Famas and I made amends before the end


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 6, 2018
So the crazy 8 cat lady has now become the crazy 6 cat lady. Once again NOT FAIR!!! And its not at all who we expected to go. About an hour ago we pulled Famas out of her kennel to light off a flea bomb. She was COVERED IN FLEAS! I've NEVER seen so many fleas in my entire life. Billions of them you guys. I don't even know HOW it got to be so bad. We JUST discovered the fleas like 2 days ago.
So we pull her out and she's Lethargic. Her tongue is Pale. I put her in the shower to give her a flea bath to try to help. I had to do SOMETHING! ANYTHING! I TRIED I swear I tried. She had been bit so many times she was bleeding out. There was just so much blood you guys. I KNEW tonight would be her last night.... I just didn't realize it would be her final hour at that.
After the bleeding stopped I managed to get at least 200k fleas off of her. But there were still about 500k left. I didn't count but but it surly seemed like it. After a while she laid down and I looked at her and said "Famas, it's ok. I forgive you for EVERYTHING. It's ok to go. I don't want you to suffer like this. PLEASE Just go. I'm sorry for hating you so much it's ok I forgive you. Just please GO ALREADY! It's not fair and I can't watch you suffer like this!" She let out a silent meow (Probably telling me off... most likely telling me off.. but I like to think it was more of an ok I'm sorry too for everything I did to you.. but chances are it was not)
The next thing I know she has what appeared to be a seizure. And then she passed.
It was the MOST HORRIBLE thing I've EVER witnessed! Famas was only 4 YEARS OLD!!! She was STILL A KITTEN!!! Her entire life ahead of her! Snuffed out by an Army that sucked every drop of blood from her overnight. I never realized HOW BAD Fleas really were. This Did NOT have to happen!!

As Upset as I am atm about what just transpired, I have 6 other cats that I feel need my immediate attention. I Never want to experience that again. We are starting off the New Year with an UNNECESSARY funeral tomorrow. I'm angry at myself for not seeing the infestation sooner. I'm angry That I couldn't save her. But I'm GOING to save her twin Brother and the others from that horrible fate.

RIP Famas
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I am so so sorry. My heart goes out to you as well. I know how invasive fleas can be and when I read your account I wanted to tell you about something I stumbled across that helps me to know if fleas are making a comeback on my kitties. I now have one in every place I have a cat. Some places I have two. It’s a Victor Flea light. It’s a white plastic dome that has a night light in the top and a sticky pad in the bottom. The light attracts the fleas and when they jump into the plastic dome they get stuck on the sticky pad. All I have to do is look at the pad to know when the fleas are present or increasing. They stick and that also helps eliminate some of them. Since I live in a warm and humid place where fleas thrive year round, I’ve had battles with them too and this has been an invaluable tool to help monitor the situation. You can purchase these online or even at Home Depot for 20 dollars or less. They come with three pads and cost almost nothing to plug in a regular electrical outlet and run. A regular night light bulb replacement can be bought at dollar stores. Fleas breed so quickly that they can slip up on us. I hope you can get rid of those awful fleas to keep the other kitties well. Rest In Peace beautiful Famas!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
We all have events in our lives that we regret. Seeing a loved one suffering from something like this is definitely one of them. Sometimes we cannot prevent all those should haves, could haves, because our lives are so busy and we cannot foresee all the horrible things that might happen, until they do....
Your precious baby does not blame you, this was something that was not meant to happen, you did not want this to happen, you should not hold guilt for something you did not mean to do.
What happened is a freak accident, a tragedy. You have your other little ones who depend on you and need you. Please let them comfort you through tending to their needs. Concentrate on never letting something like this from happening again. Take a moment at the beginning of each day to observe for a reoccuring infestation.
My heart goes out to you, I wish I could make this all better. But it is a part of the past now, and that cannot be changed. Famas will always be as close as your thoughts and prayers, send her your love and she will send you her own. The bond you have formed can never be broken, can never be taken from you...."death cannot take that which never dies'.
You were with her at the end, and that means so very much to her. You gave her love and a home, and for that she will be forever greatful. She knew you tried to help, she felt the love you were sending her way. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, please know I will share your pain, because I, too, have stood in your shoes.....RIP dear Famas. You will never be forgotten, you will always have a secure place in a loving heart.May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 12, 2018
If I live a 100 years I will never understand why fleas and ticks were put on this planet! All they are good for is to torment animals of all kinds.

Do not beat yourself up because of this event. Sometimes bad things happen to good people...and good cats. It's just one of those "things that happen" in life. I would bet my life this will never happen to another one of your cats. May God bless you.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 6, 2018
Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this! Death by FLEAS! It turns out all that blood I was seeing was the blood they drained and then desecrated out! I don't think she had so much as a drop left in her by the time I found out what had happened. It was just so much blood. I don't feel comfortable taking a shower now because of it. It makes my stomach turn just thinking about it.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 6, 2018
I feel I need to change my handle... I can't be the crazy 8 cat lady when my babies are dropping ike celebrities....


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Famas, dream you deep. You walk in someone's heart forever.

Poor Famas, and poor, poor you! No, don't change your screen name. Eight cats still live in your heart. That will not change. And Famas is now beyond pain, or fear, or even itching. She dances on sunlight in a place where Eternity is a moment, and All Things are Known and Understood. She dances there, waiting for that day when, in the fullness of time, you will also dance with those cats you have loved and lost. She will dance with you in joyous reunion, never thinking of misunderstandings in life, but only the happiness of meeting again. Until that day, long from now, comes, dance on, Famas, dance on!