FIP Support-There is a Cure!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
This is my first post, and I’m really hoping I’ve found a place where I can share my story and find support. I’m 66, and I never thought I’d be in this position, but here I am, still reeling from what happened with my baby. When she was diagnosed with FIP, Ihad no clue what that meant (I wish I still didn't). The vet told me there was nothing they could really do..

But here’s what really got me is when I started looking for answers, I found out there were treatments for FIP. GS (#s?) has been working for so many cats, but somehow, my vet didn’t even know about it. I’m so angry. How can a life-saving treatment not be common knowledge in the veterinary community? How many other cats are being sent home with no hope because people don’t know this is an option? We could have euthanized her due to a lack of knowledge which is insanity,

I’m beyond frustrated, but I was lucky enough to find the right help in time, and she is so much better today. But I can’t stop thinking about all the other cats out there who don’t get that chance, simply because people don’t know about FIP. What if this happens to my other cats? How did I not know about this?? We need to change this.

I don’t want anyone else to feel as helpless as I did, so I’m sharing what I’ve learned. If you’re dealing with FIP, don’t wait for the vet to tell you there’s nothing you can do. There is hope. Please, take the time to learn about it, and check out more about this treatment here this is where I got GS but there are also Facebook groups like FIP Global that can help if you search it on there.

We need to raise awareness, we need to make sure no cat has to suffer, and we need to hold the veterinary community accountable. Let’s stop this from happening. I'm still upset.
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  • #2


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
OH: and I did tell my vet about this after and got no response. I will try call more vets around me so that this does not happen at least not in my community- many people here wont be able to stand up for their cats and will trust the veterinarians!!


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Many members have contacted FIP Warriors for help and assistance here: FIP Warriors
TCS has an article specifically about FIP here: Fip In Cats: A Practical Overview - TheCatSite
And a thread with helpful information about this feline illness here:
Our Bowie has Wet FIP and need some encouragement!

Unfortunately we had a cat diagnosed with FIP at 3 years old. However, there was no medical treatment available at that time and it was devastating. Thank you for your interest in helping others with this feline disease.
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Unfortunately, the above article "FIP in Cats", has not been updated to show that there is, indeed, treatment now for it. It is still quite expensive, but the sheer fact that there is a cure is phenomenal!
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
The treatments available today, like GS, are truly life-saving, and I’m so grateful I can share that here. But it breaks my heart—and, yes, it makes me angry—that these treatments aren’t yet widely recognized by so many vets. It’s just unacceptable, and we need to do better for our babies.

It’s so very important that we push for more up-to-date resources and better education for veterinarians. If sharing what I’ve learned helps even one more cat get a chance at life, then it’s absolutely worth it. I will keep calling veterinarians in my area. Oh, and I have to share this: I was originally quoted $18 for each GS tablet, but I found for $9! I felt like a bit of a sleuth:LOL. I know that ther are also Stokes and Wedgewood has the liquid too but my baby was not eating so I was worried about the liquid medicine. This is a nightmare that I do not want to have again and would be happy to help other people with their journeys.
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
Oh, I forgot to mention that the best thing I bought was a pill popper- I think I got it on Amazon and I can share the link!! I think this would help people, too, and maybe vets have this in stock I can ask them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
I lost my very first house cat to FIP. (I say house cat as growing up we had barn cats.) It was before treatments were available as well. My co-worker two years ago adopted a kitten that turned out to have FIP. Treated and he's living his best life now.

The few Vets I've talked to about this - they know about it and can't say much if anything at all as it's not approved. The impression I got was that because it's not an "approved" treatment; which I have to say baffles me to no end, they risk getting into a lot of trouble getting involved too much. As it's considered "experimental" still and "not approved" a vet can actually lose their license. One of the vets I spoke to was so enraged about it I thought she was going to have stoke talking about it. That's how intensely frustrated they were about having their hands tied on it - knowing there's a cure.

It's surprising that your vet hadn't heard of that, or maybe they've had the fear of God put into them by a practise - or something - that they are too afraid to say anything. 110% agree with you that something has to be done. Both for the sake of the cats and the Vets that have to stand by and do nothing.

I'm so sorry that you and your kitty had to go through that... but bless you for not taking "Can't be helped" for an answer and fighting for your baby. It's so nice to hear that kitty is doing well. :hyper:

Good job!

Edit to add: Title suggestion - Maybe you could add to the title of this thread "FIP Support - There is a Cure" for the sake of search engines and others search for help? Just a thought.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
This is my first post, and I’m really hoping I’ve found a place where I can share my story and find support. I’m 66, and I never thought I’d be in this position, but here I am, still reeling from what happened with my baby. When she was diagnosed with FIP, Ihad no clue what that meant (I wish I still didn't). The vet told me there was nothing they could really do..

