Introducing Tux; the cat who wears a tuxedo!


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
The metal spiral in my monthly planner, which lies open on my desk!
I don't know what it is but they love those things!

I agree that I would free feed him for a while.

It has only been 10 days since he has been home.. and was neutered on 9/11---- 18 days ago..
One month ago, he was wondering the streets.. So much has happened to him in such a short period of time.. and he had his brother with him-- to play with....
This is definitely a lot of it. He is even still within the 30 days hormone drop off period.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
sigh... scratches and bites on my right leg.. I have a dermatologist appointment this week. He is going to go crazy when he see all the bites and scratches... yes, all have drawn blood....
I am starting to tell him: I am going to send you back to kitty jail.. or I am going to send you to the kitty Correctional department.. kind of feeling it in my soul.. then he looks so darn cute....sigh..

What am I going to do? Hissing only makes him worse. When he latches on, I cannot get him off of me.. If I do, he immediately comes back for a return of biting and scratching.. yes, almost as if he were fighting with another cat....

He is fearless. If only I could find something he was afraid of.. I know that would help solve the problem, really fast.

As Kwik Kwik suggested: free feeding him today... ate almost a full small can of FF and some dry. I left out almost 1/2 cup. Tux is nibbling it, as the day goes on. He chowed down at first, then leveled off. I will free feed him from now on, unless the Vet tells me otherwise...

Too warm in here to wear long sleeves and long pants with socks.... It seems I have to 'armor up" as soon as I wake up...

Gave some Jackson Galaxy Feral Calming stuff this morning, in his breakfast.. Just came home, at 2;30pm and gave him some calming treats. The Feliway was running in a closed apartment all day..Now windows are open.

It has only been 10 days since he has been home.. and was neutered on 9/11---- 18 days ago..
One month ago, he was wondering the streets.. So much has happened to him in such a short period of time.. and he had his brother with him-- to play with....
Yes, a month is not long. And 10 days is probably not long enough for his hormonal changes to occur. "Several weeks" may need to pass before this happens.
Just FYI, but I'd be very cautious about telling your doctor about bites & scratches. I told our vet about a beloved boy biting me and he admonished me, saying our boy should have gone through quarantine. So I will NEVER tell anyone in the medical racket, either human or veterinary, about any bites or scratches. It's so easy to clean the area well, apply peroxide and antibiotic cream, and allow healing. I will NEVER risk my loved ones' safety/security.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Yeah, Tux is very unpredictable. This morning, I called him to bed when I woke up. He does not sleep with me.
He was good for a few minutes then, with me just lying there, he attacked me! I mean it. I had to pull the sheet up above my head.. saying NO.. He still attacked, through the sheet! I did not have anything to throw at him, I was afraid to pull out my arm.. he was really bad...

Kwik Kwik You may have something there about free feeding. I always 'free' fed, but thought I could just do timed feeding for this one.. I do not think it works with him.
I also feel you are in tune with his psyche, and how he grew up.. Psychologically, he is still a kitten--- wanting to play, but not knowing how to or boundaries. He was on the street for too long, so he has become fearless, to all things.
I say NO so many times that currently, it is just a noise to him. As far as redirecting him, How do I do that.. Do I have to wear a bag and carry mice and stuff around with me constantly?

Yesterday was a new 'biting' item; The metal spiral in my monthly planner, which lies open on my desk! He is still at it. I said NO, gave him a Yeow Banana-- nothing, but he stopped. He then pushed the banana off, and proceeded to go at it with the banana for about 30 seconds.

I have Feliway running in both my living room and bedroom. I am pulling it out when I have the windows open..
I got Jackson Galaxy's Feral calming drops.. Started them yesterday afternoon-- nope.. Put some in his breakfast-- nope....
On Friday, I tried a couple of calming treats-- chamomile--- nope....

A woman in here has a really feral cat. She said it took 4 months before she could touch him; and is still very aggressive. So, I guess Tux is just a semi-Feral unsocialized kitten Alpha-Cat wanna be..

He can be so darn cute at times--- when he is sleeping! I can touch, pet, and kiss him.. up to a certain point.. When awake, the Devil comes out..

I wish I could find something he was afraid of.. so far, he has no fear at all, of Anything! I just noticed he knocked over my dad picture which is on top of a small hutch!! and my mom's picture which was on a shelf.. Dam cat!

