Do you mow?

tara g

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
I used to mow all the time when I lived at the house. I'd put on a bathing suit, hop on the riding mower, and work on my tan :lol3: We had 1½ acres. People couldn't get over the fact I was willing to mow when it was time!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
I've always loved to mow. It's such...instant gratification and good exercise too. I grew up with a manual push reel mower. No gas, no noise, no stink. Remember that old song "Love is Blue" (Blue blue my world is blue, blue is my world since I'm without you ) I used to mow along humming to myself "green, green, my legs are green, green are my legs, from mowing this grass :lol3:

My sister and I used to fight over who got to mow. Finally it was decided that she got the front and I got the back (we had a very big yard in both)

However I can't STAND to see an over grown lawn and she would put it off and put it off until it drove me crazy, so then I would go out and start mowing her side and she would come out screaming. Still makes me laugh, thinking of her flying out of the house, up in arms. Thanks for reviving a happy memory. :)

As to the question at hand, I do mow my own little plot of yard, that I have fenced in and take the cats out to. It's about 10' x 20', and I use a manual push reel mower. The mower is 12 years old and the blades are a bit dull, but it still works fine for what I need it for. :)
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