When I go to the hairdresser, she blow dries my hair and it almost puts me to sleep, it’s so relaxing! But at home, nope. I have a hair dryer in almost pristine condition because I’ve only used it a handful of times in the past few years.
In the summer I do it less though, since it is warm out and my hair dries fairly quickly and the curls come out much nicer. In the cooler months through from Fall, Winter and Spring I don't enjoy the cold damp hair and it takes way longer to dry too - on top of that my natural curls don't dry as nicely. Blow drying just makes this baby fine floof of hair that might better to deal with.
Air dry. I bought a used hair dryer a few years ago only to put plastic on my basement windows during the winter. I've never used it since. I have short hair so my hair is usually dry within 15 minutes anyway.
When I was working, I always blew my hair dry. When I retired, I started to let it air dry.
I lost my hair during chemo. And now that's it coming back, I have really tight curls. Air dry only.
They (whoever "they" are) say that it takes about a year for hair to start growing in normally, as it did prior to chemo. In some cases, the hair stays curly. I guess we'll find out.