WE woke up around 5am.. it is now 6:45Am and he is still running around, crazy.. I swear it lasts 2 hours! Gotta go see if I can teach him how to play: Chase!
I promise you,he is going to change - forget under the sheets- all he knows is there's movement under there,lol He's hunter hunter mode..... as he begins to acclimate to his new environment ( which btw can be a minimum of 30 days but between 60 and 90 days they will be more focused on having a relationship than
staking his claims ..... he looks and acts like he is fearless but he isnt,he looks confident but you can bet hes insecure- its far too early for him to truly feel " safe "and he still has " establishing " to do..... he probably runs all over the place because he's not yet familiar enough to relax..another cat might hide and avoid,Tux will hunt ,looking for prey .... I'm thrilled he's a reliable litter box user,major plus's...not a hider and good box habits!!!Those 2 attributes are terrific

" No" has to matter- only say it when he can associate the negative " word" with what he's doing...... he's not going to associate " No" with chewing something you'd prefer him not to because he can't differentiate one thing is okay to chew yet something else is not - that's when you need " replacements" they are more appealing to him that the spiral of the notebook- but use a deterrent( Scratch No or Cat Away) so things you don't want him to chew have an unpleasant taste & scent---- you soak a tissue or little piece of cloth with a spray deterrejt,don't waste your " No"'s or your energy on what the environmental can teach hlm

Do you want him on your bed? Cats prefer to sleep away from where they eat,,drink or litter- so if you don't want him jumping on the bed then you can keep a little dish of food up there so he could jump up for some snacking

I think you have to teach him how to play with a wand before you can distract- with my crazy little Jinx I used to have a wand with bells and would really play hard like prey and he'd go wild- so those bells were a great distraction when hed get spicy(& yes,there's always toys in my left pocket & treats in my right when I'm training)- I still keep treats in my pocket,lol

I don't think Feliway has ever worked with any of mine- I'm not a fan of any oil type plug ins or aerosols.... however,with Comfort Zone( pump spray) I've seen results.....and 50/50 you'll hear pheromone sprays & diffusers do not affect kittens- I'm with that 50%,also catnip( which imo makes them crazier before they chill from it )..

Get creative artiemom artiemom - let the environment teach him as much as possiible-Ive set up some pretty elaborate booby traps in my day as I'm opposed to any cat having fear of me- respect or reverence but not fear- deterrents are beneficial in environmental training- what they are doing has a negative result,better " it" than you!

Kicker toys will probably be right up Tux's alley....if he charges use a kicker for him to grab onto......My cats hate when I say " eh eh" in a sharp tone but they are not afraid,,they only want to hear " good boy- good girl" so be sure to use positive praise for when he is good---with a treat!He will learn to recognize your unhappy voice only if he also hears your happy voice - happy voice is rewarding!,Correction is absolutely useless without reward as well

Be encouraged,he is going to be a good boy❤
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May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Just FYI, but I'd be very cautious about telling your doctor about bites & scratches. I told our vet about a beloved boy biting me and he admonished me, saying our boy should have gone through quarantine. So I will NEVER tell anyone in the medical racket, either human or veterinary, about any bites or scratches.
The very same thing happened to me but it was an accident. I was giving Carleton his nightly b.p. pill when he tried to push my hand away. His claw got stuck in between my fingers at the base of my hand and the more I tried to free his paw the worse the pain became. We were both frightened. I had difficulty moving two of my fingers, they swelled up and hurt for days. I considered seeing a hand specialist. It was shortly after this I had to bring Carleton in for a blood pressure reading and I told the vet what happened. Both she and the vet tech told me not to go to the hand specialist because they would report it to Animal Control and he'd be put in quarantine. I would have rather moved to another state than allowed Carleton to be quarantined. So the moral of the story is be careful who you tell what happened to until you know the laws in your state. I'm not saying this to worry you, just to be aware of the possibilities and know who you can trust.

As it turned out I did see a hand specialist but didn't tell the truth at first. His assistant told me they see patients with dog and cat accidents all the time and put my mind at ease. So my story had a happy ending, i.e. I was not only able to trust the doctor but my fingers did eventually heal.

