Elliot licks my mouth

Caspers Human

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Our youngest cat, Elliot, has been doing this odd thing for a little while, now, but I can't quite figure it out:

A few months back, Elliot was sitting on the sofa with me and I yawned. He moved up, stuck his whole nose inside my mouth and started sniffing around. It seemed like he was checking out my teeth or something. I thought it was really funny! It made me laugh!

A short time later, Elliot was sitting with me and I said to Casper's Girl-Human, "Hey! Watch this!" I opened my mouth and he puts his nose in my mouth again! We both laughed and decided that Elliot was giving us a dental exam. We thought about the reason and decided, maybe, he wanted to know what we'd been eating or something like that. She tried it and the cat stuck his nose in her mouth, too!

Fast forward a month or so, I was sleeping in bed.... I do snore a little bit but, if I sleep on my side, not so much. But I still do breathe with my mouth open when I sleep. Anyhow, I was sound asleep when I was awakened by Elliot with his nose in my mouth! Still groggy, it took me a moment to figure out what was going on. The next thing I know, the cat starts licking my mouth! Not just my lips or chin. He was licking INSIDE my mouth! My teeth and my tongue!

Let me tell you! It was pretty weird, being sound asleep and waking to a rough kitty tongue poking around inside my mouth. I was like "P-tooey! P-tooey! Are you done, yet?!" When he finished...whatever he thought he was doing...I got him to lay down, snuggle up and be quiet until I fell back to sleep.

Since then, he's done it about three or four times. He's done it to the Girl-Human, too. We both think it's funny, if not a bit of a gross-out. Ick! Kitty germs in your mouth! But for sanitary reasons, I don't really have a problem with it, except for being waken up in the middle of the night. It is rather funny, though!

Still, I can't figure out why he does this. What does he think he's doing?

I know that puppies will lick their mother's mouth for food. The mother will eat food and bring it back up again, to feed her pups and trasition them to solid food. I don't know whetehr cats do the same thing. Do they? I thought mother cats will bring a mouse (or other critter) back to the kittens for them to learn how to hunt but do cats actually carry food in their stomachs like dogs do?

I know that cats will rub and lick to groom each other when they see the other cat as part of their clan. They might do the same for their humans but do they lick the face and mouth? I didn't think cats did that.

At first, I figured that Elliot just wanted to see what I've been eating, sniffing inside my mouth to smell my breath. But LICKING?

I can't figure this out and I've been wondering why Elliot is doing this.

Does anybody have any ideas?


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hi Caspers Human Caspers Human
Elliott attraction to your mouth (inside your mouth) is not that uncommon and it isn't weird- it would probably be more common if most folks did not quickly discourage this type of behavior when their kittens start showing interest in their owners face- most kittens when they feel safe and comfy with their people want to know and gather all the information they can about their human....the mouth has the strongest smells,no matter how much you brush your teeth,gargle with mouthwash your cat can still smell remnants of food and your breath...... he's just bonding with his trusted human companions

As much as many of us don't mind a kitty tongue or cat lips on,in or around our mouths it's not such a good idea because of the potential health risks - cats lick their anus so besides the bacteria in their mouths they can transmit fecal pathogens on to us this way

I'm not very good at practicing what I preach though so don't think I'm judging- my Bella is infatuated with my face and lips..... cats also mirror human behavior( copy cat) and Bella pets my face exactly as I do to her and she plants her lil cat lips right on mine until I say " muah" and make the " kissing" sound..... not sanitary at all but heck,I'm guilty!
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Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
Yes, I understand that cats lick their own butts.

I don't mind "kitty kisses." I've seen that before. Thing is, this isn't just a kitty kiss. He puts his whole face inside your mouth and slurps away! If Elliot just licked my cheek or something I'd think it was totally cute. What Elliot does is half way between "Cute!" and "Yuck!"

If it's a trust and grooming behavior, I'd be inclined to let it go if it wasn't for the cats licking their own butt thing.

I think I'm going to try to steer him toward giving regular kitty kisses rather than going inside the mouth. I can deal with a kiss on the cheek or on the lips. I think I'm going to draw the line at going inside the mouth, though.

Last night, he woke me up three times, doing that! I'm laying there, sound asleep, and get suddenly awaken by a rough kitty tongue inside your mouth! It's quite a start!

If Elliot just kisses me on the face, I can always go to the bathroom sink and get a wash cloth to wipe my face. I think I'm going to have to draw the line there, however. I woke up, this morning, and I think I'm starting to get a sore throat. :(

Yes, Elliot does this to the Girl-Human, as well. Both cats love the way she dotes on them. I know that Elliot has licked her mouth but I don't think he has awaken her at night, though... but she doesn't sleep with her mouth hanging open. ;)


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Yes, I understand that cats lick their own butts.

