

Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Hi everyone...
Some of you may remember me from my saga with my Soul-kitty,:angel: Artie, with his IBD and Megacolon.

Well, it seems as if history is repeating itself. I feel as if, It is laughing at me... Geoffrey had an endoscopy with biopsy, on Thursday.
I insisted on it, because he has been vomiting. He is not losing weight, no diarrhea... just the vomiting... mostly fur.... I have tried every thing imaginable and suggested try to help him.

I persisted, tried so many different items, over the past year, and managed to get Geoffrey from hating to be brushed to loving it!!! We have our routine, and have to do it at least once daily.. HE waits for me to brush him, and purrs the entire time.. so sweet..
Geoffrey is such a sweet, anxious cat... so sweet.

I could not accept that he was just a 'vomiter".. Which is what I was constantly told. I drove the specialist crazy... and his secretary.. I will say, his regular Vet correctly diagnosed him with IBD, last year.. based on history of vomiting and his yucky ear wax...I had to agree. But went through the proper channels.

I adopted Geoffrey in November of 2018... My soul cat,💕 Artie left May 23, 2018. :angel:...
I wanted to adopt a much younger cat; hopefully one without any issues.. dam.Geoffrey did not pick me, I picked him.. I fell in love with him when I saw him.. did I rush? I do not know--all I know is that I really needed a cat in my life.. I needed love, and I needed to feel needed...
Geoffrey was approximately 4 years old; supposedly no issues. Could be true and all of this is from stress...
He Had several normal full vet exams, with a full IBD work up last year, without the endoscopy---ultrasound negative.. no thickening seen.

I am just kind of mourning the far that I have had 2 cats, in a row, with IBD.... How do I pick them? Or should I say, God is giving them to me..I really have to question his choices... not me again.

The specialist is kind of baffled.. His endoscopy, on visual, was completely normal. The preliminary pathology report came back as IBD!! He did tell me that I was absolutely right to insist on the endoscopy.
They are doing additional studies on the specimen to see if it is from an allergy or due to inflammation or cancer...

I feel the answer for that is: I put Geoffrey on prescription rabbit food, very soon... I did not wait.
That is why the mucosa looked so smooth, without signs of thickening. That is why the ultrasound was normal.. that is why the blood tests are normal... Yet, deep down at the cellular level, he has evidence of IBD; thus the vomiting.. something is triggering it... I feel it is an ingredient in the Royal Canin Prescription Rabbit Food. I cannot do raw.. I really cannot. He free feeds... He does ever with free feeding. It seems the longer his stomach is empty, the more acid he gets... and he is now eating only dry.. refusing the wet, no matter how much I starve him...

Artie was a very finicky cat with regards to food. I am not creating a monster with this cat. I promised myself that I will be tuff love, when it comes to food. I have to be. I was a nervous wreck with Artie. I am not going to have a finicky sick kitty.

I wonder if Orange cats have a pre-disposition to IBD???? My gut is also telling me that he is allergic to chicken. I tried the hydrolozed treats---they contain hydrolyzed chicken.. Geoffrey vomits a day after eating them... if I give them 2 days in a row... only 4 at a time.

My questions:: How does it happen that I get another cat, immediately after Artie, with IBD... what the heck is wrong with this?? Life is not fair.. and I have more than I share of badness.. in more ways than one... just feeling sorry for myself.

I am just venting... again... as you guys are aware I can do...
Geoffrey is really a good cat.. nothing like Artie--one in a million--my soul-cat... but he is a good cat..
Geoffrey is like a baby.. a 7 year old baby... He is very anxious, withdraws when frightened.. but he is a real cuddle cat. He is a talkier.. We talk all day long..
My bedroom is Geoffrey's room.. My bed is Geoffrey's bed.. he hides under it a lot.. He also, like Artie, loves 'tents'---but only on my bed!!!!
I am older now, and I guess I need different.. Geoffrey is definitely that.. I cuddle with him, on top of the bed, during the day..
When I do not feel well, and are lying on top of the bed, he is there---cuddling with me..
Geoffrey sleeps with me... every night.. He calls me when he uses the litter box, vomits, his food bowl is empty or he wants to play.
He is a good kitty...
All the Vets and Techs always comment on how good he is...