Cat McCannon

TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 28, 2021
Tux is a very handsome boy. He doesn’t have any feral tendencies in him, or he’d have little to do with you. He’s simply a rambunctious energetic “teen”. You and Tux are bonding amazingly deep and quick. You’re both blessed to have each other


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
More compassionate wisdom, Kwik Kwik :thanks: Yes, a treat reinforces good behaviors and we want those, not anything our cats regard as negative, right?
Just FYI, my cats have always loved "breakfast in (on) bed" so the no sleeping near eating places doesn't apply here. Suha, Elvis and Fluff loved/love eating on the bed!
Lol- I'm sure they don't sleep near the dish..... mine have a dish of food at the foot of the bed- they too love breakfast in bed.... they sleep up top by the pillows


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Yes, a month is not long. And 10 days is probably not long enough for his hormonal changes to occur. "Several weeks" may need to pass before this happens.
Just FYI, but I'd be very cautious about telling your doctor about bites & scratches. I told our vet about a beloved boy biting me and he admonished me, saying our boy should have gone through quarantine. So I will NEVER tell anyone in the medical racket, either human or veterinary, about any bites or scratches. It's so easy to clean the area well, apply peroxide and antibiotic cream, and allow healing. I will NEVER risk my loved ones' safety/security.
When it's your own cat & you're bitten Animal Control simply asks if they are an indoor cat and may or may not ask for proof of Rabies vax.... scratches they are not even concerned about with your indoor cat.....and yes,some States may vary a little but it's just about rabies

I can't begin to recollect how many times I've had rabies shots from being bitten by wild animals(& some ferals)..Hospitals are required to report " animal bites".... last year when my head was sliced n diced by Timmy Animal Control contacted me and I told them not to bother me- A) there was no bite and B) it's my indoor vaccinated cat!She apllogized but said thd hospital wrote cat bite....Then I got in my car FURIOUS and drove to the hospital to speak to customer relations- I got an apology because it was NOT a bite from an outdoor cat! Don't give false information!

So I'm sure everyone's cats here are vaccinated indoor cats- no worries.....

Many States will not quarantine for Animal bites if the animal is captured,they euthanize to see if it has rabies- there is no test for a live animal,only way is to sample brain tissue
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I had a bite from Artie, once which turned into a full blown infection. He came home from having a dental. I was getting him some food. He was high on rain relievers. He was rubbing my legs, and just hauled off and bit me. One week later, I was in the ER.. I was embarrassed. Even though he was my own house cat; rabies up to date; I had to fill out a form. They wanted the name of my Vet... I was so fearful they would take him away from me-- But that was the end of that..
Now, when/if I get a bite scratch, I immediately use soap & water, peroxide and alcohol BEFORE antibiotic ointment and a bandaid..
Yesterday, I was gone for a good part of the day. Tux was alone.. I decided to free feed him. It worked out well. He ate the same amount that I would have normally given him.
I also tried the Jackson Galaxy Feral Drops. I put the required amount of it in his wet food. He ate it.. I also used it a couple of times: In morning, and at night.
When I came home, he was looking ok, but it was play time. I was worried about another attack.. I have some Calming treats--- Chamomile. I gave him several.. It worked!! No attack!!
When I was giving him his evening wet food, I added a few more drops--- since he nibbles it... No attack.. a nice calm kitty!! It took the 'edge' off...

This morning; I was expecting an attack in bed. He ALMOST attacked my feet; but stopped.. I got up, immediately, put my "armor" on--- long sleeve flannel shirt, leggings.. We played, he ate some wet food with the JG liquid Drops.. He seems good.. alert, inquisitive, active....

Fingers crossed.

One thing: He now has learned what "Treats" are.... and he is learning that: "Num-Nums", "Nummy" means food...

If he can stay like this; I would be so happy. I can pet him, watching for signs.. and not get scratched.

We will see what the Vet says tomorrow. A lot of questions for him...

Kwik Kwik My clothes do not have pockets. I wear leggings.. Shirts do not have pockets-- t-shirts...

I did find one thing Tux is afraid of: My long reacher.. I accidentally found this out, trying to grab a ball. I used the closing "Click Click Click" in his face.. thinking he may feel this is a toy.. Nope, the grabbing mechanism scared him, and he backed away, ears down.
Wonder if he was thinking of running away from a coyote-- We have many around here.



Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
My goodness he's adorable artiemom artiemom

You needn't cross your fingies( lol)a couple of my colleagues have had very good results with Galaxy's calming drops( & I believe them because none of us are fans of the guy)

I think your wise to wear long sleeves but I do not foresee this behavior escalating- he's unfamilar,insecure,immature & simply needs to learn some manners and a little help from the drops is perfect for right now- I'm sure ontop of hunter mode when he gets overstimulated ( on his own,lol)he feels stressed & anxious---- he has to settle in to his new surroundings and his testosterone levels are not helping either.....this will all pass,be positive and encouraged - it will

Do you have a little fanny pack you can put around your waste? I used to use one when I'd make rounds at different facilities and had no pockets or when I worked with canines( large breeds- big treats,lol)

