I'm a doting mom to Arwen, my 1.5yo tortie, and Pippin, my 2yo flamepoint. Pippin is naturally very skittish and shy and is the type to fly under the bed at loud noises and hide from guests, while Arwen will happily pronounce you her new BFF and demand treats from you if you meet her lol. Arwen is definitely the boss of the household, but for the most part they play together equally and quietly and take turns, so I'm never too concerned about their behavior. But lately, Arwen has started randomly running up to Pippin and chasing him everywhere and attempting to bite his fur (he's long-haired, so this is very easy for her to do).
Usually Pippin just runs away, which can be hard to do sometimes as I live in a studio apartment, and I'll have to get up from what I'm doing and intervene if Pippin starts vocalizing or hissing at her because she does not take a hint at all. Sometimes she tries to get his fur so hard that she'll actually bite loose hairs out and, I imagine, some attached hairs with them! This is a new behavior in the past month and I've tried separating them, trying to tire Arwen out with a toy instead, but nothing seems to work. As soon as I go back to what I'm doing, she's terrorizing her brother again trying to bite his fur! They do still play together normally as well, but this has been occurring more often and I'm concerned because Pippin always runs away and if she persists, he'll yelp at her and start hissing and she does NOT back off until I physically separate them. I'm worried she's being a bully and I have zero idea why this behavior started or how to resolve it!
Usually Pippin just runs away, which can be hard to do sometimes as I live in a studio apartment, and I'll have to get up from what I'm doing and intervene if Pippin starts vocalizing or hissing at her because she does not take a hint at all. Sometimes she tries to get his fur so hard that she'll actually bite loose hairs out and, I imagine, some attached hairs with them! This is a new behavior in the past month and I've tried separating them, trying to tire Arwen out with a toy instead, but nothing seems to work. As soon as I go back to what I'm doing, she's terrorizing her brother again trying to bite his fur! They do still play together normally as well, but this has been occurring more often and I'm concerned because Pippin always runs away and if she persists, he'll yelp at her and start hissing and she does NOT back off until I physically separate them. I'm worried she's being a bully and I have zero idea why this behavior started or how to resolve it!