Geoffrey is so funny.. He can be on top of my bed; yet, the. eh wants me, he will call out to me!! Sweet boy.. When I turn the corner and see him only bed, he automatically turns on his back, twisting and calling me.. so sweet...

He is larger than Artie, (who was large)--weighing in at over 13 lbs.. I refer to myself as his mama; as with Artie, I never felt that.
Geoffrey is a little boy, in his mind. I still think he was not treated correctly when he was a kitten and could have been a bit abused. He was so frightened when I adopted him.

Ok--so, where we stand is: I am waiting for the more intensive pathology results... about 10 more days... no changes in diet or medications...
He is slowly recovering from the endoscopy--he is eating ok, as of today... but his stools were soft.. I am going to see what happens. I think is from stress; and all the water he drank after the procedure. Geoffrey was more thirsty rather than hungry...

Ok---I am just kind of venting and blogging.. sorry...

I hope this is ok...
Sorry for taking up your time...



Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I can't tell you WHY you have had two cats in a row with IBD, but I do wonder if you've considered freeze dried raw that you can serve like kibble? One of my guys will not eat it if I rehydrate it, so he gets it in the dry form. Here is the page from Chewy where it's sorted out for Rabbit only. That might be a good option, although, naturally, it's pretty pricy. But I'm guessing so is the prescription food.



TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Could a LID rabbit dry and canned food work for Geoffrey? Or freeze dried raw that you feed as is (that is, don't rehydrate in water before serving as per the instructions)? You could run it by Dr. B but he'll probably still insist on prescription. He's fine with me feeding Leroy raw, though.



TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. So, I HAVE to ask, what exactly in the reports confirmed IBD? I didn't see it in what information you provided, unless I totally missed something. I so hate to say it, but from all the experience on this site - among others, mine included - IBD is a 'go to' diagnosis when all else fails.

If there is a dry food that works for him, that he does NOT throw up on, and if you want him to get extra moisture, then you can always try a side dish with some of the dry mixed with water to see what he does.

Also, this site is 'addressed' for raw feeding and IBD, but it also has a ton of information that also applies to non-raw feeding, non-IBD cats as well. Raw Feeding for IBD Cats - Feline IBD
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
mrsgreenjeens mrsgreenjeens I have never used freeze dry raw.. I have to look that up.. I do not even know where I would get that. I only have Petsmart and Petco around me. I order tons of food from Chewy.

LTS3 LTS3 Dr B is waiting for the full biopsy results before changing anything.
I do not know if a non-prescription rabbit will be helpful. I tried a different brand--Freely, when I ran out of RC rabbit due to the shortage. Geoffrey seemed to vomit a bit more.. and did not care for the taste of the food. To be honest, I have reservations about Natures Variety. It does contain the clay. That did a number on Artie. I could see the pieces of clay come out in his stools.. since he had megacolon, I am not sure what caused it; predisposition from IBD, or the clay adding to the constipation. I actually saw bits of yellow clay type material in his stool.. so.. I am cautious.

FeebysOwner FeebysOwner DR B is going off the Preliminary Biopsy results. We are awaiting the full result to see if the IBD is from an allergy, inflammation, or lymphoma. That is what the further testing encompasses. It takes a longer time because, I think the cells have to grow, and be fixed and then looked at... Not a lab tech, but I can understand the waiting period.
We are waiting because, I guess, the treatment will correspond to what the complete results are.
Since Geoffrey has PICA, vomiting up the plastic backing of a Carefree Pad--last Sunday.. He could have underlying inflammation.... but who the heck knows..

I wish I could get a deep but sensible understanding of what the differences are... inflammation vs allergic response.

Geoffrey is back to himself..just not playing as much.. He was cuddling with me, at the foot of my recliner, for 2 nights in a row.. that is new.. He started doing that recently--but only before he was about to vomit..
He also cuddled a lot during the day, and entire night with me. Strange phenomenon: After breakfast, instead of going back to my bedroom, he stayed on the sofa... close to me.
I expect a vomit.... sigh..


