Has anyone here shown their cat in Agility?

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Slave in a cat house
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Alpha Cat
Apr 13, 2016
Best little cathouse in Texas
LOL, now she's teething... getting her big girl fangs! I just spotted the little tips just beginning to poke down next to her baby teeth. They still have a little ways to go, but she's going to have that shark-mouth going on soon, along with that less than sweet teething breath!

Perhaps we will wait until January, when she doesn't look so awkward. I know that these are all perfectly normal phases in a kitten's development, but teething is also uncomfortable. I also want to make sure that the fangs shed properly and aren't retained. Skye had one retained baby fang which the vet had to extract. It went okay, and she was just fine afterwards, but we had that experience already, and want to make sure that we don't have it again. So, perhaps we'll let her get through it and use that time to get her accustomed to traveling in a car, meeting people outside her home (on a harness), and keeping up her social skills as she transitions into an adolescent. One month longer might be helpful, anyway... and she would still be in "Kitten class" at 6 months anyway. She's 5 months now, so one month won't hurt.