I hope someone can give me some advice. Have owned cats all my life and now have one 18 year old who was showing some issues for a bit-sometimes looked lost, meowed alot, etc. I recently had her to the vet 2 weeks ago for a checkup-all bloodwork came back great, including thyroid. She has had some loose stool issues which I think are due to stress-my other cat tends to bully her. Suddenly last Friday night, she started pacing around the house, yowling at the top of her lungs, jumping on things that she normally would not go on and trying to get out my window. This went on and off for 4 hours. I took her back to the vet the next day and they told me that she had alot of gas in her tummy so maybe she had been in pain. Recommended baby gas drops. Her bp was fine and no temp. Since then, she has changed completely. Paces and howls almost all the time. Constantly looking to eat and drink water. She was never really a cuddler but used to lay next to me on the couch at night. She just looks so distressed and constantly looks to follow me around. I can pet her, but something just seems different.I tried giving her calming chew treats which she eats but doesn't seem to do anything. Now my vet recommended trying melatonin and something called Neutricks. I have melatonin at home and vet said I could use human form, but the Neutricks is hard to find online. I read reviews and someone said their vet recommended Senilife for dogs for her cat and it made a difference, so I ordered some but it will take a few days to get here. Before I left for work this morning, I was so upset as she was just up and down the stairs and walking all around and yowling-jumping in the tub. She is eating well and I am going to try to giving her a higher dose of melatonin later. I am just looking to see if anyone has had any experience with this and any advice.