Deworming a cat in a not so optimal state


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2023

I TNRed Justo previous Monday (12 days ago). On May 22, about 10 days later, I took him to the Vet because he had a gash on his cheek. I thought it was a cut but it turns out to be a ruptured abscess. I settled on the antibiotic route, Convenia. I think there may be some controversy about its use, but I thought it a good compromise. I feared he might not be as strong as one would hope if he underwent anesthesia to put in drainage and for a complete cleaning. The vet directed me to do hot compresses followed by a wipe with blue soaked bandages the tech gave me. I have kept Justo inside in a crate, and he has allowed me to do some hot compresses. He is very docile and lovely. He is eating well and he is alert and adapting well to confinement. I obtained Advantage II and applied some early this evening. I don't know if it was because of the pesticide, but after application I started seeing fleas (lice?) crawling on his face. God, I feel like I have failed this baby (just venting here). I will be procuring Revolution (the blue box only) now that the vet has seen him, and I secure full time employment.

I wish to follow in the morning with a praziquantel tablet. He weighs 11 lbs, and the box indicates 1 tablet for his weight. I want him well rested and recovered once I release him in a couple of days. It should not be as hot in the upcoming week. He is not the strongest cat as the elements have worn him down. He is also not the youngest but mature. He was struggling the evening before and the morning that I noticed the gash and took him in to the doctor. Good gait and appetite, but just tired you know from the heat and humidity. In contrast, Cirilo, my other ouside cat, was all rainbows of energy and hunger.

In my head, deworming him will allow him to get rid of tapeworm parasites and be stronger for the outside elements. He will be inside in case he develops diarrhea, and I will release him about 2-3 days after any diarrhea subsides. I hesitate and ask, sorry if it sounds very dumb and silly, would I be perhaps overwhelming him with all the medication? Could the fleas have made him anemic? I guess I could ask the vet but I wanted to ask here first. No blood work was done as to not stress Justo more from the vet visit. Neither was a testing panel for FIV (excuse incorrect medical wording). Justo did appear to have good decent vitals at the vet. The vet did tell me about how sometimes outside kitties do not do as well as we wish for under anesthesia. He was ready to proceed with treatment (drainage and site cleaning) the next day in case I so wish so. I know Justo has had a lot of mosquito exposure. This along with him having spent some of the winter in a straw box by the door is why when presented with choice, I went the antibiotics route. If he reacts in any negative way, I of course will secure treatment.

Thank you for listening to me, me and my long posts. I appreciate any advice.

Thank you



Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Yes, flea and parasites can easily make a cat anemic, if they are many... And prob good no blood work was done; its a rather heavy intrusion on the cat... Its no coincidence the vet usually wish to do it alone so the owner doesnt see it.

So deworming is surely useful... If you dare with several medications / conditions at once? Yes this is THE question.

But I wonder. He will surely need deworming again now and then, being outside cat... How will you do it? Can you get a spot on dewormer taking tape worms?

Next question: Is it possible for you to keep him as inside cat? He seems to manage this being inside at this moment, when he is sick... Perhaps the most difficult is already done, and he has turned around...
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2023
Hello StefanZ StefanZ and thank you for responding :)

But I wonder. He will surely need deworming again now and then, being outside cat... How will you do it? Can you get a spot on dewormer taking tape worms?
I was thinking to deworm him for tapeworms again sometime in October when the weather is slightly cooler (I live in Texas). I am planning on securing Revolution for monthly spot on treatment, which treats hookworm and roundworm but to my knowledge does not treat not tapeworms. I plan to place the praziquantel tablet in his food.I have not experimented with a Drontal tablet, which I've read is a bit better for parasites. Being outside, he is sure to get other worms/parasites as this is not all encompassing and protecting. But better for his health and constitution to be less wormy, I think. I know he is sure to get into more fights as his hormones settled but he hopefully he will be more sturdy after this recuperation period.

Next question: Is it possible for you to keep him as inside cat? He seems to manage this being inside at this moment, when he is sick... Perhaps the most difficult is already done, and he has turned around...
It is not possible to keep him as an inside cat. I never had pets as a child and was never in proximity to cats or dogs. In the span of three years, I've gone from zero cats to three cats, two I TNRed and one already TNRed. Three is my capacity until I make more money and become more stable (I work and study part time). I want to set up Justo for success to become adopted by a neighbor. Justo arrived last year and always waited at the door for breakfast and dinner. After having his Fancy Feast, he would leave. I don't know where he went. I had plenty of chances for flea spot treatment, but he was not neutered (he kept marking the backyard and running off other cats). I have been brave learning about taking care of cats, but potential rabies is where I draw the line. I delayed his TNRing and I do regret that a lot.

I know he was weak from the abscess and all the fleas. I am hoping deworming is a good next step given that he is inside for the moment. I just don't want my good intentions to cause more harm than good.

Thank you again for your response.


TCS Member
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Jul 21, 2023
Northeast Ohio
Y yolin_art , I'm so sorry Justo had to return to the vet for an abcess but it's a good thing you were able to get him in.

