We have a 10 YO Resident Cat (RC) that lost his brother 3 months ago. We never thought he LOVED his brother, but he definitely liked the company and loved to play with him. He was exhibiting all the signs of loneliness and depression, the most alarming of which was excessive licking, to the point of having bald spots and sores. We have always said that he is a bit OCD; SUPER curious about everything and will not let something go until he has it completely figured out. He has always seemed a bit indifferent to the outside neighbor cats; we thought he would be ok with a buddy. So 7 days ago, we decided to get another kitty from the same rescue that we got RC and brother. We picked out 3 YO New Cat (NC) because he was so chill with all the other kitties in the communal shelter they came from. NC is a complete love bug and we have instantly bonded to him. We watched/read tons of info and are following Jackson Galaxy's recommendations. NC is in my husband's office. Here's where we are:
- Scent swapping with 2 towels that we put in their beds & swap out every 2 days. Neither seems to mind that, although RC spends lots of time sniffing when they are freshly swapped.
- Site swapping daily. RC sniffs everything, then seems indifferent. We give him his heated sleeping pad and he ends up napping. We play with each cat both in their own areas and in the others' area. We have been doing this for a couple hours a day. That seems to be ok.
- Feeding. We are currently feeding wet food 8-12" on either side of a baby gate with a towel raised about 2" or so. NC eats fine and is curious about RC. RC eats, but keeps stopping to look at NC. RC goes back to eating, sometimes on his own but often needing encouragement. RC eats 90% of his food, then either walks several feet away and stares at the baby gate or completely walks away.
Through all of this, NC seems completely fine with RC. He is a bit shy, but brave & curious. He just came from a communal shelter with lots of cats, so he is used to other kitties. He will sit by the baby gate with his back to RC. RC seems a bit obsessed - stares at the closed door/baby gate, sniffs around the bottom, etc. RC does eventually go to his favorite areas to lounge, sleep, etc.
We thought things were going so well that we tried the Eat Play Love thing - got RC playing in the common area and then tried to bring NC in while playing. Nope. RC was completely obsessed with NC and started hissing/growling, could not be distracted. It appeared that a fight was going to ensue, so we separated them. We are not sure how to go from here. Our questions are:
1. It kinda seems like RC has now accepted the routine of eating "under duress" by the baby gate and often stopping to watch/listen to NC eat. It is difficult to tell whether it is "staring" or not. RC has always been the type of cat to easily get distracted by noises while eating. So it takes him way longer to eat than NC. I guess we are unsure whether or not we should have the towel raised any or not.
2. Should we wait until they can 100% eat peacefully, side-by-side, with no towel on the baby gate before trying the eat-play-love thing? I know that Jackson Galaxy says that, but from reading posts here, it sounds like others have tried face-to-face before that?
3. Should we continue playing with RC when he is in NC's area? Or should we let him sniff and then relax?
We were hoping to be able to introduce these 2 boys within the week we had off for Thanksgiving, but that may have been an ambitious goal. We both go back to work tomorrow. I work at home and am going to try to do the swapping & morning feeding on my own. We are SUPER concerned about NC's mental health, being cooped up in the office. The office is not far from the living room. We can hear him mewing when we watch tv at night. He wants to be with us; it is heartbreaking. We have even talked about considering giving NC back to the rescue, thinking that might be best for him (but we really love NC already). In rewatching Galaxy's videos, we realized we should probably take away RC's dry kibble during the day. So he is good and hungry when he eats near the baby gate. He normally eats a few pieces of kibble throughout the day. I guess we are looking for ideas, answers to the questions above, encouragement.... anything. I will also admit that we are nervous because we tried introductions twice in the past with a previous cat and they failed miserably. However, that was pre-internet days and we now know that we did just about everything wrong back then.
- Scent swapping with 2 towels that we put in their beds & swap out every 2 days. Neither seems to mind that, although RC spends lots of time sniffing when they are freshly swapped.
- Site swapping daily. RC sniffs everything, then seems indifferent. We give him his heated sleeping pad and he ends up napping. We play with each cat both in their own areas and in the others' area. We have been doing this for a couple hours a day. That seems to be ok.
- Feeding. We are currently feeding wet food 8-12" on either side of a baby gate with a towel raised about 2" or so. NC eats fine and is curious about RC. RC eats, but keeps stopping to look at NC. RC goes back to eating, sometimes on his own but often needing encouragement. RC eats 90% of his food, then either walks several feet away and stares at the baby gate or completely walks away.
Through all of this, NC seems completely fine with RC. He is a bit shy, but brave & curious. He just came from a communal shelter with lots of cats, so he is used to other kitties. He will sit by the baby gate with his back to RC. RC seems a bit obsessed - stares at the closed door/baby gate, sniffs around the bottom, etc. RC does eventually go to his favorite areas to lounge, sleep, etc.
We thought things were going so well that we tried the Eat Play Love thing - got RC playing in the common area and then tried to bring NC in while playing. Nope. RC was completely obsessed with NC and started hissing/growling, could not be distracted. It appeared that a fight was going to ensue, so we separated them. We are not sure how to go from here. Our questions are:
1. It kinda seems like RC has now accepted the routine of eating "under duress" by the baby gate and often stopping to watch/listen to NC eat. It is difficult to tell whether it is "staring" or not. RC has always been the type of cat to easily get distracted by noises while eating. So it takes him way longer to eat than NC. I guess we are unsure whether or not we should have the towel raised any or not.
2. Should we wait until they can 100% eat peacefully, side-by-side, with no towel on the baby gate before trying the eat-play-love thing? I know that Jackson Galaxy says that, but from reading posts here, it sounds like others have tried face-to-face before that?
3. Should we continue playing with RC when he is in NC's area? Or should we let him sniff and then relax?
We were hoping to be able to introduce these 2 boys within the week we had off for Thanksgiving, but that may have been an ambitious goal. We both go back to work tomorrow. I work at home and am going to try to do the swapping & morning feeding on my own. We are SUPER concerned about NC's mental health, being cooped up in the office. The office is not far from the living room. We can hear him mewing when we watch tv at night. He wants to be with us; it is heartbreaking. We have even talked about considering giving NC back to the rescue, thinking that might be best for him (but we really love NC already). In rewatching Galaxy's videos, we realized we should probably take away RC's dry kibble during the day. So he is good and hungry when he eats near the baby gate. He normally eats a few pieces of kibble throughout the day. I guess we are looking for ideas, answers to the questions above, encouragement.... anything. I will also admit that we are nervous because we tried introductions twice in the past with a previous cat and they failed miserably. However, that was pre-internet days and we now know that we did just about everything wrong back then.