affectionate and purrs just from seeing me. I've tried offering him dinner on Sat, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before bed food on Sunday, and breakfast today but he's barely eaten anything. Yesterday he ate less than one spoonful of food for breakfast, for dinner he had Weruva salmon and he ate all of the gravy but left the majority of the meat. I offered him more Weruva chicken pate and he ignored it. The only thing he will actively eat is Churu. I offered him Tiki cat baby food this morning but he sniffed it and resumed wanting pets instead. I spread some Churu on it, but he still wont eat it. I spoke to his foster yesterday morning to find out what food he was eating there. I went out and bought everything she told me, but he still won't eat. The shelter said its normal for cats o eat less than usual during their first few days in a new home, but I'm concerned since I know kittens are supposed to eat a lot of food, whereas Gengar has barely eaten anything. He has a vet appointment on Wed since the shelter said to have him seen by a vet within 7 days of being brought home. I was told by the shelter and his foster that he's healthy and hasn't ever had any issues.

As for other foods, there isn't any meat baby food here since I'm in Canada. It seems like all Canadian babies are vegetarian, as there isn't a single meat based food for them at the store. Does anyone have any experience with something like this? I don't want him to continue to barely eat. I visit him multiple times a day to pet, hold and play with him. He's also been meowing a lot, as he wants to come out of the bathroom. But my resident cat isn't ready for that yet. I've done scent swapping and site swapping successfully, but when I open the bathroom door a crack, Cosmos hisses when he sees Gengar. He's comfortable smelling and hearing him though.


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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. You didn't mention what types of food the foster was feeding him, but if some dry food, be sure to leave it out all the time and then watch to see if he at least eats that in your absence.

It might be helpful to confine your resident cat to a room with a door, and let the kitten roam around a bit - not the entire house, but maybe another room or a small area nearby the bathroom - if you aren't doing that already in your site swapping efforts. During that time, try to play with him some and see if that doesn't help. Although even kittens need time to acclimate to a new home, and he probably still is getting used to it, he may need you to spend more time with him in case he is lonely, and his lack of eating is somewhat due to that aspect.

The Gerber website suggests using to order their baby food meat online outside the US, apparently, they sell it to over 180 countries. And, I think it is now available through the Canandian Amazon website. There is also this one that might be an option for Heinz - By Nature Organic Beef with Broth Purée for Babies 6+ Months | Metro. Although, I have no idea how quickly you can get them from any of these, and I am sure you would have to order a case (probably 10 or 12 jars).

Have you considered baking a piece of chicken and cutting/chopping it up? Maybe some chopped up deli turkey? Just to see if one of these would 'jump start' his eating?


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
I would allow the kitten out to explore a small area with your resident cat confined and see if that makes any difference. Our one cat was very nervous when we first got him as a kitten. At that time he was an only cat and was calmer and ate better being with us. We confined him at night. when we went out, or otherwise could not watch him.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 19, 2023
Thanks Feebysowner! The foster was feeding him Wellness kitten pate, Tiki cat kitten food (chicken shreds), Weruva salmon, tuna/chicken pate, and plain chicken pate. When he was at Petsmart, the people there said he was eating Hills kitten food. I bought and offered him that first and he flat out refused it. That's when I contacted the foster to find out what he was eating there.

I'll give Gengar some play time outside the bathroom after work today and will have Cosmos in my room. Hopefully that will get him to eat some more food. Thanks for letting me know where I can find some meat baby food! I'll see if I can order a few jars rather than a whole case. As for some cooked chicken, I can try that as well this evening. I have canned tuna and canned salmon which I can offer as well.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 19, 2023
I offered him the rest of the Weruva salmon/sardines for lunch, expecting him to not eat it but Gengar ate it all. <3 He got the Wellness kitten food for dinner but only ate a small amount. He also had a tube of churu. Despite this, he's been peeing twice a day and producing poop each day. I'll offer him some more before bed. There's been a lovely update between him and Cosmos too! Cosmos was meowing at the bathroom door, which was cracked open all day. I opened it wider and Gengar came over to his side. They stood there and sniffed each others noses. Later, I let Gengar out and Cosmos didn't hiss. Instead both cats touched noses and Cosmos watched Gengar explore and play. :redheartpump: This is wonderful progress for the two of them and I hope they become good friends! I also hope Gengar will eat more food. 😅 I can contact his foster and ask how much food he ate when he lived there so I can have a baseline.

