IBD flareup


Cat Mommy
Alpha Cat
Apr 29, 2018
UPDATE: A week after ending the metronidazole (which was preceded by 10-day Clavamox for an early URI) the spastic litter box trips, butt wiping and poopy buthole stamping of every flat surface in the house has stopped. Now, he still isn't making a proper poo, more like peanut butter but a least it isn't worthy of a whole-house disinfection twice a day.

Full Bucket Health with S. boulardii twice a day, RAWZ wet food with no gums or PBAs, Young Again Matture ZERO LID hydrolyzed dry (as much as he'll eat...which isn't more than 1/4 cup a day) and we're back to "good as it gets" baseline given he's on prednisolone every other day, B vitamin liquid supplement, and Omega 3 oil.

I'm guessing the Clavamox knocked out the URI, but the rest of the allergy/inflammation flare manifested as an IBD flare. While the metronidazole helped the spastic poo and inflammation, it wiped his gut out too beyond what the S. Boulardii pre/probiotics could overcome,

Now the pre/probiotics are taking hold again and it's better. He's still gassy in the litter box but he has no teeth, swallows lots of air and burps like Homer Simpson after eating, so I can't blame the gas on anything he's eating if he's swallowing that much air.
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  • #42


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 15, 2024
So, my IBD cats have been on the probiotics for a while now. I haven't noticed any drastic changes except in appetite. Where Pangur used to inhale all his food, he now eats like a regular cat. I'm not sure what to think. I was told by a vet previously that Pangur's absurdly huge appetite (he's had it since I first brought him home) might be related to his IBD since he's not able to absorb his food properly and so never feels full. I am slightly concerned but he seems to be doing great and this would help his weight loss if he's not constantly looking for food. He only has had a reduced appetite before or during a flareup but this isn't like normal. He's eating all three meals and taking treats, it's just like he's not constantly ravenous anymore so maybe it's fine or even good?


Cat Mommy
Alpha Cat
Apr 29, 2018
I know how you feel.....Mine is on prednisolone every other day, metronidazole when spasms hit, hydrolyzed dry food and even when he doesn't eat his wet food he still has molten poo incidents once a day. When it's more than that, we up the prednisolone and take another round of metronidazole but it doesn't last. He's on S. Boulardi probiotics, seem to be the same no matter what protein he eats. The saving grace is the hydrolyzed dry food (Young Again LID Mature Zero) that has no carbs or additives that trigger him and it fills him up to hold weight but not gain any. He needs wet food for his Cosequin, B-vitamin liquid, and Omega 3 but he's slowly rejected everything...RAWZ, Weruva, Koha...

Today he had a really bad out-of-the-litter-box accident in the morning. Like....it took 45 min to clean and disinfect the laundry room, clean up his tracked prints and clean him up. His diet was no different from the day before so I have no idea what happened. Only it was once a day, not 20 times a day.

I can't get his supplements in unless he has wet food. And in the morning he goes for the wet before the dry and I'm able to give him his 2-3 pills by interrupting him. If I don't do it that way, he immediately pukes the pills up.

I'm at my wit's end and don't know what else to do. All food seems bad, medications don't work, prednisolone doesn't help appetite or diarrhea, and metronidazole wipes out the gut reducing inflammation but making the diarrhea the same until the probiotics kick in again Then the cycle starts all over.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 19, 2021
I can't get his supplements in unless he has wet food
This is a very helpful video with several ideas for medicating cats and I think some of these could also work for supplements as well.

I'm at my wit's end and don't know what else to do. All food seems bad, medications don't work, prednisolone doesn't help appetite or diarrhea, and metronidazole wipes out the gut reducing inflammation but making the diarrhea the same until the probiotics kick in again Then the cycle starts all over.
I'd recommend two changes in your routine. One, you need a different (or additional) probiotic. I looked up the Full Bucket probiotic you're using and it's nowhere nearly strong enough for your needs right now. It's a single strain probiotic using S.Boulardii, which is GREAT for diarrhea.... but it won't do much else. And right now, your boy needs an extra amount of good bacteria since his is wiped out from the antibiotic. The gold standard for pet probiotics is Visbiome Vet; this is what I use daily for my boy with IBD and it's fantastic. The cost per dose is the same as most others but the website has a minimum purchase of two bottles (it's also identical to the human version if you can find that, Costco sells it for much less than anywhere else). Another good option I've used is Proviable DC; it's not as strong but it has 7 probiotic strains that are known to support gut health (you can also double the dose to equal Proviable Forte, which is their version only sold through vet offices). There is also Nexabiotic, this is not one I have personal experience with but I know many others who recommend it and it is easy to find on Amazon. It also has S.boulardii already in it.
Visbiome® Vet
Proviable DC

