I'm a dog. Can you tell me what you love so much about cats?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 8, 2024
Hi everyone,

I am catcuriouscanine - good to meet you all.
[USER=10090081]@catcuriouscanine[/USER] head shot IMG_6622.jpeg

I am super curious about cats. For starters, I am not a cat - I'm a dog. I don't know cats. I have met some but I do not understand them - not in the least! Can you kindly share with me here (share a video, photo, a written message or a anything else):
  • what you love about cats
  • why a dog should like cats
  • what is uniquely "cat"?
  • how to get on a cat's good side
  • why a dog person should consider having a cat too - or instead of a dog?
  • how are cat people and dog people different?
  • what is important to understand about cats
  • what is a secret about cats?
  • exactly why are cats the "cat's meow"?
Please share anything else you think is important and noteworthy for dogs and dog people to know about cats and cat people. And get your friends to chime in. I'm hoping to hear back from you soon. I am desparate to understand cats!

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May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Welcome to TCS! :wave3: Those are a lot of questions but having lived with both cats and dogs I can summarize it like this...........
"Dogs come when called but a cat will take a message and get back to you." 😹

If you're serious about bringing a cat into your home this TCS Article may be helpful in answering some of your above questions:
First Time Cat Owner's Guide - TheCatSite
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 8, 2024
Hi neely,

Thanks so much for sharing your insights about cats. Your summary example ("...a cat will take a message and get back to you.") speaks volumes. I also read the First Time Cat Owner's Guide - TheCatSite - sounds like cats like their set up to be just so - "the right scratching post", a well tended litter box. I am wondering about the birds. What happens with birds in the wild?

And I know I have a lot of questions, but what about the relationship between dogs and cats? Can we be friends with cats? Good cohabitants? Or do cats just put up with us as canines?

Thanks for responding.

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May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
And I know I have a lot of questions, but what about the relationship between dogs and cats? Can we be friends with cats? Good cohabitants? Or do cats just put up with us as canines?
Just like people a lot depends on the individual cat or dog. There's usually an adjustment period and sometimes it depends which animal was in your house first. It's always best to have a safe room for a cat, i.e. somewhere the cat can escape without confrontation by the dog. A lot also depends on the breed or mixed breeds of the dog since certain breeds are known for preying on cats. However, speaking from personal experience we were very fortunate. Our last dog was a German Shepherd and we had two cats at the time. One of the cats ignored the dog but the other was a feisty, independent cat who wasn't the least bit fearful of our dog. They were like Bonnie & Clyde together and got along marvelously.

I'm glad to hear you read the Article I mentioned so here's another one that you might find helpful:
How To Safely Introduce A Cat And A Dog - TheCatSite


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
I am wondering about the birds. What happens with birds in the wild?
You'll find, C catcuriouscanine , if you look around the site, that the vast majority of our members have inside cats. We make sure we provide a stimulating and comfortable environment for our felines. This is not just for wildlife protection; far from it. Cats who wander are at great risk from traffic, dogs, other cats and other hostile environments. Where I live, we are obliged by the council to keep cats within our properties, and within the house at night.
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 8, 2024
That is good to hear. I am usually on leash when outside and have never been successful in catching a bird in our yard. When I am off leash, I think I get distracted by other opportunities - mainly sniffing and running around in circles.


TCS Member
Dec 13, 2024
Yikes C catcuriouscanine , you've expressed some sad stereo types in the questions you sent by email. I have never had an aloof cat. Cats are lovingly affectionate, like to cuddle and are devoted to their housemates. Dogs and cats often play together and groom each other like siblings. The loyalty of a cat is unsurpassed. Like humans, cats have many different moods; they sleep in your lap, they've had enough and find a quiet chair to sleep on, they are curious and playful, then serious about getting your attention.They are alert and aware of everything and then tune you out and do their own thing.
  • what you love about cats - the healing power of their affection, the purr they make to tell you how happy they are to be with you. the supreme comfort of a cat on your lap
  • why a dog should like cats - family member, playful friend, pillow sleeping partner
  • what is uniquely "cat"? - a resonant purr of thanks given for being close to you and settled in your lap
  • how to get on a cat's good side - be quiet, gentle, meet them where they are
  • why a dog person should consider having a cat too - or instead of a dog? cats are clean and care to clean up after themselves. they are far easier to take care of than dogs. Put down some food and your cat will do all the rest. When you choose to have a pet, dog or cat, you are entering into a lasting friendship. like all friendships they thrive with care and mutual respect.
  • how are cat people and dog people different? Dogs and dog people are easy to stereotype. one type is personified in the Garfield cartoon - they have their tongues hanging out desperate to be liked, or they are guard dogs types and want vicious ready to fight dogs. Dogs can be trained. Most dog owners subscribe to the belief of the hierarchy in the pack and the Alpha dog. They train from this paradigm- and may live by it too, dominate to get the dog to submit to your will. I am either the alpha or the underdog. Yuck/ Cat people don't need that in a relationship. Rather than label someone who is not drooling on you aloof, we are glad to see our friend's innate self love and self care and grateful to share it with them in a mutual lap and rest calmness.
  • what is important to understand about cats - how affectionate they are and how much magic they bring to you. I especially love their reciprocity. If you feed me, I will also feed you (hence the mouse left on your doorstep - what? are you not thrilled? I dont understand, I am also taking care of you. Please accept my gift.)
  • what is a secret about cats? the depth of cat worship throughout history.
  • exactly why are cats the "cat's meow"? that meow is a clear communication of a want or need. Cats talk to you. The more you talk back, the more you share.

