Introducing Betty White


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Sep 7, 2018
Poor Betty is having a no good morning. She jumped down from third sleep to have a watery spit. I didn't think much of it after wiping it up. And by the time I woke again an hour later, half of breakfast was cleared. About an hour after that, she had another spit. Watery but also the food she ate. While I was cooking my breakfast, she finished her other half of breakfast. Well, I guess it was a mistake to let her. Because not much longer after that, she gave that back too. She's been letting out the sad mreow's right before. It's like maybe she has a hairball that's not passing. In any case, I'm going to give her more tummy rest before lunch. She will not get a second breakfast today. But maybe when I'm ready for lunch, she will be too. Half portions.


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
My gray Garfield is burrowed in there somewhere. I I know where because I played squish that mound when I came home. 😹
View attachment 492414
SO comfy and adorable!

IDK if you got my DM about my current state of affairs. My ex #2 turned up on my doorstep, his house and all contents burned to the ground, and so of course he's staying with me until further notice, and I won't be on TCS or responding for the time being. Just wanted to make sure you know so that my nonexistent responses aren't construed as anything else. Please give Betty lots of SNORGLES and hope to be back soonest, but have no idea when.


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Sep 7, 2018
SO comfy and adorable!

IDK if you got my DM about my current state of affairs. My ex #2 turned up on my doorstep, his house and all contents burned to the ground, and so of course he's staying with me until further notice, and I won't be on TCS or responding for the time being. Just wanted to make sure you know so that my nonexistent responses aren't construed as anything else. Please give Betty lots of SNORGLES and hope to be back soonest, but have no idea when.
Of course life takes priority. Best wishes to you both and hopefully he can get back on his feet quickly.


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Sep 7, 2018
We’re here at the vet. Betty’s got her poop catcher and I’m sure she’s locked and loaded for the doc. Doc is getting a fecal sample whether she asked for one or not. 😾💩👍
She’s got nervous lick lips going. I can’t tell if it’s just stress or if she’s about to yak.🤦🏼‍♂️😿


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Sep 7, 2018
Doc took her back and she’s probably providing her unasked fecal sample now. She’s also due for her vaccines to get her legal again. Doc came out and asked if I wanted to separate the vaccines out. And I told her Betty has enough vet visits planned in the near future. Let’s get them both today so she doesn’t have to have yet another vet visit this month. Next week she sees the dentist for a consult. Probably two weeks after that will be whatever procedures are recommended. And if any extractions, often a two week follow up after that.

Doc says Betty’s weight is down—her scale agrees with mine— but her muscle condition is still good. She would like Betty to gain back that half pound for insurance. But she also not too concerned if this is her new normal. She also floated the idea of possibly putting Betty back on steroids. “Let’s see what the dentist says first.” We both had that same comment.

I also realized in the office that today is her given birthday. I don’t really know when she was born. So I gave her her namesake’s birthday. Happy Birthdays, Bettys White! 🎂🎉 At the time of adoption in 2022, her age estimate was 4 to 6 years. I split the difference and inadvertently created a very memorable birthday: 1-17-17. Her gotcha day is next week. Indeed it was her namesake’s 100th birthday that brought her back into the news cycle and on my mind when I was thinking, “what am I going to name this white cat?” And the rest is herstory! 😻
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Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Happy Birthday, Betty! Your fur looks exceedingly soft & glossy! Glad to to hear you see the dentist soon, and think the vet and your owner made the right call on waiting on steroids. May ye soon both be home!


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Sep 7, 2018
Happy Birthday, Betty! Your fur looks exceedingly soft & glossy! Glad to to hear you see the dentist soon, and think the vet and your owner made the right call on waiting on steroids. May ye soon both be home!
Just realized when I got home that my watch, an old $15 Casio digital I bought for running, still hasn't coped with last year's leap year and I still haven't fixed it. Today is only the 16th. Whew! She can enjoy her birthday warm at home. And maybe lethargic from her vaccines. 😿 The bill came out to twice what I was expecting. Ooof! I submitted it to insurance. But it's all wellness which I don't have any wellness coverage. I put in the notes for the claim, "this is likely all wellness and not covered. but any little help would be appreciated." Even if they count this visit against my deductible, that would help. But I don't think they will. Still. Can't know for sure until I've tried.