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Chewy sells freeze dried raw. I buy the Vital Essentials patties in rabbit and pork. It also comes in kibble-like pieces.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Yes, I think orange cats have more health problems. Or maybe just male cats. Demi does terrible on kibble, but he loves it. I'm trying all wet food today to see if he does better on that. But it's so much more expensive.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 12, 2017
Hi everyone...
Some of you may remember me from my saga with my Soul-kitty,:angel: Artie, with his IBD and Megacolon.

Well, it seems as if history is repeating itself. I feel as if, It is laughing at me... Geoffrey had an endoscopy with biopsy, on Thursday.
I insisted on it, because he has been vomiting. He is not losing weight, no diarrhea... just the vomiting... mostly fur.... I have tried every thing imaginable and suggested try to help him.

I persisted, tried so many different items, over the past year, and managed to get Geoffrey from hating to be brushed to loving it!!! We have our routine, and have to do it at least once daily.. HE waits for me to brush him, and purrs the entire time.. so sweet..
Geoffrey is such a sweet, anxious cat... so sweet.

I could not accept that he was just a 'vomiter".. Which is what I was constantly told. I drove the specialist crazy... and his secretary.. I will say, his regular Vet correctly diagnosed him with IBD, last year.. based on history of vomiting and his yucky ear wax...I had to agree. But went through the proper channels.

I adopted Geoffrey in November of 2018... My soul cat,💕 Artie left May 23, 2018. :angel:...
I wanted to adopt a much younger cat; hopefully one without any issues.. dam.Geoffrey did not pick me, I picked him.. I fell in love with him when I saw him.. did I rush? I do not know--all I know is that I really needed a cat in my life.. I needed love, and I needed to feel needed...
Geoffrey was approximately 4 years old; supposedly no issues. Could be true and all of this is from stress...
He Had several normal full vet exams, with a full IBD work up last year, without the endoscopy---ultrasound negative.. no thickening seen.

I am just kind of mourning the far that I have had 2 cats, in a row, with IBD.... How do I pick them? Or should I say, God is giving them to me..I really have to question his choices... not me again.

The specialist is kind of baffled.. His endoscopy, on visual, was completely normal. The preliminary pathology report came back as IBD!! He did tell me that I was absolutely right to insist on the endoscopy.
They are doing additional studies on the specimen to see if it is from an allergy or due to inflammation or cancer...

I feel the answer for that is: I put Geoffrey on prescription rabbit food, very soon... I did not wait.
That is why the mucosa looked so smooth, without signs of thickening. That is why the ultrasound was normal.. that is why the blood tests are normal... Yet, deep down at the cellular level, he has evidence of IBD; thus the vomiting.. something is triggering it... I feel it is an ingredient in the Royal Canin Prescription Rabbit Food. I cannot do raw.. I really cannot. He free feeds... He does ever with free feeding. It seems the longer his stomach is empty, the more acid he gets... and he is now eating only dry.. refusing the wet, no matter how much I starve him...

Artie was a very finicky cat with regards to food. I am not creating a monster with this cat. I promised myself that I will be tuff love, when it comes to food. I have to be. I was a nervous wreck with Artie. I am not going to have a finicky sick kitty.

I wonder if Orange cats have a pre-disposition to IBD???? My gut is also telling me that he is allergic to chicken. I tried the hydrolozed treats---they contain hydrolyzed chicken.. Geoffrey vomits a day after eating them... if I give them 2 days in a row... only 4 at a time.

My questions:: How does it happen that I get another cat, immediately after Artie, with IBD... what the heck is wrong with this?? Life is not fair.. and I have more than I share of badness.. in more ways than one... just feeling sorry for myself.

I am just venting... again... as you guys are aware I can do...
Geoffrey is really a good cat.. nothing like Artie--one in a million--my soul-cat... but he is a good cat..
Geoffrey is like a baby.. a 7 year old baby... He is very anxious, withdraws when frightened.. but he is a real cuddle cat. He is a talkier.. We talk all day long..
My bedroom is Geoffrey's room.. My bed is Geoffrey's bed.. he hides under it a lot.. He also, like Artie, loves 'tents'---but only on my bed!!!!
I am older now, and I guess I need different.. Geoffrey is definitely that.. I cuddle with him, on top of the bed, during the day..
When I do not feel well, and are lying on top of the bed, he is there---cuddling with me..
Geoffrey sleeps with me... every night.. He calls me when he uses the litter box, vomits, his food bowl is empty or he wants to play.
He is a good kitty...
All the Vets and Techs always comment on how good he is...

