I think we are near the end. How do I get through this?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 10, 2024
I could really use some support right now while my baby is at the clinic getting a FNA biopsy.

It’s a long story so I’ll try to omit some details. It started late summer with her suddenly expressing dissatisfaction with the food I’d been giving her for years. She was still hungry so I wasn’t worried; I thought maybe she was just sick of her food. After a while, she also started having litterbox issues and I noticed she was starting to look skinny. She was vomiting a bit more than usual too. Took her to the vet in early October. They found she needed her thyroid medication dosage adjusted and she had a UTI. The most concerning finding was her ALT was outrageously high (1080, about 10x higher than normal). All her liver values were elevated, but ALT was the only one significantly elevated. Vet said we would check again after she gets treated because inflammation from infection and her thyroid could both cause ALT elevations.

Her next checkup indicated her thyroid was actually worse and her liver values hadn’t changed. She did clear the UTI. By then she started vomiting frequently and would then get extremely dehydrated to where she needed supportive care. Her appetite was down so she was given Mirataz, which helped significantly. We switched to topical methimazole for her thyroid. But she was still vomiting explosively. Vet advised me to get an ultrasound, which I did. Her liver and spleen were enlarged, her abdominal lymph nodes were mildly enlarged, and her bile was described as “sludgy.” None of which was enough to get a diagnosis. They did more bloodwork. Her thyroid had normalized, her ALT decreased by about half but is still very high, as were her other liver values. Everything else was normal. They did a GI panel and tested for IBD and pancreatitis. Both tests came back normal. I scheduled a biopsy for her, which is today.

I was honestly putting my money on it being IBD, pancreatitis, or triaditis. In fact I was hoping for it, because the only other options are infection and cancer. At this point I feel like the strongest possibility is that it’s cancer. They did let me know there’s a possibility that the results from the FNA might be inconclusive. I don’t know if it’s worth continuing to pursue a diagnosis if that happens, but I’m trying to not get ahead of myself.

Despite everything she’s going through, she’s still the sweetest girl. She still purrs and plays and cuddles with me. Most days she is pretty much back to normal, but whenever she has one of those explosive vomiting spells, she becomes lethargic and miserable. It has been so up and down. There have been so many times I thought she finally seemed to be turning a corner, only for her to vomit again. The picture I’m sharing is from just a few days ago, when she was so content. Then Sunday night she vomited and started acting very strange and lethargic. I had to bring her to the emergency vet for fluids.

I don’t know exactly what my point is or what I’m even looking to get out of posting this. I’m just struggling with pre-grieving, I guess. I knew this time was coming sooner rather than later. She’s almost 17. But this process has been agonizing for both of us. I am financially and emotionally drained and my pet insurance is not helping me because she doesn’t have a diagnosis yet. I just want to be able to help her and despite everything I’ve tried so far, she isn’t getting better. I’m just so scared and sad and I feel completely helpless and defeated 😞



Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Welcome to The Cat Site, despite the illness that your little girl is facing. This is very hard to wade through, especially when nothing is clear yet. Wait for the results of the FNA. They can be inconclusive, but that does not mean that it has to be. If it is inconclusive, your vet might offer you the option of a biopsy which might be surgical, or in some cases done with a scope. At that point, you would want to have a careful discussion with your vet about the risks and benefits of proceeding with anything surgical. Experienced vets also have pretty well developed hunches based on experience and I would bring up any question which you have.

Your insurance won't accept a suspected diagnosis or an investigation in progress? Is your vet documenting everything the right way. That only happened to me once when they wanted SOAP notes from an ER clinic who did not document that way and is now closed. I have a cat with a similar condition to yours, but younger and in less distress, but so far everything is inconclusive or suspected and my insurance has paid. Fighting the insurance company is one more hurdle to face when you have a sick cat.

Please let us know the results of the FNA.

Jay lo

TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 10, 2024
I feel for you, my anika was 21 and just couldn't go any further. We had to let her go and remember her good days. A few weeks later we rescued an another, we'd forgotten how much Anika had slowed down in her age. You never forget, but open yourself to another who needs you as you need them.

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Agree w/ Fiona’s Mom: you don’t have the results back yet. Document everything. If you have energy, fight the insurance co., esp once you have more information. I found a biopsy helpful but it isn’t cheap & always should be a deep discussion w/ your vet first. It is so hard when you know stuff you cat doesn’t, but, that is part of our job….the other part, just love them. Be there with them in the moment. Have conversations. Scritch her head. Please let us know the results! 🍀
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 10, 2024
Welcome to The Cat Site, despite the illness that your little girl is facing. This is very hard to wade through, especially when nothing is clear yet. Wait for the results of the FNA. They can be inconclusive, but that does not mean that it has to be. If it is inconclusive, your vet might offer you the option of a biopsy which might be surgical, or in some cases done with a scope. At that point, you would want to have a careful discussion with your vet about the risks and benefits of proceeding with anything surgical. Experienced vets also have pretty well developed hunches based on experience and I would bring up any question which you have.

