Foster kitten- fever coat?

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 21, 2022
What a cutie❤ It could be a fever coat or he could be a smoke, are his roots white? If so he is probably a smoke.
I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like some hairs are white and some are black. 🤔 On his tail, the hair color is banded. Black at root, white in middle, and black at top. Almost looks like a chinchilla Rex hair color pattern when you blow on it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 2, 2018
I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like some hairs are white and some are black. 🤔 On his tail, the hair color is banded. Black at root, white in middle, and black at top. Almost looks like a chinchilla Rex hair color pattern when you blow on it.
Yes it could be some type of tabby pattern coming through in some way. I read also that black and white cats often have some white hairs in the black area too. He also looks like he could be medium hair and in lh cats the colors tend to blend and change more. If his roots were white I would say smoke because he looks like that in some of those photos.

My Zena who is a dlh black white tuxedo has grayish areas in the black. His skin is super white which is strange to me but his roots are not.
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 21, 2022
Yes it could be some type of tabby pattern coming through in some way. I read also that black and white cats often have some white hairs in the black area too. He also looks like he could be medium hair and in lh cats the colors tend to blend and change more. If his roots were white I would say smoke because he looks like that in some of those photos.

My Zena who is a dlh black white tuxedo has grayish areas in the black. His skin is super white which is strange to me but his roots are not.
Ooh post pics. I’d love to see him!!
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 21, 2022
Yes it could be some type of tabby pattern coming through in some way. I read also that black and white cats often have some white hairs in the black area too. He also looks like he could be medium hair and in lh cats the colors tend to blend and change more. If his roots were white I would say smoke because he looks like that in some of those photos.

My Zena who is a dlh black white tuxedo has grayish areas in the black. His skin is super white which is strange to me but his roots are not.
We should be able to see his permanent coat soon since he’s coming up on three months now. Will be fun to see if he turns back to black and it was just a crazy fever coat, or if he keeps the silvering! I agree, I think he may end up medium hair, however his tail is very smooth and sleek like a shorthair.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 24, 2006
London, England
It would be interesting to see what happens with his coat as he matures.
I'm not so sure it's smoke or silvering looking at those pictures, because it doesn't seem as though the base and tips of the hairs are black and white (or vice versa), some of the hairs are white and others black.
It's more like an extreme amount of roaning - like a roan horse or a merle dog
The fact his paws and face are solid black makes me wonder.

I mean it could be it is a fever coat and he'll grow out of it in a couple of months. Or he might get a clearer tabby pattern or it will visibly become more of a black/silver ticked tabby appearance.

It certainly gives him an unusual look at least for now, I think he's very pretty.
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  • #29


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 21, 2022
It would be interesting to see what happens with his coat as he matures.
I'm not so sure it's smoke or silvering looking at those pictures, because it doesn't seem as though the base and tips of the hairs are black and white (or vice versa), some of the hairs are white and others black.
It's more like an extreme amount of roaning - like a roan horse or a merle dog
The fact his paws and face are solid black makes me wonder.

I mean it could be it is a fever coat and he'll grow out of it in a couple of months. Or he might get a clearer tabby pattern or it will visibly become more of a black/silver ticked tabby appearance.

It certainly gives him an unusual look at least for now, I think he's very pretty.
Thank you!! I agree, not smoke. Doesn’t have the white roots with the black tips. It’s exactly like you said, a mix of white and black hairs. And now that you mention it, much like a roan! However he doesn’t have any spots on his face or feet. Those are pretty much black. I had to look up Merle - I thought it only occurred in dogs. But turns out it does occur rarely in cats too, but isn’t recognized. So
Interesting. I’ll keep y’all updated as he grows!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 2, 2017
He looks almost exactly like my Cosmo's kitten coat. I had hopes Cosmo would keep his kitten colors, but he turned into a gorgeous striking super soft pure black boy.