But here’s what really got me is when I started looking for answers, I found out there were treatments for FIP. GS (#s?) has been working for so many cats, but somehow, my vet didn’t even know about it. I’m so angry. How can a life-saving treatment not be common knowledge in the veterinary community? How many other cats are being sent home with no hope because people don’t know this is an option? We could have euthanized her due to a lack of knowledge which is insanity,

I’m beyond frustrated, but I was lucky enough to find the right help in time, and she is so much better today. But I can’t stop thinking about all the other cats out there who don’t get that chance, simply because people don’t know about FIP. What if this happens to my other cats? How did I not know about this?? We need to change this.

I don’t want anyone else to feel as helpless as I did, so I’m sharing what I’ve learned. If you’re dealing with FIP, don’t wait for the vet to tell you there’s nothing you can do. There is hope. Please, take the time to learn about it, and check out more about this treatment here this is where I got GS but there are also Facebook groups like FIP Global that can help if you search it on there.

We need to raise awareness, we need to make sure no cat has to suffer, and we need to hold the veterinary community accountable. Let’s stop this from happening. I'm still upset.
Thank you so much for posting this. My Darcy, the sweetest cat I've ever known, got FIP when there was no cure. We treated her with various things on advice from the vet, syringe fed her, etc. At one time all she would eat was catnip treats so that is what we gave her. It was not enough of course, and one of the most devastating things in my life to have to eventually have her euthanized. I did discuss the treatment with my current vet and she does know there is treatment. She told me it was expensive. I would have moved heaven and earth if I could have saved my Darcy. I'm so glad your cat is doing well. One of the rescues where a friend of my sister volunteers has treated several cats and they are all doing well. At least it's hope.
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
I lost my very first house cat to FIP. (I say house cat as growing up we had barn cats.) It was before treatments were available as well. My co-worker two years ago adopted a kitten that turned out to have FIP. Treated and he's living his best life now.

The few Vets I've talked to about this - they know about it and can't say much if anything at all as it's not approved. The impression I got was that because it's not an "approved" treatment; which I have to say baffles me to no end, they risk getting into a lot of trouble getting involved too much. As it's considered "experimental" still and "not approved" a vet can actually lose their license. One of the vets I spoke to was so enraged about it I thought she was going to have stoke talking about it. That's how intensely frustrated they were about having their hands tied on it - knowing there's a cure.

It's surprising that your vet hadn't heard of that, or maybe they've had the fear of God put into them by a practise - or something - that they are too afraid to say anything. 110% agree with you that something has to be done. Both for the sake of the cats and the Vets that have to stand by and do nothing.

I'm so sorry that you and your kitty had to go through that... but bless you for not taking "Can't be helped" for an answer and fighting for your baby. It's so nice to hear that kitty is doing well. :hyper:

Good job!

Edit to add: Title suggestion - Maybe you could add to the title of this thread "FIP Support - There is a Cure" for the sake of search engines and others search for help? Just a thought.

Oh, thank you so much for your kind words—they really mean so much to me. I’m so sorry you lost your baby to FIP. It’s such a heartbreaking experience, and I completely understand the pain of feeling helpless in that situation, especially before treatments were an option. I’m so glad to hear your coworker’s kitten received treatment and is thriving now—what a wonderful outcome amidst all the frustration surrounding FIP.

You’re right about the challenges vets face. It must be so painful for them to have their hands tied. I’ve spoken to vets who share that same rage and frustration but it seems like many are unaware but you are right, that could be why and that is so saddening

As for the title suggestion, I’d love to update the title to something clearer and more helpful, but I can’t figure out how to do it.

Thank you again for your support and encouragement. It’s a comfort to talk with others who understand this journey and want to help, too. Something has to be done and I am starting small but if everybody would let them know we could really do something here
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2024
Thank you so much for posting this. My Darcy, the sweetest cat I've ever known, got FIP when there was no cure. We treated her with various things on advice from the vet, syringe-fed her, etc. At one time all she would eat was catnip treats so that is what we gave her. It was not enough of course, and one of the most devastating things in my life to have to eventually have her euthanized. I did discuss the treatment with my current vet and she does know there is treatment. She told me it was expensive. I would have moved heaven and earth if I could have saved my Darcy. I'm so glad your cat is doing well. One of the rescues where a friend of my sister volunteers has treated several cats and they are all doing well. At least it's hope.
Thank you for sharing Darcy’s story—she sounds like such a special girl. I’m so sorry you had to go through that heartbreak, especially knowing how hard you fought for her. It’s comforting to hear your vet knows about the treatment now and that rescues are seeing success- there is hope. Sending hugs and love to you and her beautiful memory.