Your insurance won't accept a suspected diagnosis or an investigation in progress? Is your vet documenting everything the right way. That only happened to me once when they wanted SOAP notes from an ER clinic who did not document that way and is now closed. I have a cat with a similar condition to yours, but younger and in less distress, but so far everything is inconclusive or suspected and my insurance has paid. Fighting the insurance company is one more hurdle to face when you have a sick cat.

Please let us know the results of the FNA.
Thank you for the kind words. I just don’t know if I can successfully fight Embrace. They try to get out of covering anything due to her pre-existing hyperthyroidism. I have to include a diagnosis when I submit my claims but I don’t know what to put…the vet said it could be inflammatory, infectious, or a cancerous process. Of course infection and cancer are not linked to her thyroid, but inflammation could be, so there’s a good chance they’ll reject it. It’s going to be very hard to continue with a surgical biopsy when I’m already getting crushed financially as it is. It’s also incredibly stressful for her, and not without risk for a cat her age.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
See what the results of the tests she had are. With any luck it will be something that is treatable in a non-invasive way, and she'll get to feeling better very soon. I know how hard it is. :hugs: Try to stay in the here and now and work with what you know, and do your best to push away all the scary what-if's. (I've been there many times, and it's easier said than done I know!)
BTW, she is absolutely beautiful.
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 10, 2024
See what the results of the tests she had are. With any luck it will be something that is treatable in a non-invasive way, and she'll get to feeling better very soon. I know how hard it is. :hugs: Try to stay in the here and now and work with what you know, and do your best to push away all the scary what-if's. (I've been there many times, and it's easier said than done I know!)
BTW, she is absolutely beautiful.
Thank you. I am trying my best. I think if she was younger I wouldn’t be so afraid. Seeing her go from a pleasantly chonky 11 lb. cat who devours anything offered to her to just a tiny 9 lbs., breaks my heart. I want nothing more than to help her feel better.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
M miniforever Welcome to the cat site. *big hugs to you*

I'm so sorry you and your baby are having to go through this. It's bad enough when our fur babies don't feel well but the added stress of an insurance company being uncooperative brings an added layer of frustration and financial stress. The waiting game and the figuring out is hard but I agree with ipappy and let's hope the results bring some better news.

If you can wait, financially that is, to fight with the insurance company that might be better for you stress wise. If you can't ,you can't though, and that's understandable. Do what you need to do. Document everything you can in one book daily. It will help you remember things better.

When stress hits us, I find our memories tend to be less than optimal. So it might help both with the insurance company and in care taking your gal. I have a dumb question - but I don't want to assume so I'll ask- based on your user name is her name Mini? She is beautiful.

What medicine has she been given at this point, if any for her vomiting etc.

I can imagine how helpless you must feel but I hope you truly know that you are doing everything you can.

How are you both coping today?

PS - Edit to add: As for coping. Honestly, my best advice... one day at a time and one step at a time. *hugs*
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TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
It's so hard when our older kitties get sick and it's so very stressful and exhausting. Give her all the loves and try not to stress too much, which I know is easier said than done. Remember, she will pick up on your stress, which isn't good for her either. Take it one day at a time, or even half a day at a time.


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
It's hard, I know. I went through it recently with my cat who got sick fast and I did everything I could.

But in the end, you just know when it's time to let them rest. I knew the morning of.

In the mean time, while I know it's easy to overthink and fret, talk to the vet. hear them out and hope for the best
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 10, 2024
M miniforever Welcome to the cat site. *big hugs to you*

I'm so sorry you and your baby are having to go through this. It's bad enough when our fur babies don't feel well but the added stress of an insurance company being uncooperative brings an added layer of frustration and financial stress. The waiting game and the figuring out is hard but I agree with ipappy and let's hope the results bring some better news.

If you can wait, financially that is, to fight with the insurance company that might be better for you stress wise. If you can't ,you can't though, and that's understandable. Do what you need to do. Document everything you can in one book daily. It will help you remember things better.

When stress hits us, I find our memories tend to be less than optimal. So it might help both with the insurance company and in care taking your gal. I have a dumb question - but I don't want to assume so I'll ask- based on your user name is her name Mini? She is beautiful.

What medicine has she been given at this point, if any for her vomiting etc.

I can imagine how helpless you must feel but I hope you truly know that you are doing everything you can.

How are you both coping today?

