I Got My Feral In The House Today!

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TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2017
Ahhhh, I feel for you! I'm so sorry the flap malfunctioned - what an awful feeling when you realized what happened. I hope she doesn't regress as much as you're afraid of. Do you think there was any part of her that was relieved to have regained entry? How was she the rest of the day?
Sorry I didn't answer your question Buffster7 Buffster7 She seemed fine, she is coming in more and more, It's a bummer we have to go through the door thing, as she has made some progress lately.
I can't wait to get started on her bigger catio! at least the door part will not have to be an issue when we get it done.

Joey will get her small catio when it's done and they will get to be with each other outside in separate catios, It's the only thing I can come up with that makes sense, It takes me out of the equation for them being together.
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  • #684


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2017
Hee hee! she is smart and so brave, now we can move on to her recovery of this!
She has been spending more time inside, she likes to watch me in the kitchen lately.
We can get back to more of this!
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  • #691


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2017
Hey Everybody!!!
I'm Cancer free and I'm back to work, It has been an incredible Journey. I was blessed through its entirety.

I finally trapped the last cat on my street Charlie!!! He stayed away for a couple weeks after but there are some colonies that are fed
down the street from me I'm sure he was there and I think that is where he came from.
He is very cautious and looks like he wants to be part of the gang.

so to refresh memories I have Sammy the grey tabby, Tex the long hair Tuxedo, Blacky the beautiful long hair, and Now Charlie the
short hair Tuxedo, We lost Mocha (Orange & White) I think it was a year ago. Possible coyote or dare I dream that someone took him in?

Walli & Joey are doing ok, Joey has calmed down a bit, Oh that reminds me of the chews buffeter was trying, I must order those.
Walli has her much bigger Catio we still have work to do on it but it has shelves and a couple cubby holes for her to hide in.
it's 10'x10 very big, coworkers helped us put it together right when covid hit and I was just diagnosed, we all had on masks!
Joey has Walli's old catio and my. husband rigged something so he can go outside from the back door, kind of like a tunnel
to the catio, He mostly stays in the tunnel tho.
Walli & Joey are still separated, Joey hates cats! He hates it when I go outside to feed the ferals I'm hoping he outgrows this.
I've finally calmed down a bit about the Feral's, It is somewhat of a routine if you can call ferals routine at all!
Sammy went missing for 2 weeks one time and I was very upset, He must have went to the other colony.
ha ha the cats will follow me if I walked down the street a little bit! it's so cute, all my neighbors are super supportive
and they all talk to me about the cats when they see me, sheesh things sure have changed!
Even the lady that was against feeding ferals when this whole thing started has become my friend!
she will walk by with her little dog and stop and talk to me and even prayed with me during my chemo days.
Sorry I stayed away but Cats can stress me out sometimes and I'm learning to manage it!
Thanks for all your good thoughts and Prayers!!


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I am so happy to hear from you! Wonderful wonderful news on being cancer free!!! Doing a happy dance for you!

I love hearing about the update on all the cats. If you get a chance I would love to see pictures of the setup! I am always looking for ideas.

I wish you continued good health!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
I am so happy to hear you are cancer free!! What a wonderful update!!!

I am so glad to hear you educated and the other resident listened. TNR is a great solution.

Taking care of ferals is emotionally challenging. We want the best for them but lack control over the outcomes. All we can do is our best. Make their lives the best we can. You are obviously doing an amazing job!!!

Keep working on building Joey's confidence and territorial security.

Most importantly please stay safe. Try to accept what is out of our control and reduce your stress as best as possible. I know it is easier said than done. You ae such a wonderful person and you are doing amazing things. Please take a step back and appreciate all the good you are doing. You are making a difference. And if we do that the world is better off. The world is better because of you!!!

Please stay safe, don't be a stranger and ask anything anytime. :cheerleader:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Wow! What great news! Cancer free and a new baby! You don’t know this but I needed this today! Just some really good “ make you smile and kinda grin” News!
Working on plumbing, wind blowing to 45 mpg and all my 7 rescue cat kids are in some sort of upset!

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  • #697


TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2017
Thanks! everybody, yes I think getting to a place knowing we can only do our best is crucial
It's hard to control Feral's!! ha ha!
My ferals do not sleep in the shelter I built them hopefully this winter!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
You can do it. I think you are a superstar!!!

The ferals will use it at some point. They don't like change and are suspicious but they will check it out and find it positive I am sure The most important thing is it is there for them.

Try not to be too hard on yourself and find the positives. You are doing such great things!!!

Thanks for the great update and making today a better day!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
even prayed with me during my chemo days.
Awww man, sorry you went through all that. But glad things are okay now. Did you have a baby? Glad things are going better with the ferals and the neighbors! I'm also glad to hear that you still have Joey! And that Walli has a new big catio. ❤