Hello! I'm having trouble with my newly-adopted male kitty. He's about 6.5 months old. He comes into my room, systematically messes with everything (tries to play with everything he can find, moving from thing to thing around the room), then starts vocally complaining. I try petting him, holding him, etc., and it doesn't seem to calm him or persuade him to settle in on the bed. He just accepts some petting, then repeats his cycle of moving from thing to thing around the room, complaining, then playing with things more, then complaining again. Strangely, when I place him in the next room and close the door, he will meow maybe for a little bit but then be quiet. Why does he complain when he has my company (as if he wants attention) but when I give him attention he doesn't really want it? It's driving me nuts. Thank you so much in advance for your help!