The second thing you need is B12 injections because cats only absorb the tiniest fraction of oral B12; they absorb so little of it that it truly will not have any effect at all. And they absorb even less when their GI tract is in poor condition.
But sick cats may not be able to absorb enough of the B12 that’s in their food. The absorption of this vitamin is a complex process that involves the stomach, pancreas, small intestine, and liver, so if any one of those organs isn’t functioning well, less B12 gets absorbed.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Cats: The Role of the Gut

B12 injections are very easy to administer yourself (we just started administering them to our cat, after 4 years of monthly in office injections). And office appointments only require a vet tech, our vet office charged $17 per appointment. A common routine is 4 weeks of weekly injections, 8 weeks of bi-weekly injections and then maintenance injections on a monthly basis.


Cat Mommy
Alpha Cat
Apr 29, 2018
This is a very helpful video with several ideas for medicating cats and I think some of these could also work for supplements as well.

I'd recommend two changes in your routine. One, you need a different (or additional) probiotic. I looked up the Full Bucket probiotic you're using and it's nowhere nearly strong enough for your needs right now. It's a single strain probiotic using S.Boulardii, which is GREAT for diarrhea.... but it won't do much else. And right now, your boy needs an extra amount of good bacteria since his is wiped out from the antibiotic. The gold standard for pet probiotics is Visbiome Vet; this is what I use daily for my boy with IBD and it's fantastic. The cost per dose is the same as most others but the website has a minimum purchase of two bottles (it's also identical to the human version if you can find that, Costco sells it for much less than anywhere else). Another good option I've used is Proviable DC; it's not as strong but it has 7 probiotic strains that are known to support gut health (you can also double the dose to equal Proviable Forte, which is their version only sold through vet offices). There is also Nexabiotic, this is not one I have personal experience with but I know many others who recommend it and it is easy to find on Amazon. It also has S.boulardii already in it.
Visbiome® Vet
Proviable DC

The second thing you need is B12 injections because cats only absorb the tiniest fraction of oral B12; they absorb so little of it that it truly will not have any effect at all. And they absorb even less when their GI tract is in poor condition.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Cats: The Role of the Gut

B12 injections are very easy to administer yourself (we just started administering them to our cat, after 4 years of monthly in office injections). And office appointments only require a vet tech, our vet office charged $17 per appointment. A common routine is 4 weeks of weekly injections, 8 weeks of bi-weekly injections and then maintenance injections on a monthly basis.
Thank you so much. I will check out these probiotics right away. While S. Boulardii is touted as being great and Full Bucket has been great for my other two, my IBD boy needs more. I also think he needs the b-12 shots. I thought the oral solution *while it smells like bacon* isn't consistently eaten since his appetite depends on how his tummy feels. He used to do 4 week Depo so 4 week B-12 is no big deal and I think I could do it if it's no harder than an insulin injection.
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  • #46


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 15, 2024
Strange update. Pangur and my other cat are both doing well. But on Saturday we brought my youngest cat (1yr, 8mo) to the vet for vomiting blood, diarrhea, and puking. The vet did an ultrasound and they suspect IBD. How strange is it to have 3 cats with IBD, especially one so young? In some ways I'm glad they likely all have the same thing, but I'm also frustrated. I don't know that we'll pursue a biopsy with him yet but he presents with almost exactly the same symptoms as Pangur so I'd be surprised if it was something else. Currently he's doing much better.
Anyway, I'll be doing as much research as I can, so if you have any recommended resources on feline IBD and related conditions I'd appreciate them!


Cat Mommy
Alpha Cat
Apr 29, 2018
UPDATE #2....We went to the vet again last week....ANOTHER UTI! This time there were no obvious signs like crying in the litter box or peeing outside the box. The symptoms were: appetite loss despite Mirataz and prednisolone, drinking a lot of water (despite steroids), and the key clue: going into the litter box, then leaving without trying to pee. That was it.