Geoffrey is so funny.. He can be on top of my bed; yet, the. eh wants me, he will call out to me!! Sweet boy.. When I turn the corner and see him only bed, he automatically turns on his back, twisting and calling me.. so sweet...

He is larger than Artie, (who was large)--weighing in at over 13 lbs.. I refer to myself as his mama; as with Artie, I never felt that.
Geoffrey is a little boy, in his mind. I still think he was not treated correctly when he was a kitten and could have been a bit abused. He was so frightened when I adopted him.

Ok--so, where we stand is: I am waiting for the more intensive pathology results... about 10 more days... no changes in diet or medications...
He is slowly recovering from the endoscopy--he is eating ok, as of today... but his stools were soft.. I am going to see what happens. I think is from stress; and all the water he drank after the procedure. Geoffrey was more thirsty rather than hungry...

Ok---I am just kind of venting and blogging.. sorry...

I hope this is ok...
Sorry for taking up your time...

View attachment 421024
I so understand your frustration. I too have a cat that I adopted. He was 3. Now he's 11 and he's had struvite crystals that were finally treated with fus sol. A ph balance liquid. A year later he began having seizures. So now zonisamide was added. Do you have any idea how horrible it is to put 2ml of meds down a cats throat 2xs a day for years! Finally I removed the fus sol after seeing at the very bottom of the possible side effects, seizures. Voila problem solved and to my surprise. Crystals resolved with diet. He just seems to pee vertically.
Now iBD diagnosis after 3 ultrasounds. All of which list lymphoma as a possibility. Anyway. I also have had a nagging feeling it is a poultry allergy. Last weak I switched to vital Essentials Rabbit. Freeze dried. I rehydrate. Also Purina HA prescription. He won't eat Royal Canin. I hope you will continue to post so I can perhaps take ques from your experience if indeed my newest diet trial fails.
Thanks for posting! Soooo understand.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 19, 2021
Geoffrey's symptoms are very, very, very similar to my IBD kitty's symptoms (even the pica when he's bothered by stomach acid). We also did a diet trial with the Royal Canin rabbit, both wet and dry, and first he refused the wet food and later he refused the dry food - I think because he realized those foods actually made him worse. And I figured out it was the filler ingredients, like pea products and gums, that were making him sick and not the type of protein. Please don't force Geoffrey to eat the wet food if he's refusing it - he probably associates it with getting sick and he may be refusing it so he can feel better. Have you discussed with your vet the possibility of Geoffrey having problems with filler ingredients and not with protein sources?
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Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Geoffrey's symptoms are very, very, very similar to my IBD kitty's symptoms (even the pica when he's bothered by stomach acid). We also did a diet trial with the Royal Canin rabbit, both wet and dry, and first he refused the wet food and later he refused the dry food - I think because he realized those foods actually made him worse. And I figured out it was the filler ingredients, like pea products and gums, that were making him sick and not the type of protein. Please don't force Geoffrey to eat the wet food if he's refusing it - he probably associates it with getting sick and he may be refusing it so he can feel better. Have you discussed with your vet the possibility of Geoffrey having problems with filler ingredients and not with protein sources?
We are still waiting for more information from the biopsy results. I am not changing his old--not now.. just waiting.. so in status quo.

Geoffrey is still in. the process of recovering from the endoscopy. His poop was very soft, now it is hard. He needs laxatone today. Funny, Geoffrey was asking for it yesterday.. Yes, I know he was asking for it, because he would not leave me alone.
I asked him if he wanted his 'medicine'--he replied back: rrrrhumppp.

I feel it is an ingredient in the food. Just my gut feeling.
I am going to look up the ingredients on line for RC Rabbit, bring up the information, so I can compare things easier.

My thoughts about having Geoffrey eat one wet meal a day, is that I can slip in a probiotic in there. But he does sense when sorting Is added to his food.

I think his tummy is still upset.. he is acting that way--no vomits yet... but wanting to hang around me a lot.
Still not back into playing... all of this is normal for post procedure. It takes a while to heal.

Sweet boy.. I cleaned his ears yesterday.. He was so good about it...