Is It That Time?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 12, 2013
The cat I'm talking about is a 16-year-old male named Sammy. He's a pretty good-sized old man, about 15lbs, and a real pig when he eats, which he does with gusto. At times he seems to have the energy of a kitten, but those times are becoming fewer and farther between. The biggest problem is when he goes to the bathroom. Going pee or poo, he screams and yowls, and it just breaks my heart to hear it. He sounds like he's really hurting. He is also often constipated, but I treat that with wet food when I can.

Now, I know what all of you are going to say: Take him to the vet. And I absolutely would! IF I could afford it. I've found nothing in my area that offers help for vet care. And... even if he was diagnosed with something, I couldn't afford to treat it.

I know I sound heartless, summing up my cat's life in dollar signs, but I don't know what else to do! I don't want him to be in pain. Yet again, I don't want to jump the gun if it's something you think he can live with. Is it? Will he be all right as he is? Or is it time to let go of my dear companion and guide him across the bridge?

Also, I'd like to make one thing clear: I did NOT adopt my cats knowing I couldn't provide for them. Due to the deaths of my parents, nine and one year ago, I was left in this situation. I've already been scolded once, I would rather avoid a repeat, please.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 9, 2020
I'm not sure where you're based; but I know people here have some great resources about how you can get some vet help when you just don't have the funds.

I think the problem is, there's so many possibilities, it's hard to know what it could be without some medical assessment. I think some of these possibilities may even be treatable without large amounts of funds.

Another option might be to discuss with local rescues? It's a tricky one, and not something I'm suggesting lightly. But it does sound as if he is suffering, and I would want to find out if there was anything I could do to stop that myself.

I hope this helps :alright:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 12, 2013
I just feel so helpless, P PuffandPercy ... I listen to him every morning and curse at myself because I can't take him to the vet. I'm autistic, so those calls to rescues are difficult for me; phones and people terrify me. But I'll brave them for my Sammy.

You guys seem trustworthy, so I'll tell you I'm in Bakersfield, CA. We have some wonderful rescues here, but they're inundated with pets right now. People had been adopting cats and dogs during quarantine then giving them back when they had to return to work. A lot of them it's difficult to actually get a person on the line, merely robots.

Part of my disability... the nervousness comes from not knowing what to say. What do I SAY if I can find other places to contact? How do I phrase it? I... don't know what I'm asking, sorry, rambling... -_- Hope you got something from that.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 5, 2020
You could say, "Hi, my parents died and left their elderly cat in my care. I think he's sick, and I can't afford treatment. Do you know of any resources?" (The voicemail version would be, "Hi, my parents died and left their elderly cat in my care. I think he's sick, and I can't afford treatment. I'm hoping you can connect me with some resources. My phone number is ...") You can also email. Maybe email all the rescues you can find, since they're probably closed by now anyway, and then call tomorrow. Who knows - by the time you get up, maybe one will have emailed you back with some ideas or information!

Often, rescues will accept surrenders in these circumstances because if the cat is in the rescue org's care, their vet can treat him for free or at reduced cost.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
OK...did a quick search for you, and found this...Am giving you the actual search results.

Take a look at these, as at least one of them states "Free exams." Treatment would not be free, but you would at least know what you are dealing with, and could make much better decisions. Once you know what is going on with Sammy, we may be able to suggest things to make him more comfortable. Right now, we're just guessing, and that could be bad.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 12, 2013
Thank you so much eva21513 eva21513 and Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 ! I'll certainly call those vets tomorrow and try to set up an appointment. There's one that does free wellness checks on there! I'll try them first. I really, really appreciate all your help and will certainly keep you guys apprised of the situation, if you like!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 12, 2013
I called. One was no longer serving the community, sadly, and the others remain too expensive. I asked, but the only "resources" they told me about were things like CareCredit and ScratchPay. I'm sure those are wonderful for some people, but again, too expensive for me. It was something I looked into previously, but A. It's too expensive, and B. I have no credit score, so I doubt I would be accepted. ^^;;

I plan to call one of the no-kill shelters to ask next; didn't think of it this morning. Talking to the receptionists was really scary because they gave off this "We're too busy to give a damn about your sh*t" aura, and here I am stumbling over my words and forgetting things!

While it's too expensive this month, I should be able to take him the next (long story short, my payee only gives me about $80–$100 per month, and I have to make do with that for myself and two cats). So thank you very much for pointing me towards these vets! They have great reviews as well! I just hope they're as nice as they are skilled. 😄