IBD and possible lymphoma, my cat is crashing

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  • #242

Ocean Planet

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 2, 2019
I guess we are at the point where things are getting serious.

To keep it short, my kitty has been juggling his food a bit lately and it was determined he has a cavity/absorption on one of his lower molars. Got a dental all cleared to go this week in between his chemo dose. But first let's check his heart. Came back with an abnormal pnb test.

Got a heart cardiogram and compared it to the one last year. One of his left chambers is now enlarged. Not sure if genetic or caused by steroid use but it doesn't really matter now. Dental was post poned for the moment. They are starting us on pimobendan and Plavix to help his heart work better and prevent clots.

We had the lymphoma under control and now this. I don't know what will happen adding more pills to the mix. It's not fair to these little guys. He is seeing 3 doctors now and all agree this will help prolong things so we will give it a go.

He has noticeably slowed down the past few weeks. Sleeping more and not playing. I thought it was the constant 100 Temps lately. I wonder if these heart meds will wake him up a bit? Each animal is different so it's tough to say until we begin.

I don't know how it will go from here but I will fight for my friend and won't let him suffer if things go downhill.

I'm scared, angry, not sleeping so good and upset. I'm so focused on keeping my kitties healthy that it's taken a toll on me as well. Maybe I can recover some day but the next year will be very difficult.
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  • #244

Ocean Planet

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 2, 2019
I am sorry you are all going through so much now. You have done a great job, it is never easy when they ( or us) pile up medical conditions.You can only do the best you can. Try to take care of yourself as well.
Appreciate the good words. It's gotten so hard to deal with and accept. I didn't use to have such a hard time but I guess I've changed as I've gotten older myself.
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  • #247

Ocean Planet

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jun 2, 2019
My cats ultrasound showed an enlarged lymphnode. She has started eating again since giving her vetriscience dmg. She also had tooth resorption. Hope your cat feels better. She is beautiful!
Thanks and hope your kitty keeps on eating too! Mine is still eating with possibly slight discomfort. We just have to take it one day at a time and respond to what we see in them.


Sadie rules, Julian drools, my boys rule heaven ❤
Alpha Cat
Mar 15, 2022
Pittsburgh PA
Hang in there, I empathize with you. It was difficult with one health issue after another for Nico the last few years of his life. Many times I wondered if I was doing the right thing re: doctor's and medications, and I felt like I was almost in this constant state of motion. I lived for him, waking up at whatever hours to make sure he had his medications, making sure he ate the right food, at the right times, vet appointments, etc. Looking back on things, I did what was best for him and I can see overall he enjoyed his extended time with us. It can be very unnerving at times, but do try to focus on the good bits. ❤