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
:welcomesign:now I'll try to answer some of your questions.
I love the way my cat's pretend to be independent. But come to me every time I walk in the door. I have 3 little faces looking up at me asking were I've been wanting cuddles because they've missed me. Also the purrs are sooo relaxing when your chilling watching TV or lying in bed.

Dogs and cats can become friends. I've had dogs and cats together in the past. I've had dogs that slept with cats and dogs that didn't bother with the cat. Depends on the cat and the dog's personality. I have one who would love a pup but two who would stay out of the way unless the dog was really chilled.

This is a good one cats definitely will do things for rewards but not like a dog. I've got two that play fetch the other looks at me as if to say you chucked it you get it. They aren't so easy to train they train you.

You get on a cat's good side by letting it sleep undisturbed and giving it love and cuddles when he/her comes for them. Also routine they like that. But be careful with belly rubs most cats don't enjoy those, but love cheek strokes and ear rubs.

Cats are easy to look after and are small enough to get exercise inside especially on a cold rainy day. I'd rather clean a litter tray then pick poop from the grass when the weather is bad.

I don't think dog and cat people are different. Alot of dog owners get dogs so they have a companion a buddy. Same with cat people.

I think it's important to understand a cat isn't a dog. A dog wagging it's tail is happy. A cat's tail going it's annoyed. A cat shows its happy to see you by running up to you with a tail straight up in the air, not wagging. If it's really excited it will look like it's vibrating. We call that excited tail.

I don't really know if there's a secret to cats. My son was a dog person until we got cats. They just have a way of winning you over. Maybe people say I'm a dog person because they don't know a cat.

Why are cats the cat's meow? They came to humans because it was totally beneficial to us and them. They helped us by catching vermin so we let them indoors to get warm. No training just this works and has done from the start. It's a mutual respect thing and you earn a cat's trust. My youngest boy had a broken elbow when I got him had been abandoned at a vets. He should hate humans but he is the most affectionate head butting for cuddles, purrs machine. Cats live in the moment. And like dogs do give love back. They just make you smile.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 8, 2024
Yikes C catcuriouscanine , you've expressed some sad stereo types in the questions you sent by email. I have never had an aloof cat. Cats are lovingly affectionate, like to cuddle and are devoted to their housemates. Dogs and cats often play together and groom each other like siblings. The loyalty of a cat is unsurpassed. Like humans, cats have many different moods; they sleep in your lap, they've had enough and find a quiet chair to sleep on, they are curious and playful, then serious about getting your attention.They are alert and aware of everything and then tune you out and do their own thing.
  • what you love about cats - the healing power of their affection, the purr they make to tell you how happy they are to be with you. the supreme comfort of a cat on your lap
  • why a dog should like cats - family member, playful friend, pillow sleeping partner
  • what is uniquely "cat"? - a resonant purr of thanks given for being close to you and settled in your lap
  • how to get on a cat's good side - be quiet, gentle, meet them where they are
  • why a dog person should consider having a cat too - or instead of a dog? cats are clean and care to clean up after themselves. they are far easier to take care of than dogs. Put down some food and your cat will do all the rest. When you choose to have a pet, dog or cat, you are entering into a lasting friendship. like all friendships they thrive with care and mutual respect.
  • how are cat people and dog people different? Dogs and dog people are easy to stereotype. one type is personified in the Garfield cartoon - they have their tongues hanging out desperate to be liked, or they are guard dogs types and want vicious ready to fight dogs. Dogs can be trained. Most dog owners subscribe to the belief of the hierarchy in the pack and the Alpha dog. They train from this paradigm- and may live by it too, dominate to get the dog to submit to your will. I am either the alpha or the underdog. Yuck/ Cat people don't need that in a relationship. Rather than label someone who is not drooling on you aloof, we are glad to see our friend's innate self love and self care and grateful to share it with them in a mutual lap and rest calmness.
  • what is important to understand about cats - how affectionate they are and how much magic they bring to you. I especially love their reciprocity. If you feed me, I will also feed you (hence the mouse left on your doorstep - what? are you not thrilled? I dont understand, I am also taking care of you. Please accept my gift.)
  • what is a secret about cats? the depth of cat worship throughout history.
  • exactly why are cats the "cat's meow"? that meow is a clear communication of a want or need. Cats talk to you. The more you talk back, the more you share.
This is a marvelous and thoughtful response. So informative! Clearly I am not well informed about the nature of cats which is the very reason I shared these questions and ventured into this forum. What a beautiful relationship you have with your cat(s) and I appreciate you sharing this thorough response to share, in turn, your deep love and respect for cats. Thank you E EnzoGreene - catcuriouscanine

