We'll be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to head to Fredericton (little over an hour away) to help out with Cat Rescue Maritimes Fredericton chapter's TNR spay/neuter clinic! We're bringing 2 other girls down with us to help and quite a few from the Saint John chapter are going to help out. I have never been a part of one, as all of the Saint John vets are ridiculous and basically refuse to help out most rescue organizations in the area. (They're more about the money than they are fixing the insane overpopulation issue Saint John has.)
We'll be helping out before and after the actual procedures, with helping the kitties recover, clean up, etc. I'll be taking lots of pictures as well.
Then after the clinic we're all going out to lunch before stopping in a Petsmart to stock up for the kitties! Should be a really great day!
If anyone is interested in what ca-r-ma (Cat Rescue Maritimes) is all about, you can go to http://www.ca-r-ma.org .
We'll be helping out before and after the actual procedures, with helping the kitties recover, clean up, etc. I'll be taking lots of pictures as well.
If anyone is interested in what ca-r-ma (Cat Rescue Maritimes) is all about, you can go to http://www.ca-r-ma.org .