I don't mind "kitty kisses." I've seen that before. Thing is, this isn't just a kitty kiss. He puts his whole face inside your mouth and slurps away! If Elliot just licked my cheek or something I'd think it was totally cute. What Elliot does is half way between "Cute!" and "Yuck!"

If it's a trust and grooming behavior, I'd be inclined to let it go if it wasn't for the cats licking their own butt thing.

I think I'm going to try to steer him toward giving regular kitty kisses rather than going inside the mouth. I can deal with a kiss on the cheek or on the lips. I think I'm going to draw the line at going inside the mouth, though.

Last night, he woke me up three times, doing that! I'm laying there, sound asleep, and get suddenly awaken by a rough kitty tongue inside your mouth! It's quite a start!

If Elliot just kisses me on the face, I can always go to the bathroom sink and get a wash cloth to wipe my face. I think I'm going to have to draw the line there, however. I woke up, this morning, and I think I'm starting to get a sore throat. :(

Yes, Elliot does this to the Girl-Human, as well. Both cats love the way she dotes on them. I know that Elliot has licked her mouth but I don't think he has awaken her at night, though... but she doesn't sleep with her mouth hanging open. ;)
Yep,got it and thsts exactly what I was talking about - it is not weird and more common than you think....adorable,sweet,loving and gross :flail:❤


Cat Mommy
Alpha Cat
Apr 29, 2018
Apparently, this can extend well beyond kittenhood. I have a 15 yr old Maine Coon mix who likes to wake me up whenever I'm trying to sleep in by just literally licking my mouth. Nothing will make me jump out of bed faster than that nastiness! He does it just to get me up and he knows I don't like it. He ends up getting kicked out of the room with the door closed until I'm ready to get up but still he tries this tactic whenever he can...
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  • #7

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
Apparently, this can extend well beyond kittenhood. I have a 15 yr old Maine Coon mix who likes to wake me up whenever I'm trying to sleep in by just literally licking my mouth. Nothing will make me jump out of bed faster than that nastiness! He does it just to get me up and he knows I don't like it. He ends up getting kicked out of the room with the door closed until I'm ready to get up but still he tries this tactic whenever he can...
Oh, shoot! I might be unknowingly training him to do this!

He comes up on the bed when I'm sleeping, in order to get some attention. He sniffs my face and wakes me up. I pet him. He lies down and purrs. Then he snuggles up and falls asleep.

After a while, I get used to this and won't wake up when he merely sniffs. He's moves up to rubbing his nose on my face. This works, a few times, to get him the attention he wants. After that, he ups the ante each time his previous tactic fails. He licks my face. Finally, he works up to licking my mouth.

Whatever it takes to get their human's attention!

Cats can be such shysters! Can't they?


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Oh, shoot! I might be unknowingly training him to do this!

He comes up on the bed when I'm sleeping, in order to get some attention. He sniffs my face and wakes me up. I pet him. He lies down and purrs. Then he snuggles up and falls asleep.

After a while, I get used to this and won't wake up when he merely sniffs. He's moves up to rubbing his nose on my face. This works, a few times, to get him the attention he wants. After that, he ups the ante each time his previous tactic fails. He licks my face. Finally, he works up to licking my mouth.

Whatever it takes to get their human's attention!

Cats can be such shysters! Can't they?
:flail: Positive reinforcement!
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Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
I had a cat that clawed my face to wake me up!

That worked, exactly, one time before he found himself unceremoniously launched from the bed! ;) ;) ;)

I hope I don't have to start launching Elliot, next! ;) ;) ;)

game misconduct

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2020
westcovina california
Oh, shoot! I might be unknowingly training him to do this!

He comes up on the bed when I'm sleeping, in order to get some attention. He sniffs my face and wakes me up. I pet him. He lies down and purrs. Then he snuggles up and falls asleep.

After a while, I get used to this and won't wake up when he merely sniffs. He's moves up to rubbing his nose on my face. This works, a few times, to get him the attention he wants. After that, he ups the ante each time his previous tactic fails. He licks my face. Finally, he works up to licking my mouth.

Whatever it takes to get their human's attention!

Cats can be such shysters! Can't they?
its kinda on par with walking/stepping all over us humans :lol: :lol: guess he has found out the full proof way to get what he wants
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  • #11

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
Elliot is a good, fifteen pound cat! When he walks on you, you'll know it!

I don't often sleep on my back because it'll make me snore like Darth Vader. On the occasions when I do, Elliot will be sleeping on my chest with his butt in my face, making biscuits on my stomach. Otherwise, he sleeps next to my pillow. He wants me to put my arm around him so that my hand is on his tummy. He'll actually lift his leg like a dog so that my arm will lay along his whole underside.

