How does your cat "talk" to you?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
My late cat, Willie, was a loudmouth. I've never had a cat who talked as much as she did. She also had separation anxiety so when I would leave, she'd just meow even louder.

Maisie doesn't really speak much to me. She will when I'm getting her food though, but even then it isn't much. Remy doesn't talk much either, but he does it in more situations than Maisie does. His meow is also just a rasp. It has barely any sound. Everyone thinks he is hissing when he is actually meowing.


minish first..
Alpha Cat
Nov 21, 2016
Minish has a large vocal vocabulary she improved over time.
Single long meow towards walls when she's unhappy
Demanding meows for food and being let out
Question mauwauw ending in a higher pitch which may be followed by a demand
Protest meows much like we gruntle when she obeys unwanted commands usually about her having to go down from the counter or table
Very weak mew when she's closed up in a closet or room accidentally
Kittenish mew when she can't find me where she expects in hide and seek
Special yowling like meuw to announce she's gone pooping (not constipated)
Clicking sounds for window watching birds close by
The loveliest of trills used when starting tag or chase, during play, announcements of her coming in or acknowledging my aproach while she lays relaxed
Trills pitched like a question for invitations
Hisses and growls during aggressive play with my boyfriend
Trying to form various yowlmeauwarw sentences when she wants attention from the other side of the house (I never react since they're unpleasant but laugh my head off silently) this one she modifies and keeps trying


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 14, 2019
My cat Popoki has Maine Coon in him so he'll do their signature little chirping noises. Sometimes when he's bored you'll just hear him downstairs meowing very loudly to himself, it always makes me crack up! :flail:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 23, 2017
I love the little ways Mia communicates with me. I find it adorable. Like if I’m holding her on my chest as I’m laying down and she wants to be let down then she will gently tap my nose with her paw.

Or if she is irritated about something I’ve done she will let out this high pitched meow.

She is generally pretty vocal. She will meow/yowl while wandering around when she wants something and if im not doing what she wants she will come up to me and look directly at me and meow VERY loudly like ‘HEY, you are not listening to me!!’ It’s very cute.

She does also do a lot of trilling and purring. When she wants me to get up in the morning and her meows aren’t working then she will lay on me and purr. And I know it’s just her trying to soften me up so I’ll get up for her 😂

Shes very good at communicating. I almost always know what she wants or what she doesn’t want. We have a mutual respect and communication style.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Mingo is very chatty. We carry on regular conversations all the time. He's very expressive, raising th pitch as if asking a question. Both of mine chirp a lot, especially when they are pleased. Mingo also moans and grunts when he's sleeping.


TCS Member
Young Cat
May 16, 2020
My two are pretty quiet. I get some eeps and peeps, a paw tap for attention, a miaow if they feel lost or overly ignored and miaows at feeding - one has a sweet I want food miaow, the other one has a long whiney “why is food taking so long” miaow. The nicest of all is when they climb on me, purr like tractors and rub off my beard. They love beards!

Paul Leclercq

TCS Member
Jan 4, 2021
They're both chatty in their own ways. Selene seems to meow and trill in equal amounts. Charlie has a high-pitched, squeaky meow. While Selene tends to make noise wherever and whenever, Charlie seems to reserve it for direct communication.
My cat Tulip communicates with people almost unbelievably. A few days before Christmas, I was lying on the sofa. My roommate was in his bedroom with the door closed. My cat realized that I was not sleeping. I was in trouble. Tulip went to the bedroom door and pushed it open. Thankfully, the tongue of the latch doesn't insert properly and the door can be pushed open. She then jumped on the bed and started scratching Akim in his eyes until he woke up. At first and because he has been my roommate for only a little over a month, thought that she wanted to play but quickly realized that she was in distress. Tulip then lead Akim to the living room where I was supposed to be sleeping on the sofa. I wasn't. I was covered in sweat from head to toe, had no pulse. had relieved myself completely and my eyes were open. I was dead. Akim then had to call 911. With COVID-19, the person on the phone had to instruct Akim how to do CPR until the paramedics arrived, which took longer than usual because of having to be dressed appropriately. I was then revived by both Akim and the paramedics, admitted into hospital, then returned home 3 days later. I'm fine. My glucose level (I have diabetes) had dropped dramatically low and so low that, basically, I died. When I returned home, Tulip was in shock. She would not stop meowing and would not come in from the patio outside. It's 2 degrees celcius in Montreal these days. I called her several times until she finally realized that, yes, it really is me, and that nothing horrid is going to happen. I never, in my life, could have imagined that my cat would save my life. Tulip has been with me for 10 years. From Ontario to Quebec. Akim, Tulip and myself decided to drop the subject and just decorate the Christmas Tree. The lights never arrived on time by Canada Post, but I will tell you, it is the best damn Christmas Tree that I've ever seen.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
My cat Tulip communicates with people almost unbelievably. A few days before Christmas, I was lying on the sofa. My roommate was in his bedroom with the door closed. My cat realized that I was not sleeping. I was in trouble. Tulip went to the bedroom door and pushed it open. Thankfully, the tongue of the latch doesn't insert properly and the door can be pushed open. She then jumped on the bed and started scratching Akim in his eyes until he woke up. At first and because he has been my roommate for only a little over a month, thought that she wanted to play but quickly realized that she was in distress. Tulip then lead Akim to the living room where I was supposed to be sleeping on the sofa. I wasn't. I was covered in sweat from head to toe, had no pulse. had relieved myself completely and my eyes were open. I was dead. Akim then had to call 911. With COVID-19, the person on the phone had to instruct Akim how to do CPR until the paramedics arrived, which took longer than usual because of having to be dressed appropriately. I was then revived by both Akim and the paramedics, admitted into hospital, then returned home 3 days later. I'm fine. My glucose level (I have diabetes) had dropped dramatically low and so low that, basically, I died. When I returned home, Tulip was in shock. She would not stop meowing and would not come in from the patio outside. It's 2 degrees celcius in Montreal these days. I called her several times until she finally realized that, yes, it really is me, and that nothing horrid is going to happen. I never, in my life, could have imagined that my cat would save my life. Tulip has been with me for 10 years. From Ontario to Quebec. Akim, Tulip and myself decided to drop the subject and just decorate the Christmas Tree. The lights never arrived on time by Canada Post, but I will tell you, it is the best damn Christmas Tree that I've ever seen.
Wow! I am glad you are ok, thanks to Akim and Tulip.

Paul Leclercq

TCS Member
Jan 4, 2021
Wow! I am glad you are ok, thanks to Akim and Tulip.
Hello Maria!
My cat Tulip doesn't exactly talk to me, but she has her way of communicating. I know when she's bored, wants her Montréal smoked meat, wants to go outside, and specially when she wants attention. She pushes her head under my hand in order to make sure that I pet her. I know her moods. Like a human being, she has her good days and bad days. She changed dramatically after we moved from Ontario to Québec. In Ontario, she hid under the sofa if as much as the wind blew. Here in Montréal, she is in charge of the neighborhood. All cats beware! My family and friends in Ontario are surprised by her changes. I am much happier and she is much happier. A win win situation. Everyone here knows that she's my little girl, my Tulip, and my pretty kitty. Quèbecers are a lot friendlier, more layed back, and never in a hurry for anything, compared to Ontario. We, here in Québec, have more holidays than any other province. A fantastic change. Thanks for asking. Stay safe and wear a mask. This COVID-19 is almost under control. Patience is a virtue. 😷