She's absolutely adorable! Also glad to hear her leukemia test was negative. Only advice I have is just please be sure and get her distemper shots as soon as your vet says. I just had one die and one fully recover and Scrappy in recovery now. It was touch and go for 5 days. It's a deadly disease and no cure, just supportive treatment. Ours were also "wild" kitties that someone dropped off at our house approx. 2 months ago. Scrappy was the wildest, scaredest one but has tamed down really well. I'm the main one he trusts since I take care of him all the time, and is scared of my husband, but he's coming around.
I get so furious when I think how people drop off animals anywhere they please just to get rid of them. They really don't know the problems, expense and heartache they create for somone else. Anyway I just wanted to say that your baby is just beautiful. I wish your family and her many many years of enjoyment and love.
I do intend to get her all of her shots when she is 8 weeks old. Our first cat was one that was dropped in my parents yard along with his two sisters. His name was KC (hence, my signin) and he was the best cat ever. Unfortunately I had gotten him all of his shots except for leukemia because of the cost and it cost me more dearly than I could have imagined. He got very sick and we had to put him down when he was only three. I am an animal lover and it kills me think that I could have prevented his death. So, now all of our pets have all the vaccinations. All of our pets are unwanted animals that we have taken in. Our dogs were someone's pets that they were not able to keep and our cats are all from the local shelter except the new kitty from the farm. I know they all need homes but I cannot help all of them. I wish people were more responsible and would get their pets fixed. There are so many strays in the woods near me and I am certain that at least some of them have leukemia and are passing it around. It's sad.
Your li'l cutie is adorable. Thank God Scrappy is doing better. He's on his way to a full recovery.....(crossing fingers). I have to agree with you on the way people just dump their pets and never get them shots or fixed. I feel responsible for Gateway's death in a way(Scrappy's brother) because I didn't take him to our regular vet to be neutered. I had 3 of them to do and so listened to a well meaning person and took them to a discount spay and neuter clinic. That had to be where they contracted the distemper, they were fine for over 2 months before that, so I know it had to have come from there. So out of the 3 remaining kitties, I now have 2. Thank God both are surviving. I never want to go thru this again with any other animal. I'm like you, I'm a huge animal lover and if it was up to me, I'd keep them all, but we just can't and so we do the best we can. I lost so many tears and sleep when they first got sick, then lost Gateway (named that because he looked like the Gateway cow.) It's a devastating disease and I hope I never have to see it again. Your little cutie will be just fine and I know you will make sure of that. That's just the way we are..........