Yeah, so Elliot gets what he wants. He'll either lay on top of me or lay next to my pillow. If he doesn't get what he wants, he'll lick my face and wake me up!

... if he wasn't such a cute, little you know what...
(actually, he's not so "little" anymore)


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 15, 2024
One of my cats thinks he's a baby bird and if I have a particularly smelly meal and don't immediately brush my teeth, he'll do what you described. It is very strange (and cute) but I just close my mouth and ignore him. Cats live in a whole different world when it comes to what is socially acceptable 😹
If he's trying to use it to wake you up, the best thing to do is pretend it's not working. Eventually he'll get the hint and stop.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Elliot is a good, fifteen pound cat! When he walks on you, you'll know it!

I don't often sleep on my back because it'll make me snore like Darth Vader. On the occasions when I do, Elliot will be sleeping on my chest with his butt in my face, making biscuits on my stomach. Otherwise, he sleeps next to my pillow. He wants me to put my arm around him so that my hand is on his tummy. He'll actually lift his leg like a dog so that my arm will lay along his whole underside.

Yeah, so Elliot gets what he wants. He'll either lay on top of me or lay next to my pillow. If he doesn't get what he wants, he'll lick my face and wake me up!

... if he wasn't such a cute, little you know what...
(actually, he's not so "little" anymore)
That " cuteness" is a problem,isn't it? Lol

Reading about Elliot reminds me of my beloved Cheech,I miss him terribly ..... my little spoon that would do the same thing wanting my arm around him and hand across his chest & tummy.....Elliot is a precious special boy❤


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I'm starting to get the feeling, sometimes, that Elliot knows we think he's cute and he acts that way to manipulate us. ;)
I don't doubt it even with years of feline study and my colleagues saying " seriously?" Im with you,I'm pretty sure mine pull out the old" cute card' quite often- especially that Sami who is the most mischievous of all- if I speak sternly or say ' no: he will trot right over,sit in front of me with those huge round eyes,tilt his head and blink--- I mean C'MON????
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  • #16

Caspers Human

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Feb 23, 2016
I feel certain that we, humans, train our cats to act cute for us.

The cat acts a certain way. The human reacts. The cat gets what it wants or doesn't get what it wants. We repeat the cycle, over and over. The cat eventually learns that acting one way or another gets the humans do what it wants them to do.

It's all just a matter of operant conditioning, isn't it?

We can't say that a cat knows that the humans think he's cute. The cat only knows that certain actions get certain results.


Cat Mommy
Alpha Cat
Apr 29, 2018
Oh, shoot! I might be unknowingly training him to do this!

He comes up on the bed when I'm sleeping, in order to get some attention. He sniffs my face and wakes me up. I pet him. He lies down and purrs. Then he snuggles up and falls asleep.

After a while, I get used to this and won't wake up when he merely sniffs. He's moves up to rubbing his nose on my face. This works, a few times, to get him the attention he wants. After that, he ups the ante each time his previous tactic fails. He licks my face. Finally, he works up to licking my mouth.

Whatever it takes to get their human's attention!

Cats can be such shysters! Can't they?
This sounds exactly like the logic train that Romeo uses every night! It's about attention and the minute I move in any way, it's his cue to shower me with cat food-scented (and flavoured) kisses 🤮


Toxoplasmosis Mind Control Slave
Alpha Cat
Jan 19, 2024
How long has he been doing this for?

He’s likely not sick, but when I first got Bitsy 12 years ago she was very very sick and she would constantly, NON-STOP, attack me with licky kisses and try to stick her tongue in my mouth. It was a constant onslaught and she had the most atrocious breath on the planet from a very bad case of calici that gave her mouth sores as well as a few other things. I *almost* named her Stinky because of it. ANYWAYS. Once she was on antibiotics for awhile and getting better she completely stopped, though she does still give me the occasional kiss sans tongue action.


Cat Mommy
Alpha Cat
Apr 29, 2018
This is too funny. I'm not sure if the "go for the mouth" tactic is scent-based, attention-based, or just knowing you'll jump out of bed but my Maine Coon mix rescue from the Humane Society was apparently "very loved" and "regretfully surrendered because of allergies"...at age 3. Most likely, no one in the house could get any sleep because of "Romeo" (the name is for a reason). will lick the skin off your arm or any other exposed skin at night, or any time you're near a bed, whilst purring insanely loud. He will sleep next to me like a guardian/sentinel of some kind and if I wake up during the night, he attacks with the face licking, behind the ears/neck/forehead business. If I move and pretend to be asleep then he will go for the mouth. No idea what his reasoning is, but the loud purring sounds like he's happy about it.

I am convinced this is the real realsn he was surrendered was no one liked midnight cat food kisses on the mouth ...not "allergies." I don't like it either, but clearly he feels it's his mission on earth so I try to offer him an arm to lick instead.