Thank you also for the photos - heart (and lap) warming.
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 8, 2024
:welcomesign:now I'll try to answer some of your questions.
I love the way my cats pretend to be independent. But come to me every time I walk in the door. I have 3 little faces looking up at me asking were I've been wanting cuddles because they've missed me. Also the purrs are sooo relaxing when your chilling watching TV or lying in bed.

Dogs and cats can become friends. I've had dogs and cats together in the past. I've had dogs that slept with cats and dogs that didn't bother with the cat. Depends on the cat and the dog's personality. I have one who would love a pup but two who would stay out of the way unless the dog was really chilled.

This is a good one cats definitely will do things for rewards but not like a dog. I've got two that play fetch the other looks at me as if to say you chucked it you get it. They aren't so easy to train they train you.

You get on a cat's good side by letting it sleep undisturbed and giving it love and cuddles when he/her comes for them. Also routine they like that. But be careful with belly rubs most cats don't enjoy those, but love cheek strokes and ear rubs.

Cats are easy to look after and are small enough to get exercise inside especially on a cold rainy day. I'd rather clean a litter tray then pick poop from the grass when the weather is bad.

I don't think dog and cat people are different. Alot of dog owners get dogs so they have a companion a buddy. Same with cat people.

I think it's important to understand a cat isn't a dog. A dog wagging it's tail is happy. A cat's tail going it's annoyed. A cat shows its happy to see you by running up to you with a tail straight up in the air, not wagging. If it's really excited it will look like it's vibrating. We call that excited tail.

I don't really know if there's a secret to cats. My son was a dog person until we got cats. They just have a way of winning you over. Maybe people say I'm a dog person because they don't know a cat.

Why are cats the cat's meow? They came to humans because it was totally beneficial to us and them. They helped us by catching vermin so we let them indoors to get warm. No training just this works and has done from the start. It's a mutual respect thing and you earn a cat's trust. My youngest boy had a broken elbow when I got him had been abandoned at a vets. He should hate humans but he is the most affectionate head butting for cuddles, purrs machine. Cat's live in the moment. And like dogs do give love back. They just make you smile.View attachment 490393View attachment 490394View attachment 490395
Thank you, Tik cat's mum Tik cat's mum You have really brought me into "essence of cat" - mutual respect is a real theme - and lots of communication going on too. But you need to be able to read the signals. And there is clearly such passion and appreciation for these ancient felines. I appreciate all the time and care you took to respond to my questions. I am learning. strikingly beautiful photos of your feline friends Tik cat's mum Tik cat's mum Thank you so much,
~ catcuriouscanine


TCS Member
Dec 14, 2024
I'm Sweet Tart the cat and I go on my Mom's computer sometimes when she is a sleep. I must admit I am a bit canine curious myself. The dogs next door are always barking and it scares me, but I also feel bad for them because they are not in a cozy cat tree like me. Once a dog came over and she wanted to be my friend, but I wasn't brave enough. I'd like to meet one through my catio so I could feel safe but still smell and look.
Anyway, cats are amazing because we can see in 12 dimensions and dogs can only see in 9. However dogs can smell in more dimensions than we can, so I'll give you that.