Sounds like it's going very well- look at that face,he's just darling


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 3, 2024
Near a Cat, Always
When it's your own cat & you're bitten Animal Control simply asks if they are an indoor cat and may or may not ask for proof of Rabies vax.... scratches they are not even concerned about with your indoor cat.....and yes,some States may vary a little but it's just about rabies

I can't begin to recollect how many times I've had rabies shots from being bitten by wild animals(& some ferals)..Hospitals are required to report " animal bites".... last year when my head was sliced n diced by Timmy Animal Control contacted me and I told them not to bother me- A) there was no bite and B) it's my indoor vaccinated cat!She apllogized but said thd hospital wrote cat bite....Then I got in my car FURIOUS and drove to the hospital to speak to customer relations- I got an apology because it was NOT a bite from an outdoor cat! Don't give false information!

So I'm sure everyone's cats here are vaccinated indoor cats- no worries.....

Many States will not quarantine for Animal bites if the animal is captured,they euthanize to see if it has rabies- there is no test for a live animal,only way is to sample brain tissue
We had an incidence here with ' Da Bird' wand toy. My husband was playing with Valentino he had the bird in his mouth by the little plastic piece the holds the feathers and my husband was afraid he'd swallow Valentino really acted like this was a real bird. My husband stuck his fingers in his mouth and got his finger bitten. This was the most gentle, mellow cat so it was accidental.My husband's finger swelled up, so he had to go to the doctor. We were both concerned about any kind of reporting, but she only wanted to know if he was and indoor cat and was up to date on vaccines. So maybe if he if he was outdoors and had access to people outside in would have been more of an issue? Thankfully everything worked out on all fronts.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
I wanted to introduce everyone to my little one: Tux; the kitty who wears a tuxedo!

Tux came home Wednesday, 9/18 at 8pm. It has been a real experience. He is young, around 14 months. In early September, he was found in the next city. Tux and his brother were being fed by a kind lady. She was able to bring Tux into her kitchen until the shelter could pick him up; but, his brother got away.... Tux was recently neutered, 9/11; so his litter box stinks to high heaven! Boy does it stink!!

I saw him by chance: I was disappointed and really wanted a different cat, but he went to a different home. I was devastated. Went down to thank one of the volunteers, who was trying to help me. She steered me in the direction of Tux. I took him in my arms, he purred immediately. I cannot say it was immediately love; it was more like an 'immediate' "I Want YOU!"... I wanted a younger cat; but not a kitten.. so I ended up with an older kitten who lost his mama too soon, and is partially socialized. I gothic before he went into the general adoption area, and before anyone else saw him!!

Tux has a lot of potential. I have discovered he was taken from his mom too soon. I have a fleece throw on the sofa with larger one which I cover up with at night. Tux jumps onto of the fleece, kneads like crazy, while suckling it... Yup, a sign that he lost his mom too soon.

Tux has not been fully socialized. He still bites and scratches. He is a needy cat. He craves love and attention. He follows me everywhere I go; is always in the same room as me. He loves to be loved---- but on his own terms. He purrs each time he is held. Tux jumped on my lap the first night. He does not know the meaning of "NO".. We are working on that. He is smart.

But, Tux wants and knows love. He craves it.. HE is smart. The first morning I was getting his breakfast, he jumped on the counter. I gently picked him up, saying "NO, you do not jump up here". He has not done that again. I showed him where he can sit and look out. It is on top of my air conditioner, white my desk next to it.. Tux loves both.. right now he is lazing on top of the AC unit!

We are working on the NO word. He is funny.. he makes me laugh. He loves his wand toys. The laser drives him crazy! He is a good eater. Weighs only 10 lbs, has a a shortish plushy squirrel like tail.

Tux jumps into the recliner when I get up! The other day, I almost sat on him!! When I am sitting on the sofa, he is next to me. Occasionally he jumps on my lap. He slept on my lap for an hour, on Friday. He is always with me. When he thinks it is time for bed, he runs in, jumps on the bed--- right where I get in! I have to squish him over. He will sleep at my feet.. not really touching, but there... During the day, when I lie down, he will jump on the bed with me, putting his little face in the palm of my outstretched hand.

