Deworm & Deflea Semiferal Cat Colony - possible ringworm?


learning to help ferals :)
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Adult Cat
Apr 21, 2020
Houston, Texas
Hi all,

It has been a long year once again trying to balance work/cat life. My cats are in good health overall but I just know that there are some basic things that I'm not doing.

I have 6 cats inside
I have 5 cats that stay in outside and in my garage at night
I have 7 cats that stay outside in my backyard - only 2 of them let me pet them and the rest are semiferal but never let me too close

Now that there's stability, I'm looking for a good process to help deflea and deworm ALL of them if possible. I know Revolution is good but I could only do it to the ones that let me pet them. And for deworming I remember seeing a Cat Youtuber named Lucky Ferals use a "Parasite G" tincture product and put it in their wet food to deworm her ferals that didn't let her be near them. Possible link - Dr. Morse's Parasite G (General) Tincture

I have some Capstars but I feel iffy about using them. I wanna make sure each group gets properly treated for all these things so I can establish a good cat care system. In the process of deworming, I would want to also try to target ringworm and/or flea allergies on certain cats; I'm not sure if they have it.

If any other feral cat caretaker can help share their suggestions and process on caring for my 18 cats I would greatly appreciate it. thank you


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I am sorry no one has responded to you yet. I am looking to see if I can tag some of the folks who are “Friend of Ferals’ on our site to see if we can get their attention for you.

I do know that if you suspect ringworm, you can get a swab from one of the ferals that lets you touch them and have that analyzed at the vets – if they have it, all the others will need to be treated anyway.

As far as the flea treatment, put it oe the ones who will let you, and give the rest Capstar to start with. Ditto with the worming med.

Hoping you will hear from others in the very near future.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Welcome back to TCS! Thank you for continuing to try to help cats. If I am understanding this, you now have several "types" of cats, some of whom are pets and some of whom are feral with a few in between. I don't know that one product is going to work for all of them. I would focus on treating the pet cats with whatever you feel is best. Do you know that they have worms or ringworm? I would not treat what they don't have. Ringworm is a different story when it comes to treatment and would be very hard in a cat who can't be handled. Some of what you might need to help with what you are trying to do will involved a prescription. Do you have a vet who is willing to work with you on the cats who cannot be brought in?

Why are you concerned about using Capstar?

One problem with cats who cannot be handled or are feral is that you never know how much of something they consumed. Can you apply Revolution to any of the ferals who are more sociable by putting it quickly on the back of their neck without touching them? This works for one of mine and also worked for a new deceased feral.

I am unfamiliar with the product you mentioned but when I looked it up I noticed that wormwood is the first ingredient listed. While it is included in some holistic products it is a neurotoxin for cats, so if there is no regulation of this formula or if the dosing is not controlled impeccably, there could be a problem. Depending on where the product is sold from, it may or may not be possible to have it mailed to you.