I.Q Test for cat owners, from their cats

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
To all cats out there:
Test your humans IQ by using these simple tests. Please remember to be patient with your human pet, they want to please you but might need a
little encouragement and help.
Scoring: For each answer, please tally up points earned based on this scale.

a). = 1 point
b). = 2 points
c). = 3 points
d). = 4 points

Make sure your human is well fed, relaxed, and well rested before beginning the test.

1: Hide your humans car keys in your litter box.

-Does your human:

a) look for hours, call off work, then ignore you and continue to look all day
b) look for hours, call off work, and cuddle you on the couch
c) look for hours, call off work, cuddle you on the couch, locate the keys, then go to work (to earn you money)
d) look for minutes, claim a paid vacation day (to earn you money), locate the keys immediately, and spend the rest of the day
with you on the couch

2: Yowl at the window, hiss loudly, then run and hide.

-Does your human:

a) ignore you
b) look out the window, tell you there's nothing there, then go back to doing what they were doing before
c) look out the window, see nothing, but give you a treat anyway
d) look out the window, hiss, chase the imaginary monster away and give you a whole bag of treats for alerting them
to a possible terrorist

3: Bring your human one of your favorite toys.

-Does your human:

a) ignore it
b) smile, then continue to do what they were doing
c) pick the toy up and toss it gently for you to chase
d) grab the toy and run through the house with it clamped in their teeth

4: Find a good hiding spot and stay there for 12 hours.

-Does your human:

a) not even notice you're gone
b) look for you, then say "they'll come out soon" and go play video games
c) hide in a box and cry
d) post fliers, place tempting treats all around and offer you $50 to come home

5: Get up on the highest cabinet you can find and pretend you can't get down.

-Does your human:

a) ignore you
b) Coax you down, then get busy and ignore you
c) Get up on a ladder to help you down
d) Call the fire department, and the SWAT team and the local reporters come out and take your photo, and now you're famous

6: When your human gets out a snack, run to them and meow and act as sweet as you can.

-Does your human:

a) shove you away and ignore you
b) give you a bite, then ignore you
c) offer you a few bites and takes pictures
d) give the entire snack to you, and then offer you a pizza as dessert

7: Find a piece of loose wall paper and start attacking it.

-Does your human:

a) scold you
b) laugh
c) laugh and take pictures
d) laugh and start attacking the paper, too

8: Act like you don't feel well.

-Does your human:

a) act like they don't notice
b) notice, watches you to see if you improve, and calls the vet if you don't
c) notice, watches you to see if you improve, and calls the vet even if you do
d) notice, watches you to see if you improve, and calls the emergency vet and gets you there in
a car with an emergency strobe light wailing away on top of the car

9: Jump on the counter when your human is preparing dinner

-Does your human:

a) yell and chase you away
b) laugh, but then chases you away
c) takes a picture
d) jumps on the counter with you

10: Pee on the floor beside the litter box.

-Does your human:

a) shout and yell at you
b) shout, then apologize
c) clean the mess up without scolding you
d) pee in the box to show you how it's done

Add up your humans score, and be sure to give them a treat for giving it all their effort.

If your human scored:

(10 points): Your human has all the potential in the world, but still is far too humanlike. Make sure when you do something cat like, you make sure that they see you having the time of your life. Humans are impressionable and curious animals, and will likely imitate you. Help them along by rewarding them with a head butt. If they mess up, hiss a sharp "no!" and try again. Always end on a positive note. A dead mouse on their pillow is a fine reward for these human pets.

(11 - 20 points): You're getting there! Your human is a bright animal who has all the potential in the world. Make sure to keep up your training with short sessions with lots of encouragement and rewards. A live mouse on their pillow, while they're sleeping, usually does the trick for an "ultimate" reward for a job well done.

(21 - 30 points): Your human shows tremendous potential. Consider getting involved in cat shows or cat agility with your bright human so their intelligence can be brought to it's full potential. Smart humans like a challenge, so consider running like lightning when they pick up a dish towel, but sleeping through construction that's going on 2 feet away to further enrich their thinking minds. Humans in this intelligence range often respond well to training, so teach your human some tricks, such as
"clean my box", "feed me now", or "place me in that carrier and your life is over".