I thought he was just checking out the cleaned box but that was him "feeling like he had to pee" but not going.

He was 9.6lbs in early December, 9lbs in late December, and 8.2 lbs at the vet last week!!! Lowest weight ever! Also, blood tests found his thyroid was still on the high side of normal so we upped the methimazole transdermal to one rotation morning and evening (instead of 1/2 evening). Clavamox again for the UTI.

Within 2 days of starting the antibiotics, his appetite increased. Poops went from diarrhea to as normal as they've been in years!

Diet is Weruba Lamb-burgini, kitten lamb, and straight-up fancy feast kitten salmon as a topper. So far lamb and salmon seem to be OK with his food sensitivities. Dry food is Young Again Mature Zero LID, hydrolyzed, caarb free, (1/3 up a day as recommended).

Aside from the UTI (he's had 3 in the last year), I think also the Proviable DC probiotic is helping as much as the daily Pro-Pectalin paste. This cat has IBD along with CKD, hyperthyroid, hypertension, and allergies/asthma.

I still don't know whether the tuna/salmon is sensitive or not because he's been better than he's been for the last year, and this last week he's had almost normal poops, as opposed to watery, spastic diarrhea constantly for a year+

I think UTIs are his chronic expression of his hyperthyroid and CKD and I need to be on the alert for any changes in appetite, water intake, or peeing habits and suspect that first.

Aside from that--I am SO HAPPY to clean the litter box and find normal poo from this poor boy. I know it must have been awful and I don't know whether it's the Pro-Pectalin or the Proviable DC probiotic but something is working and it's such a relief.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 19, 2021
Strange update. Pangur and my other cat are both doing well. But on Saturday we brought my youngest cat (1yr, 8mo) to the vet for vomiting blood, diarrhea, and puking. The vet did an ultrasound and they suspect IBD. How strange is it to have 3 cats with IBD, especially one so young? In some ways I'm glad they likely all have the same thing, but I'm also frustrated. I don't know that we'll pursue a biopsy with him yet but he presents with almost exactly the same symptoms as Pangur so I'd be surprised if it was something else. Currently he's doing much better.
Anyway, I'll be doing as much research as I can, so if you have any recommended resources on feline IBD and related conditions I'd appreciate them!
That is quite young for IBD. I have a few questions:

1. What is your cats diets? Wet, dry, protein types, etc.
2. Have either of them had any intestinal parasites before?
3. Do either of them have any other GI or food related issues? This can be a wide variety of issues; for example, my boy with IBD has always been prone to stress-related regurgitation and stress-induced colitis.

There are many great IBD resources. One great overall resource is IBDKitties – Helping Save Lives…One Paw at a Time and there are many others I use but they're more niche subjects, so it would depend on the specific issue you're researching.
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  • #49


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 15, 2024
That is quite young for IBD. I have a few questions:

1. What is your cats diets? Wet, dry, protein types, etc.
2. Have either of them had any intestinal parasites before?
3. Do either of them have any other GI or food related issues? This can be a wide variety of issues; for example, my boy with IBD has always been prone to stress-related regurgitation and stress-induced colitis.

There are many great IBD resources. One great overall resource is IBDKitties – Helping Save Lives…One Paw at a Time and there are many others I use but they're more niche subjects, so it would depend on the specific issue you're researching.
1.) He gets 1/3 cup Tiki Cat Indoor Dry Chicken and a can of Fancy Feast (beef, chicken or turkey). We have experimented a bit with food throughout his life because he has had issues with diarrhea since we first got him, but on this diet he was doing well, up until recently. Up until he was about 7? months old he was on exclusively wet food, I can't remember the brands (I think a mix of Nulo, Tiki Cat, Hill's and FF). Then we switched him to the food the other cats were eating, which was exclusively dry, Hill's Indoor Hairball Control which he did well on, no diarrhea. I know I should've kept him on kitten food for longer ☹ Then about 3?? months ago we started the wet/dry diet when I was changing around food for my oldest cat.
2.) Pangur has had worms, not sure about the other cats, but they were feral so it's entirely likely.
3.) Not that we know of.