Betty's "soft and glossy" fur above was right before the Great Sheddening. As soon as she was put on the exam table, she exploded in a cloud of sheddies. You could visibly see it flying off of her as the doc was examining and giving her much scritches. They love her there because she's not a fighter. She resists as much as you would expect any cat to do. But she doesn't come out fighting with hisses, teeth, or claws. She's a little wiggly. But for the most part, she just succumbs to her fate and will let the doc give her all the post-exam scritches while doc is talking to me about her. She actually didn't provide a fecal this time. She didn't yak. She didn't pee herself. She did very well. She was very quiet on the ride home. And has been intermittently vocal since she came home. She's probably a little sore from the pokes and vax and she probably wants more non-vet time with me having skipped our usual breakfast lap sitting routine.

Rest up, Betty. We've got another appointment on Monday. This one should be easier on the both of us in many ways. Except the drive. It's maybe a 20 or 30 minute drive on the freeway. Betty doesn't usually like the freeway. She might get car nauseated. But she's never gotten car sick. Yet. It's a midday dentist consultation. I took the day off work. About two hours before, she's going to get another dose of gabapentin. So two shots of the foul Monday morning. Yeah. She's going to know something is up. Especially because I'll likely skip her second breakfast until we get back from the visit. Maybe I'll put down the rabbit portion which she is sure to snork up right away.


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Sep 7, 2018
At the dentist talking about whether we’ll eventually need to remove her remaining teeth. That’s actually my preference rather than going through multiple rounds of increasingly more difficult extractions.
This is just a consult appointment. We won’t know if that’s where we’re going until she comes back for a procedure appointment and new X-rays are taken.

Then again. I haven’t spoken to the doc yet. She may look at the rads we have from 2023 and say that’s exactly where we’re going.

Betty meanwhile got an extra 75 mg gabapentin to add to her 50 that she received at 5am and another 50 she’ll get at 5 pm. So she’s feeling pretty chill. She hasn’t meowed once since I put her in her carrier almost an hour ago.


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Sep 7, 2018
Doc says nothing looks obviously painful right now. Definitely needs a cleaning. So we’re going back in two weeks for the cleaning and she’ll see under sedation whether Betty needs anything else. Betty was so darn good the whole time. Not a peep until we got home. Then she wouldn’t shut up. Myself? I needed a drink after. So she’s home sleeping it off (I hope!) and I’m at the taproom. We’ll catch up in an hour for the game.


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Sep 7, 2018
And Betty is finished with that !
Great photo !
All she has to do is come over and eat a treat. And lately, it’s like pulling teeth. “You don’t like treats anymore?” While she’s on the scale is probably the only time I get to take body condition pictures of her. Otherwise she’s either too squirmy or too photogenic. 😽 “I want to see your spine. Not your face. Your sweet adorable face.” 😻 And yes. When she’s done with her treat, she’s done with this activity. I get a lot of these shots. 🍑😹


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Sep 7, 2018
Three guesses on this week’s weight. I’ll be taking two back unused.

Stable: 8.80
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Sep 7, 2018
Late to first pass. She did finally eat the rabbit mound around 1pm. And I was just feeling okay about her eating today. When along came the sad meows. She was aiming for some difficult to clean spots. I managed to pick her up and redirect her to what has pretty much become vomit alley now. It’s the first few feet entering the office. And it looks like a Jackson Pollack under black light despite all the Bissell’ing. Better there than a lot of other spots. Yesterday morning she popped off of me after morning med cuddles and spit up a little nothing burger spits. I didn’t think much of it. I thought maybe the meds went down the wrong way. So maybe yesterday morning wasn’t a throw away event. Maybe she has a hairball I have yet to see. It wasn’t in either of her spits today. Makes me wonder if maybe I should have picked up her lunch plate. She only took a few nibbles of the chicken mound about an hour after she returned the rabbit mound. We shall see. 🤞

I’m home all day today to watch the football games. It was too nucking futs at the taproom last weekend during the playoff games.


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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
In #5796, Betty seems to be really enjoying those cool wildlife cards but I'm thinking she might also be thinking something like, "Yeah, so I have some dental attention coming my way, which might also be assuaged if you'd get me one of those great big antelope to eat and freeze for later. How 'bout it, Dad? Huh?!" Her fur is gloriously glossy, her eyes are sparklingly spring green, and her weight is to my mind, not bad at all!

Our "twins" are right on target, I see. Fluff has been bestowing furballs on me. Part I and Part II. Both big, healthy, solid and excellent examples. :sniffle:

Hope the games were to your liking.