PS - Edit to add: As for coping. Honestly, my best advice... one day at a time and one step at a time. *hugs*
Thank you for your kind words ❤ Yes, her name is Mini.

For vomiting, I have liquid Cerenia compounded with a chicken flavor. I’ll be honest, she is very hard to medicate and the flavor is still pretty bitter even with the chicken, so I haven’t been very successful at administering it. I tried putting it in turkey baby food (her favorite), but she wouldn’t touch it.

I have all the itemized receipts but have been reluctant to submit them now because I know they’ll reject them without a diagnosis. I’m hoping the FNAs and bile culture will yield something definitive, but even then, there’s a chance they will reject everything if they can somehow link it to her thyroid. They somehow even rejected her urine culture that diagnosed her UTI as being thyroid-related. Tried appealing and they rejected it again. It’s so ridiculous. I don’t have the energy to fight back right now. They have all the power.

I’m ok today. Trying to keep busy so my mind doesn’t wander to all the what-ifs. Mini is pretty out of it…very quiet and has basically sleeping in one spot all day, only getting up to eat, drink, and use the litterbox. I’m hoping it’s just a result of week being so stressful, combined with the sedation from yesterday. I hope her silly, spunky energy returns.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Don't do this now, as you have to really be geared up to proceed in this way; however, if you are in the US, pet insurance companies usually come under the jurisdiction of the state insurance commissioner. In CA, you can directly file a complaint; in another state it might be another office in your state government.

If you get a flat out denial, I would definitely report them. I only had one experience with my pet insurance company and I am a little embarrassed to say that it was probably a mixup of paperwork as they did not deny the claim. It went on for a while and I told them that they had 7 days to settle before I hit "submit" and they did.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
Thank you for your kind words ❤ Yes, her name is Mini.
:) Lovely name for a beautiful cat.

For vomiting, I have liquid Cerenia compounded with a chicken flavor. I’ll be honest, she is very hard to medicate and the flavor is still pretty bitter even with the chicken, so I haven’t been very successful at administering it. I tried putting it in turkey baby food (her favorite), but she wouldn’t touch it.
Yeah, that can be a hard one. For one of mine that's a challenge I have to wait until he's half asleep and then I have to watch I don't choke the poor kid.. He's mostly good but a couple of pills he's like "Nope. No thank you." Maybe someone will come along with some other solution for you to try.

I have all the itemized receipts but have been reluctant to submit them now because I know they’ll reject them without a diagnosis. I’m hoping the FNAs and bile culture will yield something definitive, but even then, there’s a chance they will reject everything if they can somehow link it to her thyroid. They somehow even rejected her urine culture that diagnosed her UTI as being thyroid-related. Tried appealing and they rejected it again. It’s so ridiculous. I don’t have the energy to fight back right now. They have all the power.
Submit anyway and if they reject, they reject. Really nothing to lose for trying. Plus - then it's on record that you have submitted them on time and have a paper trail. Paper trails are handy. If you physically speak to anyone on the phone be sure write the date, time, person you spoke with and get their employee ID number if they have one. Take notes and if possible - and legal in your area - record the call. That info will be your friend at some point.

IMHO I would also speak to your vet about it too. If the vet is sure they are unrelated - which TBH I would think they would be. Perhaps they can very clearly write in her notes "Not related to the thyroid.... and make it very clear how none of this is related and how it's not related. Keep it honest, keep your hands clean and be 100% above board about it. I'm not a doctor but the insurance company's logic makes ZERO sense to me. I can't follow that logic at all.

Actually too you have more power than you think when it comes to this. I believe, and I'm not a lawyer either, but had some experiences with companies practising in bad faith... Insurance companies can also be taken to task for bad faith practising I would think. One route, and maybe not now, would be to take it to an ombudsman or something of that nature. If it gets really underhanded... the press can be a very powerful ally when it comes to fact finding and truth.

Something for your back pocket for when you are ready. Hopefully you won't need it though and they'll do what's fair and right on their own.

I’m ok today. Trying to keep busy so my mind doesn’t wander to all the what-ifs. Mini is pretty out of it…very quiet and has basically sleeping in one spot all day, only getting up to eat, drink, and use the litterbox. I’m hoping it’s just a result of week being so stressful, combined with the sedation from yesterday. I hope her silly, spunky energy returns.

It's hard for it not to wander to the "what if's" as it's scary, confusing - and you are having to mentally (emotionally and physically) process this fight with some "unknown foe" threatening a wee one that you love. Just look at her everytime you start going there and enjoy her presence. Waves of love.

She is probably quite exhausted by these unwanted adventures and drugs. Rest is good for her right now to get her strength up- and keep it up. The same is true for you. So please don't neglect yourself during all this either.