The bone broth is a good idea. I'll see if the pet store has some tomorrow. I hadn't thought about it since Cosmos and his late sister didn't like it, but hopefully Gengar will.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Thanks for the update with Gengar's appetite and Cosmos and him having the start of a beautiful relationship. Fingers crossed the good news keeps coming! :thumbsup:
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 19, 2023
Gengar ate much better today! He's spent most of the day out in the apartment with Cosmos and I. Gengar was racing, jumping, climbing, leaping, and playing almost constantly. I'd forgotten how very busy kittens were! Cosmos didn't hiss at him at all. Instead he was curious and kept sniffing him. Gengar would jump at him, clearly wanting to play, but Cosmos would look at him like ??? :flail: He enjoyed watching his little brother's antics. As the result of expending so much energy, Gengar ate four times today. I didn't keep track of how much it was, since I was just happy to see him eating. He didn't clean his plate for any meal, but ate each time I offered food rather than sniffing it and walking away. So far the Wellness kitten food and Weruva have been successes, whereas he wouldn't eat any of the Tiki Cat food, despite the foster saying he liked it.

I've also noticed his way of eating is weird. It's like he's gumming the food down and drops bits of it with lots of lip smacking sounds. I looked at his teeth and his incisors are somewhat janky and snaggle toothed looking. I'm going to ask the vet to look closely at his teeth during his appointment tomorrow. His gums look puffy but not inflamed. Hopefully his adult teeth will be good once they come in!

Oh yeah, Gengar was also very curious about Cosmos' food. I shoed him away from Cosmos' plate multiple times since he's already very easily distracted from eating, but Gengar kept coming back and trying to sniff what he had. I offered him some raw ground rabbit on Sunday while making Cosmos' batch of food for the week, but he didn't eat it. For his before bed food, I cut up a small piece of turkey breast into tiny pieces and put it on his plate with his canned food. I was pleased to see Gengar eat some of it, as I'm going to be transitioning him to raw food once he's settled in and eating consistently. :rbheart:
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3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
It's possible he is used to canned so try mixing. My cat Coco only eats on a flat bow on the groundl,no edges. Otherwise spits it out
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 19, 2023
It's possible he is used to canned so try mixing. My cat Coco only eats on a flat bow on the groundl,no edges. Otherwise spits it out
Thanks Maggie101. Gengar also eats off of a flat dish, he has his own little plate. It’s the canned food that he drops out of his mouth. Even though it’s soft loaf rather than shreds or chunks. It’s quite strange. The Tiki Cat kitten food was chicken shreds and he wouldn’t eat any of it.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
My cat Maggie does not like soft loaf. Won't touch touch it Coco likes shreds only if I chop it more in tiny pieces. She loves nulo minced. None of them like tiki. I realized it doesn't have much smell.


TCS Member
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Jul 24, 2006
London, England
I'm glad he started eating - went through this when I brought my new kittens to live with me a few weeks ago - for the first day they were barely eating and I was starting to get worried but then they started tucking in with gusto (food bowls under the bed at first) when they realised they were in a safe place.

I was honestly starting to wonder if I was going to have to call the vet, but thankfully it sorted itself out.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 2, 2018
I offered him the rest of the Weruva salmon/sardines for lunch, expecting him to not eat it but Gengar ate it all. <3 He got the Wellness kitten food for dinner but only ate a small amount. He also had a tube of churu. Despite this, he's been peeing twice a day and producing poop each day. I'll offer him some more before bed. There's been a lovely update between him and Cosmos too! Cosmos was meowing at the bathroom door, which was cracked open all day. I opened it wider and Gengar came over to his side. They stood there and sniffed each others noses. Later, I let Gengar out and Cosmos didn't hiss. Instead both cats touched noses and Cosmos watched Gengar explore and play. :redheartpump: This is wonderful progress for the two of them and I hope they become good friends! I also hope Gengar will eat more food. 😅 I can contact his foster and ask how much food he ate when he lived there so I can have a baseline.

The bone broth is a good idea. I'll see if the pet store has some tomorrow. I hadn't thought about it since Cosmos and his late sister didn't like it, but hopefully Gengar will.
yay wonderful news ❤
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 19, 2023
Thank you everyone! The vet said he’s perfectly healthy and agrees with you all. She said he’s clearly excited about being in a new home and will eat more as he calms down. When he came home afterwards, he ate half a can of food for lunch. You all were right and he’s eating more with each day. ❤



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 2, 2018
Thank you everyone! The vet said he’s perfectly healthy and agrees with you all. She said he’s clearly excited about being in a new home and will eat more as he calms down. When he came home afterwards, he ate half a can of food for lunch. You all were right and he’s eating more with each day. ❤
Such a cutie, and he likes books 😹🐾❤ your fluffy cat is gorgeous 😀


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
Thank you everyone! The vet said he’s perfectly healthy and agrees with you all. She said he’s clearly excited about being in a new home and will eat more as he calms down. When he came home afterwards, he ate half a can of food for lunch. You all were right and he’s eating more with each day. ❤
Wonderful news.Enjoy your new baby!