Tux know what a litter box is for. He loves his food. Right now I am giving him pretty much the same as the shelter: Purina Plus (ugh) kitten dry & Fancy Feast. He gets one can of FF twice a day, and 1/3 cup of dry twice a day. I tried some Hills kitten salmon this morning--- no go for either of us. The smell was disgusting. He only ate a tiny bit, and covered it up.. He had some Friskies chunks in the shelter-- not a fan of it. I tried one can at home, nope. I mean, he ate it, but it took a while. He gobbles his food. I would love to feed him a good food, but as I was feeding prescription food for 2 kitties, I am at a loss.

He has a Vet Appointment on 10/2. It is with someone Dr B's secretary uses!!! So grateful for her!! She has been a godsend.. Took care of everything for me!!

Tux is just starting to calm down. His eyes and body were on constant high alert for 3 days. This is the beginning of our 4th day together. As with a feral, you could not look him straight on. He would get aggressive and fight. He still does when he is overstimulated. He has to calm down. He went after my feet and legs Friday! I had to use an empty paper towel roll to his rump, in order for him to stop. Now, we are slowly learning each others ways. I am using the little bop on his nose or top of his head, when he starts--- as what a mother cat would do to a kitten.

Tux does not know what a scratcher is. I think it is the first time he has seen a rug. He is using my rug as a scratcher.. sigh; he will learn..
He is just starting to learn how to play.. I discovered yesterday, that he loves boxes. This morning, I found out he loves paper bags!
He has his balls, his Jackson Galaxy cuddler, a pickle, a Yeow banana, a chew mouse. I do not think catnip affects him. I got him a cat tree, but he has yet to realize it is for him to climb. I keep putting him up there.

All in all, he is keeping me quite busy! His litter is everywhere. I need to find a high sided, not huge litter box. I may just buy one of those boxes that has the rim around it. He pees quite often and poops during the night.. Lucky me---- another cat who wakes me up to tell me that his box is full or that he pooped!! I am so lucky!! He also loves to play at that time of night!! yikes..

Tux loves the tub!! And is fascinated with the shower! Thursday morning, as I was showering, I looked down and saw a black & white face peeking at me from between the shower curtain and liner!! He loves the dripping faucet. No, I am not going to get him a fountain.. He is giving me enough work as it is. But, I really love him. He greets me when I return! He runs to me..

He is a little moldable older kitten. I hope his feral tendencies leave soon. He is really sweet, deep down. That part really wants to come out. This is all a new experience to me.. I feel like a novice cat owner..

Tux and I are going to grow together, learn together and love together. `

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oh Cindy, he is sooooo sweet!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Tux is so cute! I love him!!! I got 6 ferals & they are absolutely not allowed to hurt me. And they are not allowed in my clean clothes tote! And they are not allowed on the table during my dishes hour twice a day! It took them a while to learn, but I'm strict about what I want, and they know they better listen. Their Grandpa lets them do whatever they want when I'm gone every weekend. 🤣


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Just FYI, my cats have always loved "breakfast in (on) bed" so the no sleeping near eating places doesn't apply here. Suha, Elvis and Fluff loved/love eating on the bed!
LOL, my Staxxie will grab a BIG mouthful of kibbles, and bring it to bed with him so he can snack during the day, while I am sleeping. I had NEVER run across that before!


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
artiemom artiemom he's going to learn from doing exactly what you are doing - it will take time for him to learn what pleases you and what does not,he really doesn't know you yet.....

Keep being consistent and in the meanwhile wear protection and pay close attention .... every single assistant I've ever had I always told them to expect getting bitten or scratched and keep yourself safe until they trust you and you trust them( that goes for any animal thst has teeth,claws or other concealed weapons( Iguana tails,lol- beaks)..... you're learning his language,he's learning yours

You're doing everything right,give it time's a bit harder with a single cat like Tuxxy because there's no other cats to teach him boundaries as well and to watch n learn- but it does result in an even stronger bond because you are his companion- he doesn't have his own kind to pounce on and be a cat so he had to learn you're not a cat,it's not acceptable..... he will,once he knows what does get him affection and attention he will realize what does not...

You are so used to cats like Artie and Geoffry so no doubt it's overwhelming and frustrating but those were different and long time relationships- Tux will be just as trustworthy as they were because you are the common denominator in the equation

Everyone of my cats are all different,but everyone of them have never been hiders,they all know their respective place and they all trust me- I'm the common denominator in every equation.... I couldn't possibly have a cat that hides because they trust me no matter their individual personalities

Tux will trust you,respect you and his world will be YOU just by being YOU- you're no novice,now that the " surprise " is over and you know what your dealing with just be patient,stay positive and know that though he's got big shoes to fill he will - he'll just make a different paw print on your heart
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  • #99


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Today, Is Tux's Vet appointment Day! Tons of questions.. including insurance.. Looking at quotes yesterday. I think I will seriously look at either Pet's Best or Embrace. After having 2 very sick cats, I need unlimited coverage.

