I TNRed Justo previous Monday (12 days ago). On May 22, about 10 days later, I took him to the Vet because he had a gash on his cheek. I thought it was a cut but it turns out to be a ruptured abscess. I settled on the antibiotic route, Convenia. I think there may be some controversy about its use, but I thought it a good compromise. I feared he might not be as strong as one would hope if he underwent anesthesia to put in drainage and for a complete cleaning. The vet directed me to do hot compresses followed by a wipe with blue soaked bandages the tech gave me. I have kept Justo inside in a crate, and he has allowed me to do some hot compresses. He is very docile and lovely. He is eating well and he is alert and adapting well to confinement. I obtained Advantage II and applied some early this evening. I don't know if it was because of the pesticide, but after application I started seeing fleas (lice?) crawling on his face. God, I feel like I have failed this baby (just venting here). I will be procuring Revolution (the blue box only) now that the vet has seen him, and I secure full time employment.
I wish to follow in the morning with a praziquantel tablet. He weighs 11 lbs, and the box indicates 1 tablet for his weight. I want him well rested and recovered once I release him in a couple of days. It should not be as hot in the upcoming week. He is not the strongest cat as the elements have worn him down. He is also not the youngest but mature. He was struggling the evening before and the morning that I noticed the gash and took him in to the doctor. Good gait and appetite, but just tired you know from the heat and humidity. In contrast, Cirilo, my other ouside cat, was all rainbows of energy and hunger.
In my head, deworming him will allow him to get rid of tapeworm parasites and be stronger for the outside elements. He will be inside in case he develops diarrhea, and I will release him about 2-3 days after any diarrhea subsides. I hesitate and ask, sorry if it sounds very dumb and silly, would I be perhaps overwhelming him with all the medication? Could the fleas have made him anemic? I guess I could ask the vet but I wanted to ask here first. No blood work was done as to not stress Justo more from the vet visit. Neither was a testing panel for FIV (excuse incorrect medical wording). Justo did appear to have good decent vitals at the vet. The vet did tell me about how sometimes outside kitties do not do as well as we wish for under anesthesia. He was ready to proceed with treatment (drainage and site cleaning) the next day in case I so wish so. I know Justo has had a lot of mosquito exposure. This along with him having spent some of the winter in a straw box by the door is why when presented with choice, I went the antibiotics route. If he reacts in any negative way, I of course will secure treatment.
Thank you for listening to me, me and my long posts. I appreciate any advice.
Thank you
I TNRed Justo previous Monday (12 days ago). On May 22, about 10 days later, I took him to the Vet because he had a gash on his cheek. I thought it was a cut but it turns out to be a ruptured abscess. I settled on the antibiotic route, Convenia. I think there may be some controversy about its use, but I thought it a good compromise. I feared he might not be as strong as one would hope if he underwent anesthesia to put in drainage and for a complete cleaning. The vet directed me to do hot compresses followed by a wipe with blue soaked bandages the tech gave me. I have kept Justo inside in a crate, and he has allowed me to do some hot compresses. He is very docile and lovely. He is eating well and he is alert and adapting well to confinement. I obtained Advantage II and applied some early this evening. I don't know if it was because of the pesticide, but after application I started seeing fleas (lice?) crawling on his face. God, I feel like I have failed this baby (just venting here). I will be procuring Revolution (the blue box only) now that the vet has seen him, and I secure full time employment.
I wish to follow in the morning with a praziquantel tablet. He weighs 11 lbs, and the box indicates 1 tablet for his weight. I want him well rested and recovered once I release him in a couple of days. It should not be as hot in the upcoming week. He is not the strongest cat as the elements have worn him down. He is also not the youngest but mature. He was struggling the evening before and the morning that I noticed the gash and took him in to the doctor. Good gait and appetite, but just tired you know from the heat and humidity. In contrast, Cirilo, my other ouside cat, was all rainbows of energy and hunger.
In my head, deworming him will allow him to get rid of tapeworm parasites and be stronger for the outside elements. He will be inside in case he develops diarrhea, and I will release him about 2-3 days after any diarrhea subsides. I hesitate and ask, sorry if it sounds very dumb and silly, would I be perhaps overwhelming him with all the medication? Could the fleas have made him anemic? I guess I could ask the vet but I wanted to ask here first. No blood work was done as to not stress Justo more from the vet visit. Neither was a testing panel for FIV (excuse incorrect medical wording). Justo did appear to have good decent vitals at the vet. The vet did tell me about how sometimes outside kitties do not do as well as we wish for under anesthesia. He was ready to proceed with treatment (drainage and site cleaning) the next day in case I so wish so. I know Justo has had a lot of mosquito exposure. This along with him having spent some of the winter in a straw box by the door is why when presented with choice, I went the antibiotics route. If he reacts in any negative way, I of course will secure treatment.
Thank you for listening to me, me and my long posts. I appreciate any advice.
Thank you
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