TCS Member
Dec 14, 2024
Hi everyone,

I am C catcuriouscanine - good to meet you all.
View attachment 490003

I am super curious about cats. For starters, I am not a cat - I'm a dog. I don't know cats. I have met some but I do not understand them - not in the least! Can you kindly share with me here (share a video, photo, a written message or a anything else):
  • what you love about cats
  • why a dog should like cats
  • what is uniquely "cat"?
  • how to get on a cat's good side
  • why a dog person should consider having a cat too - or instead of a dog?
  • how are cat people and dog people different?
  • what is important to understand about cats
  • what is a secret about cats?
  • exactly why are cats the "cat's meow"?
Please share anything else you think is important and noteworthy for dogs and dog people to know about cats and cat people. And get your friends to chime in. I'm hoping to hear back from you soon. I am desparate to understand cats!

C catcuriouscanine
Cats do not need to be taken on walks, bathed, brushed, or fed at regular intervals. They are just there for you without the neediness. Although they may not be hanging around you much, when it’s time to snuggle they come find you.

Hi I’m a cat and I would be happy to hang out with you. I’m not into sniffing butts, but otherwise I am chill company.

Cats are better in pairs. Often one or the other is not in a social state of mind, hopefully one will be up for keeping you company!

IMG_1426_Original.jpeg 65f36132-aabd-4f93-90e9-d156d41bd9d4.jpeg b09cb9c0-b2db-40d1-89f3-a9a474843977.jpeg IMG_2382.jpeg IMG_4001.jpeg IMG_5544.png reduced.jpg
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 8, 2024
Cats do not need to be taken on walks, bathed, brushed, or fed at regular intervals. They are just there for you without the neediness. Although they may not be hanging around you much, when it’s time to snuggle they come find you.
Cats do sound rather like the best of both worlds. And what about shedding? Is that an issue? Or does it depend on the particular kind of cat? Thanks for this snuggle report. Snuggling is pretty fabulous.

Cats are better in pairs. Often one or the other is not in a social state of mind, hopefully one will be up for keeping you company!
I like the idea of someone being available. I bet there are other advantages - like if you are not in a social state of mind or are not around, then you are able to be off the hook (if you ever want to be) because they have each other. Plus, it's probably a good show every so often.

Handsome photos!

Hi I’m a cat and I would be happy to hang out with you. I’m not into sniffing butts, but otherwise I am chill company.
Thanks. I think that could be helpful as I get to know cats. I appreciate you being friendly.
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  • #15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 8, 2024
I'm Sweet Tart the cat and I go on my Mom's computer sometimes when she is a sleep. I must admit I am a bit canine curious myself. The dogs next door are always barking and it scares me, but I also feel bad for them because they are not in a cozy cat tree like me. Once a dog came over and she wanted to be my friend, but I wasn't brave enough. I'd like to meet one through my catio so I could feel safe but still smell and look.
Anyway, cats are amazing because we can see in 12 dimensions and dogs can only see in 9. However dogs can smell in more dimensions than we can, so I'll give you that.
Hi SweetTart - Thanks for being so honest about your canine experiences. I sorry it was scary for you. I like that you are still open to learning more and had no idea your eye sight was so impressive. Wow.

Stormy accepts you

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 6, 2023
North Carolina
  • what you love about cats
  • why a dog should like cats
  • what is uniquely "cat"?
  • how to get on a cat's good side
  • why a dog person should consider having a cat too - or instead of a dog?
  • how are cat people and dog people different?
  • what is important to understand about cats
  • what is a secret about cats?
  • exactly why are cats the "cat's meow"

I love that their love has to be earned. Therefore, if a cat chooses you, it means you must be doing something right. But, at the same time, there is nothing like the forgiving love of a dog. Cats can get places you can’t . They’re great at getting everyone treats. That poofy tail and Halloween body are pretty uniquely cat. The same way you get on a dog’s good side- kindness and love. Why just have one? There are many members in a family, they aren’t all alike. Each one is needed to make up the whole group. I don’t truly think they are that different. All people want one thing- to love and be loved. We are pack animals, all of us. We do better together. Sometimes they scratch you, and it hurts. But the pain is worth the love they give you later. They actually do want to be as close as a dog. They want to be cuddled and protected and needed. They’re actually smarter than you think. They can learn all kinds of tricks. The same reason dogs are- when you get home after a bad day, they sit with you and be still for as long as you need.