Is This A Bad Idea?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Great pic. Your dad better come get him quick before you & the kitties get attached to him and keep him for yourselves. :D

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
What a beautiful boy! Just make absolutely sure your parents know he has to be 'confined' some way for a month, either inside the house, a garage or a cage somehow. I don't know how many times I have told people that and the cats gets out after a few days and is never seen again, trying to make their way back home. I'll pray your parents fall in love and keep him inside!
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
What a beautiful boy! Just make absolutely sure your parents know he has to be 'confined' some way for a month, either inside the house, a garage or a cage somehow. I don't know how many times I have told people that and the cats gets out after a few days and is never seen again, trying to make their way back home. I'll pray your parents fall in love and keep him inside!
Yes I told my mom that already so she is aware. She is just worried about that he may not be happy being taken away from his environment that he has been in. But I think if the meeting with my dad goes well and they like him they might be less nervous about it. But either way if it doesn't work with them he can have a home with me. He pretty much already knows that my patio is a safe place for him. It is completely closed off with stucco walls so no other little animals or dogs can go in there. And he does have 24 hour access to clean cold water, and gets feds 2 times a day plus treats, and hes got a little kitty condo out there too. So worst case he stays with me and I will just take him to the vet and see if they can give him some booster shots and do a quick checkup
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
Great pic. Your dad better come get him quick before you & the kitties get attached to him and keep him for yourselves. :D
Oh I am Already attached so it is too late for that! haha that is why I will not let anyone try to take him other than my parents or someone I trust. And honestly I am not a cat behavior expert my any means but I think my two little ones find him fascinating. If he comes up onto the patio they both go running to the screen door trilling and chirping for me to open the door. When I open it my youngest kitty Toby will run out there and drop down right onto his back right in front of Thomas and chirrup and coo...And then Stella will run up to Thomas and touch noses. That is usually when Thomas used to give the two of them a couple of slaps but in the last 3 weeks it has turned into Thomas giving them licks on their face. He will even clean Stellas ears. So I think they like him...I never know with cats..But I am very cautious as Thomas is a GIANT compared to my two so I don't want them getting hurt


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Hey, it might be handy to have a cat that will clean Stella's ears for you. :)
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
Hey, it might be handy to have a cat that will clean Stella's ears for you. :)
Hehe yes but my problem is space :( if I had a house then I would be all for it, but unfortunately I am in a small 1 Bedroom apartment and I think 2 cats is plenty for inside :(


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Hey 2rescues, I think we must live in bazarro world. I have Henry and spunky. Lot of look alikes?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Actually it’s a female. The only one I took home from my tnr colony about 8 years ago. Dolly and she’s my buddy. Spunky, the black white hated her as a kitten. Even neutered he rode her incessantly and she jumped on him all the time! Now they are the best of friends, sleep together all wrapped up, groom each other all the time.
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
Actually it’s a female. The only one I took home from my tnr colony about 8 years ago. Dolly and she’s my buddy. Spunky, the black white hated her as a kitten. Even neutered he rode her incessantly and she jumped on him all the time! Now they are the best of friends, sleep together all wrapped up, groom each other all the time.
I love it when cats learn to get along :)
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  • #34


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
Here they are last night :) anyone else's cats act that way? Toby just loves to rub himself allllll over the floor lol.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hmmmmm....I'm thinking your 2 other guys may miss him as much or even more than you if he goes to your folks!!!!

I do understand about sometimes just having to keep the number of kitties/litterboxes/mouthes to feed at a certain number. I'd probably end up 2 shy of hoarding (KIDDING - mostly) if I kept every foster/TNR kitty/kitty from the shelter I wanted to if my hubby weren't around to inject reality into my whining for "just this one" (although HE'S the one who brought the last little one inside for good :yess:). But I certainly think Toby just loves you - -and just loves your other 2 babies!:hugs: And couldn't be happier or more relaxed and comfy in your home (I think that pic of him on your couch says that!! What a CUTIE!!!). Maybe you reverse the order and bring him in with your crew first, and if it just doesn't work - - THEN he goes to your parents. Just an option... ;)

They seriously do look very happy together! And it's likely that the little "smacks/love taps" on the head are just little reminders about who's at the top of the kitty hierarchy ladder, nothing more. Or - you might have nailed it when you said it tends to happen when they get hyper - if it's not a little hierarchy reminding, it's like it literally is happening because they've gotten overstimulated and their energy is at 120% and needs to be released somehow....kinda like a pack of kindergarteners at a birthday party, jacked up on KoolAid and cupcakes - - that energy's gotta get let out somehow! :)

And that rolling around on the ground - - it's thought that it's usually done for 1 of 3 reasons. 1: when they're itchy it scratches itches they just can't reach so it feels GOOD! 2: it's sometimes done right after mating (don't think that's happening with your fixed babies) 3: showing that sweet furry unprotected underbelly to you and the other kitties says "I trust you completely!" 4: it's an invitation to play! In other words -- (maybe with the exception of #2) - - all VERY wonderful signs that show they're all happy campers with you AND each other!!!

I just can't wait to see where this story goes!!! (why don't I ever have the issue of "just too many places this kitty can be loved" when I'm fostering!??!?) It's SOOOO nice to see threads that have GOOD problems like this. :heartshape:
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  • #40


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
Hehe well kittychick kittychick I was kind of thinking the same thing! I think they would miss him if he left seeing as after I come on and they say hi to me they run to the door so they can go out and say hi to him :lol:. My mom called me last night and said she really loves him and either way it goes wants to help me with buying food for him to eat. He is a BIG boy and I feed him dry food in the morning, and at night he easily devours 2 of the big 5.5oz cans of wet food. So today she will be bringing by the big cans of friskies, and fancy feast too! She also mentioned buying him some dry food as well.

And well I can say I don't think its the scratching as my cat toby (the smaller white and grey one) does this EVERY SINGLE time I let him out on the patio haha. It is the first thing he does, he will take like 1 step out and Boom drop to the ground and roll around. Also he will walk to the other end of the patio and do the same thing hehe. And yes the slapping I think happened because I was playing with Thomas the stray and I think he got a little too excited with the catnip toys and poor Toby was right there so he got boxed...but Toby actually gave the slaps back :crackup:so they just looked like two girls having a smack fight (no Claws).

I do also notice Thomas wants back outside after a while. But he never leaves the grassy park that is about 30 feet from my patio. He will stay there or hang out on top of my car hood right in front of my apartment. I am thinking about moving possibly by the end of this year, so one thought is that I might just continue feeding, grooming, socializing and letting him in more and more and then if I move to a bigger place then possibly just take him with me and make him indoor completely. But in my tiny apartment at the moment it would just not work :(. But I am thinking about future options because he is a sweet guy. And he always Meows so loudly when he sees me...he has yet to coo or chirrup at my two cats, but my two are extremely chatty with him.

My parents are coming over tonight though so we will see if my dad can be patient and behave himself :wink: