if you can pet this cat at all I suggest you get some thick gloves and try to scruff her and put her in the carrier that way. A firm grip on the back of her neck and a blanket used to cover her back end and shove her from behind might work. Be careful! If you get scratched or bitten wash the wounds straight away, apply anti-sceptic and get a doctor to take a look.
My neighbor caught her and carried her to my home wrapped in a blanket. She is resting in her room. She has eaten dinner and used the litter box. I am letting her sniff around and get comfortable.
Thank you again for your help.
Thank you for checking on her. Yes, she is settling in. I think she is doing remarkably well. She is not eatting as much as when she was outside but she now has a bowl of kibble and is fed three times a day. I have a carrier in the room so she can get use to it. She has been laying in it. She also has been using the birthing bed I made for her.
That's good! Pregnant cats benefit from the extra calories in kitten food. They sometimes appreciate a bowl of KMR too. I'm so glad she's safely indoors now.
She had her kitten last night. As soon as I got up she started meowing. I looked into the room. She was so proud. The kitten is moving around. I didnot want to distrub the birthing box. Now to take care of them both. It is a great day!!!