Dying "top cat" & fighting?

white cat lover

TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 17, 2005
I've got another question for you Kerry!

I've got 7 cats outside:
Fafeena-14 y/o pet Female
Slinky-9 year old semi-feral pet Female
Tabitha-7 year old semi-feral Female
Goat-Head-6 year old semi-feral pet Female
Cow-5 year old pet Male
Billy Bob & Tony Bob-2 year old males
All are fixed & vetted.

Here's my problem. Fafeena is, essentially, dying. There is no nice way to put it. I've tried making her a housecat, but having lived outside fo 14 years, she isn't taking it easy. And I've got enough complications in housecats.

Fafeena mostly stays in the garage & up by the house. Recently, Goat-Head has started "encroaching"(sp?) on Fafeena's territory coming into the garage & hanging around the house. I think she knows Fafeena cannot fight much anymore. Fafeena won't listen. Tonight, I discovered Goat-Head has a quarter size hole in her back flank(going to the vet Thur).

What can I do to make this fighting stop(if anything can be done)? It has finally come to blood being drawn & those two are still fighting right now. Goat-Head would never come into the garage or let me shut her in until just recently.

I do not think Fafeena is ready to "let go" yet or I would help her along....she's still chasing moths & enjoying life without pain. My tough Queen.
I really do not think she can handle "Queen" status anymore as I am seeing an increasing number of strays & ferals that she always kept at bay.


TCS Member
Jan 30, 2005
I want to see the PRO answer

Kandie kept alpha till her dying day


TCS Member
Jun 14, 2007
Tallahassee, Florida USA
Hi there,
Unfortunately there is no easy fix to this problem. When you have outdoor cats it is virtually impossible to keep them away from each other or limit their interactions. One thing you could do is have a cat enclosure build for Fafeena, that way she is still outside, yet protected from the other cats and the elements. I feel where you are coming from not wanting to bring her inside, it will only stress her out more and possibly cause more issues with the indoor cats. I would say, try to go with the cat enclosure. I wish I had a better solution for you, but for outdoor cats it's hard, especially when they don't wanna come inside. I wish you and Fafeena the best.


Originally Posted by white cat lover

I've got another question for you Kerry!

I've got 7 cats outside:
Fafeena-14 y/o pet Female
Slinky-9 year old semi-feral pet Female
Tabitha-7 year old semi-feral Female
Goat-Head-6 year old semi-feral pet Female
Cow-5 year old pet Male
Billy Bob & Tony Bob-2 year old males
All are fixed & vetted.

Here's my problem. Fafeena is, essentially, dying. There is no nice way to put it. I've tried making her a housecat, but having lived outside fo 14 years, she isn't taking it easy. And I've got enough complications in housecats.

Fafeena mostly stays in the garage & up by the house. Recently, Goat-Head has started "encroaching"(sp?) on Fafeena's territory coming into the garage & hanging around the house. I think she knows Fafeena cannot fight much anymore. Fafeena won't listen. Tonight, I discovered Goat-Head has a quarter size hole in her back flank(going to the vet Thur).

What can I do to make this fighting stop(if anything can be done)? It has finally come to blood being drawn & those two are still fighting right now. Goat-Head would never come into the garage or let me shut her in until just recently.

I do not think Fafeena is ready to "let go" yet or I would help her along....she's still chasing moths & enjoying life without pain. My tough Queen.
I really do not think she can handle "Queen" status anymore as I am seeing an increasing number of strays & ferals that she always kept at bay.