Elvis and I welcomed Mr. Fluffy Fluff into our family on June 3. He is adopted from Stray Cat Alliance, a wonderful cat advocacy, rescue and adoption group based in Los Angeles, CATifornia. He's 2, neutered, of course!, and as you can see, absolutely gorgeous. They sniffed noses through his carrier when he first arrived, and there were no hisses from either. I'd wanted to adopt a friend for lonely Elvis since our beloved Suha left us, but needed to wait until our former roomies moved and I got a few home maintenance projects done. I have always done the up-to-2-week introduction from a safe room that experts suggest, but Elvis and Mr. Fluffy decided right away that it wasn't going to be necessary. Mr. Fluffy spent the first night in his safe room so I wouldn't have to deal with any potential late-thirty matters, but since then, he's been "at large" and Elvis isn't at all bothered by Mr. Fluffy's decision to use HIS favorite box, even though he has his own in the safe room and there are a total of 6 boxes in the house! They are eating each other's food and drinking each other's water, too. Hey, if it works, don't fix it, right?
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