I put Tux on my lap last evening. I was covered with a fleece throw. Again, on 3 separate occasions, he repeatedly kneaded and suckled at the same time. He was taken from his mama too soon.

Free feeding-- he is preferring the dry rather than the wet--- not good for a male cat, although he does drink a fair amount of water and pees about 4 times a day. With free feeding, he is consuming about the same amount of food that he would if it was timed feeding!

This morning, he was after me to get up--- he bites when he wants me up. I was lying on my side. Tux crawled under the sheet, giving lots of 'play' bites to my feet and lower legs. I stayed perfectly still, controlled my breathing. I did not move a muscle.. Finally, he walked away, to find mischief somewhere else.

I finally found a way to stop him from biting my feet/legs, when I am sitting down. I have a kicker next to me. I just grabbed it, without moving my legs/feet, and threw it kind of near him. It was from a higher height, so it scared him.. He jumped a mile straight up in the air, like a Halloween cat! It was so funny!! He left me, of course..
Again, he tried to bit my feet, I grabbed my grabber, opening and closing it.. He is frightened of it!! Kind of like "Jaws"..That stopped it.
He was also at my kitchen sink dishes--- again with the grabber.. He ran, ears back..

He is just truly feral and wild for several hours in the morning. Nothing stops him.. nothing at all.
Evening, he is a touch mellower.. The calming treats take a while to kick in. Once they do, he is really cute to look at while he sleeps.

No calming treats, JG stuff until after the Vet. I may not need them because he gets his distemper booster today..
He may be a bit quieter (fingers crossed, so my battle scars can heal)... hopefully. I also want the Vet to check for fleas.. He had one dose of Revolution, and it is time for the second dose. I do not see an extra scratching-- but...

I had to order the long gloves from Chewy. My hands are really sore from the scratches and bites. My legs are a mess also.. Just waiting for one to get infected...

I am still telling Tux that if he does not "shape" up, he is going to the Kitty Correctional Institute....


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Today, Is Tux's Vet appointment Day! Tons of questions.. including insurance.. Looking at quotes yesterday. I think I will seriously look at either Pet's Best or Embrace. After having 2 very sick cats, I need unlimited coverage.

I put Tux on my lap last evening. I was covered with a fleece throw. Again, on 3 separate occasions, he repeatedly kneaded and suckled at the same time. He was taken from his mama too soon.

Free feeding-- he is preferring the dry rather than the wet--- not good for a male cat, although he does drink a fair amount of water and pees about 4 times a day. With free feeding, he is consuming about the same amount of food that he would if it was timed feeding!

This morning, he was after me to get up--- he bites when he wants me up. I was lying on my side. Tux crawled under the sheet, giving lots of 'play' bites to my feet and lower legs. I stayed perfectly still, controlled my breathing. I did not move a muscle.. Finally, he walked away, to find mischief somewhere else.

I finally found a way to stop him from biting my feet/legs, when I am sitting down. I have a kicker next to me. I just grabbed it, without moving my legs/feet, and threw it kind of near him. It was from a higher height, so it scared him.. He jumped a mile straight up in the air, like a Halloween cat! It was so funny!! He left me, of course..
Again, he tried to bit my feet, I grabbed my grabber, opening and closing it.. He is frightened of it!! Kind of like "Jaws"..That stopped it.
He was also at my kitchen sink dishes--- again with the grabber.. He ran, ears back..

He is just truly feral and wild for several hours in the morning. Nothing stops him.. nothing at all.
Evening, he is a touch mellower.. The calming treats take a while to kick in. Once they do, he is really cute to look at while he sleeps.

No calming treats, JG stuff until after the Vet. I may not need them because he gets his distemper booster today..
He may be a bit quieter (fingers crossed, so my battle scars can heal)... hopefully. I also want the Vet to check for fleas.. He had one dose of Revolution, and it is time for the second dose. I do not see an extra scratching-- but...

I had to order the long gloves from Chewy. My hands are really sore from the scratches and bites. My legs are a mess also.. Just waiting for one to get infected...

I am still telling Tux that if he does not "shape" up, he is going to the Kitty Correctional Institute....
Haha- I tell mine their going to live somewhere else when I'm not feeling patient - they don't believe it though,especially Sami( thinks his cuteness gives him a free pass to be irritating- he's not wrong,lol)