Great-looking furnuture -- all metal? Yeah, a little cramped, but you'll figure out the way you like it best. *Sorry for late reply. I was injured on Thursday and though I'm pretty sure my left wrist isn't broken, it is VERY sore and this is the first trial run I'm attempting.*Just in time for the most recent “weather.”
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It’s all a little too big for a little too small of a deck. As you can see there is no legroom as it is set up. I may just move the chairs to the other side where the laundry closet is. Likely none of this will ever get used. But I used to get trash tossed into my deck when I didn’t have anything there. Those neighbors are probably long gone. Management didn’t doabout it because I never could prove who did it. Anyway, possibly in the spring when I feel like keeping up with it, I may figure out how to hide my smart bird feeder under the bench and turn it into a smart squirrel feeder. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad idea.
Betty may see birds perching on these furnishings