Has anyone used Flea Away for their cats? I started using it this week. I gave my kitty half doses each day instead of the full pill. I mixed it into his food. He was fine all week but last night and today had several loose stools and today after lunch he threw up his meal. Now he is sleepy and affectionate and his nose is pale
If I offer him food, he will eat it. It seems that despite his troubles, his appetite is intact. I have him on Orijen Cat & Kitten food. And he gets wet food each day that is not the grocery store processed stuff. I haven't changed it at all or done anything different except the Flea Away. The only other thing I can think of would be if he figured out how to get in the garbage without knocking it over but that's a stretch!
I read all about the Flea Away stuff and it's nothing more than vitamins and brewers yeast. Apparently, it has to build up in the system before it really starts to work so I was thinking maybe it's building up in his system and maybe his system just doesn't like it but I couldn't find any reviews saying their cats experienced the same thing.
For now I'm just keeping an eye on him. He is drinking plenty of water. The runny poo seems to have stopped. He is resting now.
If I offer him food, he will eat it. It seems that despite his troubles, his appetite is intact. I have him on Orijen Cat & Kitten food. And he gets wet food each day that is not the grocery store processed stuff. I haven't changed it at all or done anything different except the Flea Away. The only other thing I can think of would be if he figured out how to get in the garbage without knocking it over but that's a stretch!
I read all about the Flea Away stuff and it's nothing more than vitamins and brewers yeast. Apparently, it has to build up in the system before it really starts to work so I was thinking maybe it's building up in his system and maybe his system just doesn't like it but I couldn't find any reviews saying their cats experienced the same thing.
For now I'm just keeping an eye on him. He is drinking plenty of water. The runny poo seems to have stopped. He is resting now.