We will be here for you to vent to, talk to and support as best we can. You're not alone.
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TCS Member
Dec 12, 2024
Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It must be so hard, and I can only imagine how drained you feel. You’ve been an amazing pet parent, and she’s lucky to have you. It’s okay to feel sad and scared right now—you’re facing a lot of uncertainty, and that’s never easy.
Take it one step at a time. Even if the results are inconclusive, there are still options to explore. I know it’s hard, but you’re doing everything you can, and your love for her shows in every step. Be gentle with yourself, too. You’re doing great, even if it doesn’t always feel like it.
Sending you a virtual hug. You’re not alone in this.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I don't have anything to offer anything constructive, but I can offer my support.

How do you get through it: You just do because you have to
Do you ever get over it: Probably not, I haven't with any of three RB kitties, 2 of which had to be euthanized and one who died here.
Finances: Have you tried anything like Care Credit? I think there is another one I saw in the Urgent Care vet practice a couple days ago for I forget what it was. You just have to be careful to make the payments on time or they will tack on interest from the beginning.

I pray you get good news, but either way we are here to support you and your beautiful kitty. :grouphug:
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 10, 2024
First things first: Thank you all SO much for your kind, thoughtful replies. I will try to respond to each one momentarily, but first wanted to post an update:

Mini’s bile was viewed by the pathologist and it showed a lot of rod-shaped bacteria, so she is confirmed to have a gall bladder infection. Unfortunately her liver aspirate didn’t yield a substantial number of cells, but there was evidence of some inflammation and mild fat deposits. Her spleen aspirate showed a lot of immune cells that are indicative of inflammation and infection, but some of them could also be suggestive of lymphoma. The only way to rule out lymphoma would be do a surgical biopsy, which I will not be pursuing.

The most likely explanation is that bacteria from the gut traveled the wrong way into her gall bladder, contaminating the bile and causing widespread inflammation from her immune system trying to control the infection. The combination of inflammation and infection made her nauseous, resulting in a loss of appetite, vomiting, and rapid weight loss. The weight loss then caused her to develop fatty liver disease, but based on her bloodwork and what they could see on ultrasound, it looks like I was able to get her eating just in time before it got serious. So the final verdict is cholangiohepatitis resulting from her gall bladder infection, and despite how much she has going on, he good news is it’s completely treatable! I’m SO relieved.

The only problem is that the bile sample that was sent for a culture yielded no evidence of bacterial growth. The vet said this can occasionally happen when the bacteria is anaerobic and dies in the presence of even a small amount of oxygen. Unfortunately it means we don’t know the type of bacteria and can’t be sure which antibiotic to use. The pathologist who ran the culture said he only ever sees 3 types of bacteria in bile, so we are going to try an antibiotic that works on all 3. Unfortunately it only comes in a liquid and Mini will also need prednisone, which is a pill. I have no idea how I’m going to get her to take both. Even just getting her to take one medication is extremely difficult. It’s hard to get her in a burrito and even when I can, she often manages to spit out the meds, and then she’s scared of me all day and hides. I’ve tried compounding pharmacies but the flavor doesn’t help at all. It’s not going to be fun, but I hope I can do it and she will get used to it. I’m just glad I have the ability to help her, even if she is going to be grumpy about it.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
This sounds so promising, and I'm so glad you have some answers and a plan!! :hugs:
As far as burrito wrapping goes, I've had to do this a few times. Definitely have any meds ready to administer before you do the wrapping to cut down on time and any fumbling you'll have to do with pill bottles or drawing things up into a syringe.
Have you heard of the "slow blink"? I've found it really works on a lot of cats. I recently had to medicate a sick cat and despite the unpleasant process, I gave her a slow blink and talked to her in a soothing tone, and she relaxed and blinked back at me. When she is burrito'ed, do your best to stay as calm as possible, talk to her like normal and try it out. See if she blinks back!
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 10, 2024
It's hard, I know. I went through it recently with my cat who got sick fast and I did everything I could.

But in the end, you just know when it's time to let them rest. I knew the morning of.

In the mean time, while I know it's easy to overthink and fret, talk to the vet. hear them out and hope for the best
I’m so sorry for your loss 😿 While it doesn’t make the loss any less painful, I think it helps a lot to know you did all that you could. I’m still pretty traumatized by the loss of my last kitty because I never felt completely confident that I did the right thing at the right time by having her put to rest. She didn’t give any indication she was ready to go. I didn’t even have a diagnosis or any insight into what was making her so sick. I wish I did a lot of things differently with her, but it’s too late. It’s not too late for Mini, though. I want to make sure I don’t make the same mistakes with her.