You said that he is eating well and seems comfortable and the vet said his vitals were good so I'm curious why you think you have failed him. You've done everything possible for him. I understand the heat and humidity may make him more lethargic but that is different than him being in poor health.

I know it's a holiday weekend but IF you contact the vet that treated him and asked about treating him for tapeworms NOW, that might relieve some of your worry.

I had to take my TNR'd cat into the ER vet in January for a large abscess on this face/neck and they lightly sedated him, shaved the wound area, drained it, gave him a shot of Covenia, treated for tapeworms and applied flea treatment to the nape of his neck. He recuperated in a spare bedroom in a large crate and did great. He did lose his appetite for a couple days but rebounded great.

I would think that as long as Justo has been doing and feeling well since his latest vet visit, there shouldn't be an issue with the deworming as long as you do the right dosage.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Drontal you mention is surely good, its an allround, taking both round worms and tape worms... An alternative to the mild Milbomax, with the same main ingredients.

Revolution spot on is good, it also takes outside parasites alike ticks - and fleas... But its correct, it dont takes tapeworms, at least, not efficiently.

Having revolution and drontal? could be, pyrantel allows some leeway, exact dosage isnt absolutely necessary.

Droncit - anti-tapeworm, is also in spot on form...

Perhaps there is also an all-round spot on... Or rather, I know there are, but I dont know their reputation.

Easiest perhaps to ask your vet - as you DO have your vet. And shehe should know what is easy to get in your area....


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Also, consider Revolution Plus, which also protects against heartworms. They can attack cats, and there is no treatment, only prevention. Will NOT take care of the tapeworms, but you're still one-up, and can add one of the ones that StefanZ StefanZ suggested.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2023
Thank you very much for the input. Sorry for the delay in response.

D DeesCats
I feel like I failed Justo because I could have applied some type of spot on parasite treatment beforehand, and I could have TNRed him some while ago. Since he never linger after eating, I thought and hoped that perhaps someone was taking care of him. Perhaps someone does a little bit. This would not have been a big stretch and would have been feasible. I tell myself that I got sidetracked with Timoteo and Sandy, and I am at least helping him now. I am trying my best and that should be okay. I will process through these feelings of inadequecy :)

Following your advice, I did contact the vet and described the situation. The lady at the front spoke to one of the senior vet technicians available who did allow for praziquantel. I dosed him according to weight later than evening. I mixed it in a bit of his food. I should have mixed it in the whole can as he smelled the medicine and distrusted it. I think he consumed about 75-80% of the dose. Since his weight is on the tail end of the dosage, I don't think it will suffice. I don't see signs of loose stool to indicate effect. Perhaps he will not have loose stools, but him not having them makes me question efficacy from lack of proper dosage.

I wished I had asked for flea and tapeworm treatment like you did for your TNR'd cat. I did remembered to inquire about pain medication during the visit. I said "Give him the cocaine, Doctor. I will pay for it." I don't know if cocaine treats for pain, but I wanted to relay to give him the good stuff. I cannot stand to see an animal suffer especially if the pain can be alleviated. The financial stuff I can organize separately. This is why humanity invented payment plans and loans from relatives.

StefanZ StefanZ
Thank you very much for the information regarding the various tapeworm options! I only knew about drontal and praziquantel. I have noted the other options and will explore using them in the near future. I like the dosage flexibility of pyrantel. Droncit, as a spot on, is right up my alley. I cannot control a lot about his environment, but I can attempt to keep him parasite free for good/better health. This parasite treament information is most helpful :)

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Yes, Revolution Plus is a really good option. I like the additional tick protection it offers. Still, I walked up to it and then stepped back to just the regular blue Revolution. I read through the possible neurological possible side effect, even if minimal, and they scared me. I know in terms of numbers, Revolution Plus is safe. I am not lucky enough to win the lottery, and my cats will most likely not be unlucky enough to be the exception and be one of the kitties that suffer from possible neurological issues. Perhaps in the future, I may explore Revolution Plus. it offers good encompassing protection for ticks, which is right up on the fear list with heartworm. On the heartworm note, I think the heartworms got to Justo. I hear him breath sometimes a little bit funny. He always had a cloud of mosquitoes (almost like dust like that Peanuts character) since last year. I took steps to rid of standing water around the yard, but the mosquitoes always find a way in the neighborhood. I hope he can be one of those kittes that can do well against a heartworm. I can only proceed from here on out to try to take better care for him. I asked around possible responsible friends to see if they wanted a lovely little kitty. Negative. I hope that his clipped ear will be a gateway for a good neighborhood adoption into a warm and cool clean home.

Many thanks for the responses and guidance. I often rush here detailing my cat situation. I feel like the sky is falling when I am going through the moments of necessary action and decision making. It has just been me and the internet. I get occasional help from a relative but in the end, the responsibilities rest on me.

I wish someone more experienced would take my place. Many kindhearted individuals exist, not many can or do step up to assist our feline friends. So here I am, somewhat inept, but learning. I will be here attempting.

Thank you all for your help. I really do appreciate it al of it. I know I write a lot but from other posts/entries I saw on the many forums, I figured it would be accepted okay. Writing helps my mental state :) so thank you all once more.