Hi, I live in TX in the country where I have coyotes, random loose dogs, raccoons and possums. I have a stray cat that has been coming around for about a month. Her name is Patsy. She is very friendly and lets me pet her and is not feral at all, but I have no neighbors nearby so I believe she is just a stray. I’ve been feeding her for about a month knowing she was pregnant. Today she had 4 kittens on my front porch. She is very young herself and I am sure this is her first litter but she did great. My question is, should I bring her and kits inside to keep them safe from all the potential varmits ( I have 2 indoor cats that never go outside) or leave them outside on the porch in the birthing box I made for them? I eventually plan to go get Patsy spayed and will get all the kittens neutered if I can’t find homes for them. I don’t think a coyote would come on my porch..but a random dog might..or a possum. Think they will be OK outside?