(31 - 40 points): You have a very special creature on your hands, so don't waste it. Make sure you spend a lot of time loving and training your human.
Your human is much more feline than most. However, with such intelligence, there can be problems. Such high intelligence can sometimes make your human pet believe that they're the dominant creature. This is false. Remind them, once in awhile, who is really in charge by peeing in their shoes, yowling in the middle of the night to keep them awake for no reason, and doing a Bonsai dive on top of their head and biting the crap out of them while they're trying to seduce that "special someone".
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
7: Find a piece of loose wall paper and start attacking it.

-Does your human:

a) scold you
b) laugh
c) laugh and take pictures
d) laugh and start attacking the paper, too
This - is - awesome.

Second, #7 is actually a thing!? I thought it was Charlie trying to make me insane lol.

Love it, but not going to give you my cats score in case the men in their white coats come and take me away.

but wthelk (21 - 30 points): Your human shows tremendous potential.

I have potential! :cheerleader:


All Cats Are Special
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
#5 & letter C...My boy used to all the time get up on my kitchen cabinets...And I didn't know he was up there right off...I would notice I HADN'T seen him in a bit..n I would start calling out to him...No meows nothing...I would look for 15 mins or so ...And then I would look up n there he was just sitting n looking at me...And yep...I would run n get a chair from dining room table...n Get him down...And hug him n say..NOW DONT LAUGH YA LOL...Oh sugar..honey...my baby are u OK???And would love on him ...He knew ummm got her again...


All Cats Are Special
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
1=D If it ever happens
2=C Gets a hug
4=D If ever happens
6=C But I dont give him my snacks ..not healthy for cats..Maybe a kissy with noses or couple pieces of dry food
7=C Aint done it..but this is what I would do
8=C To find out vet's opinion
9= C But pick him up and put him on floor
10# C If ever happens

32 points....Yay...I SURE am the Cat Slave..n YES Snowball is the BOSS in my house:thumbsup::whitecat::salute:
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All Cats Are Special
Top Cat
Feb 8, 2018
Reidsville NC
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1 bruce 1

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
As far as the scoring goes, remember this is just for fun ;)
F FeralHearts one year we had a litter of kittens we were fostering during a re-construction project. They were about 12-14 weeks old, too old to contain 24 hours a day, so we'd let them out when activity died down, and they had the best time, plus the kittens grew up in a noisy house hold and became really well adjusted adults. During this project we had to tear off some old wall paper. The kittens found the strips and began attacking them, and I worked along side them pulling strips off with them. I think those kittens thought I was one of them :lol:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
My score = 25

(21 - 30 points): Your human shows tremendous potential. Consider getting involved in cat shows or cat agility with your bright human so their intelligence can be brought to it's full potential. Smart humans like a challenge, so consider running like lightning when they pick up a dish towel, but sleeping through construction that's going on 2 feet away to further enrich their thinking minds. Humans in this intelligence range often respond well to training, so teach your human some tricks, such as
"clean my box", "feed me now", or "place me in that carrier and your life is over".


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 1, 2018
I did have a number 5 incident with a cat i used to own named Ginger, she got chased by my dog up a high tree down the street. My sister thought it was a great idea to taunt our germanshepard through the security door while holding ginger and thought it was a wise idea to open the secruity door to put the cats paw out to taunt more, when princess got fed up and pushed her nose to open the door further and fully pushed her way through, so she let go of the cat, there was a wild chase through the house and out the door ginger went with princess chasing her right up to the tallest tree.

We waited 15 minutes, and then called the Fire Department to come and get her down, the whole neighbour hood was out watching this rescue lol. Poor ginger was in shock from the dog chasing her (stupid sister). Back then we didnt have mobile phones to take a quick photo of the fireman and ginger together in the tree and when she was rescued, but i remember it like it was yesterday.

5: Get up on the highest cabinet you can find and pretend you can't get down.

d) Call the fire department, and the SWAT team and the local reporters come out and take your photo, and now you're famous


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 1, 2018
My score would also involve stray jackets and men in white coats LOL , my sister even bought me the Crazy Cat lady toy last year for christmas. She thought it would be an insult to me, except i loved the gift LOL

