I am happy to report Bo has recovered nicely from his neutering 2/21. I chose no to declaw him after visiting this forum an reading up on declawing. I instead put the SoftPaws nail caps on him. He never licked or chewed and they have stayed on beautifully. He still scratches. but doesnt mark anything with his efforts. I am continuing to teach him what is appropriate to scratch at an mark with the scent pads in his paws. I cant say enough about this product and have spread the word in my large circle of animal loving friends. I also found this product under the name Soft Claws at this online vet catalog. http://cats.drsfostersmith.com/
Cant wait til Bo is grown up enough to wear the colored ones. Its kinda like having fake nail caps like human females get done.
Never again will I declaw or condone it.
Thanks again. Bo thanks you all as well and is a happy sassy kitty with his claws intact.
Cant wait til Bo is grown up enough to wear the colored ones. Its kinda like having fake nail caps like human females get done.
Never again will I declaw or condone it.
Thanks again. Bo thanks you all as well and is a happy sassy kitty with his claws intact.