HI, I have 17 cats and I love them all as if they were my children. All of these were strays I took in and I have everyone spayed and neutered. I have never had anything against dogs until now! For two months there has been a stray dog living in the woods close to my house. I use to let my cats out every morning and get them in at night, every time I would hear barking I would go out and chase this dog back to the woods. I think it stays here to chase cats. Two weeks ago I did not hear the barking in time and it killed one of my cats!! Since then my cats have stayed in, even though they are not very happy they are alive. We have made a cage trap, bought a gun but we can not get rid of this dog, every time it sees us it runs back to the woods. We live in the country and there is no animal control out here so we are on our own. I have checked around and no one claims the dog. Has anyone ever had a problem like this? Any help would be appreciated!