Crazy kitten??


Thread starter
Sep 28, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Hello first time posting and would love some advice to know if this is considered unusual behaviour for a kitten - we got an Abyssinian kitten a bit over a week ago and she’s been an absolute angel, sleeping through the night etc no issues. We have lots of play and she seems quite content by night time. Yesterday both my partner and I worked long days and had a long play with her when we got home, but she seemed to get wilder and wilder as the night went on. By our usual bed time she was absolutely nuts, smashing into walls and throwing herself around non stop. We were genuinely concerned for her wellbeing, she was inconsolable and almost feral. This went on for HOURS until 2am when we finally contained her in a room and left her to calm down. This morning she was back to usual. Is this a normal kitten behaviour, or would this be cause for making an appointment with the vet? We installed a feliway diffuser 4 days ago and thought maybe this could be a bad reaction? Though she’s seemed fine up until this point. I don’t know if I’m just being a nervous new mum but I’m worried sick. She is an only cat but we are considering another kitten to keep her company if that might help.

Silver Crazy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 8, 2019
Melbourne Australia
I have seen kittens do that before..they get over excited and go crazy crashing into everything but its over in minutes not for hours.
Maybe she became suddenly aware that she was in a different environment to what she grew up in and went into a flat out panic..just guessing.
I would certainly ask the vet and the breeder about it


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Typical Aby :lol: I have an Aby and he was a crazy Looney Tunes-like Tasmania Devil as a kitten. He was literally bouncing off the walls 24/7 and I swear he never ever slept. He's 10 years old now and still bounces off the walls:oops:

Definitely put the kitten into a safe room at night and whenever you are not home. I used the bathroom and kept a nightlight on since there is no window. I never used Feliway but if you think it might be affecting the behavior, then stop using it.

Lots of playtime is a must with an Aby kitten especially after being cooped up in a safe room all day. Fishing pole type toys are great. I highly recommend that you get another kitten so your Aby kitten has someone to play with and get some of that energy out. It doesn't need to be another Aby. Two Abys might be too much to deal with. I adopted a similar aged but much less energetic kitten from a local rescue.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Absolutely totally normal. A safe room is okay for nightime and other very short periods of time but in the long run you are going to have to kitten proof your entire place so that she has space to run off all that energy. This means putting breakables away no matter how high they are up, attaching any lightweight pieces of furniture to the walls so if she leaps on them they don’t tip and where you can’t clear surfaces, using earthquake putty or Velcro to secure items. You also should consider pulling up curtains and drapes because she will climb them.

She needs at least one tall cat tree so that she can run up and down and lots of toys that she can chase, like balls and cat springs plus several play sessions with you where she gets to play until she is worn out. Others will chime in that she should have a kitten playmate but I know that isn’t always possible.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Photograph of three Abyssinian kittens, showing three different coat colors: ruddy, fawn, and blue
Abyssinian kittens. Clockwise from bottom left: ruddy, fawn and blue.
Abyssinians are a popular breed thanks in large part to their unusual intelligence and generally extroverted, playful, willful personalities. They are said to become depressed without constant activity and the attention of their owners.[9] Veterinarian Joan O. Joshua has written that the "dog-like attachment to the owners" of Abyssinian and Burmese cats causes "greater dependence on human contacts". This stands in contrast to the mere "tolerant acceptance of human company" based around "comforts" that multiple other breeds display.[5]

With their interest in playing with their owners combined with their curious intelligence, Abyssinians are known as the "Clowns of the Cat Kingdom".[3] They have an active, outgoing nature, yet tend to be quiet cats. They have soft chirrup-like vocalizations which do not sound like the expected "meow". They are affectionate and friendly toward people.


Above is from Wikipedia, bold added. Read that in conjunction with your OP in which you describe the both of you having unusually long days. I think you are going to need another kitten if at all possible.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Read that in conjunction with your OP in which you describe the both of you having unusually long days. I think you are going to need another kitten if at all possible.

How long are you typically away from home Gabrielle93 Gabrielle93 ? When my Aby was a kitten, I away for 12 hours because of work and the commute to and from. He was always super wound up when I got home. I'm not sure what he did all day other than zoom around trilling and talking his head off (he's quite vocal) and being completely bored. I was always worried about the neighbors complaining :fear: (I live in a building) but fortunately none did. My Aby started chewing on electrical cords because he was so bored without anyone to play with all day.

Abys definitely need tons of attention, more so than a typical domestic cat. They're not really suitable for a person with a busy lifestyle unless you have another cat or maybe a dog who gets along well with cats. Maybe once in awhile you hear about an oddball Aby who is mellow and quiet and doesn't care for other cats. Even with another cat, an Aby will still demand attention from you. My Aby drives me :dizzy: :doh: sometimes.
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Thread starter
Sep 28, 2020
Sydney, Australia
I work three ten hour days and have four off, my partner only works 9-4 each day however so at max she's alone for roughly 8 hours 3 days a week. I think the absence that day was amplified as up until that point we'd both taken leave to be with her while she settled in, so it was the first day she'd ever really been left alone for a long stint. We definitely went into this with the intention of adopting another kitten in the coming months (we're only now going into kitten season in Aus). We just don't want to overwhelm her/us with too many new changes in the first few weeks. Do you think theres an ideal time to introduce a new kitten to minimise the stress it causes her? She's about 15 weeks now. Really appreciate everyones input, its been very reassuring for this nervous mum



TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
A ruddy Aby :clap: I have a red one.

I got my Aby at 3 months old. Three months later I adopted another similar aged kitten. Most Abys are perfectly fine with a new friend right away. But if you're not ready, you can wait a bit. Let your Aby settle in for the next few weeks and then start looking for another kitten. The kitten can be the same age or a little older. An adult might be ok. Be specific about your Aby's behavior, likes and dislikes, etc when looking for a new cat. A shelter or rescue can better select some potential cats for you.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Kittens rarely take more than a week to settle into a new home or befriend another kitten. It is the time of maximum adaptability, although as susanm9006 susanm9006 said, waiting a bit wouldn't be a problem either. The only real downside to waiting is that with a size mismatch, it might become harder for your abby to get as much energy out. Play goes more smoothly when the cats are of rougly equal size. Owners often feel very bad and concerned for the smaller kitten when there is a big size mismatch and the bigger kitten is still exceptionally active. Such concern isn't really necessary, they can still generally play reasonably well with a size mismatch. Smaller cat may squeal a bit, disengage and run some, but not generally a great problem. Still, if your sure you want another kitten, why not just avoid the issue and make it more likely the new kitten can keep up? An age difference of a few weeks is nothing in the scheme of things, but a 6 month old is literally twice the size of a 3 month old. When the 6 month old is an Abby . . . well, you would probably come back here with questions about whether the Abby was bullying the smaller cat and what to do about it. A lot of times folks with a still crazy active one year old (huge size difference compared to a kitten) are quite worried about this issue.
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3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
Hello first time posting and would love some advice to know if this is considered unusual behaviour for a kitten - we got an Abyssinian kitten a bit over a week ago and she’s been an absolute angel, sleeping through the night etc no issues. We have lots of play and she seems quite content by night time. Yesterday both my partner and I worked long days and had a long play with her when we got home, but she seemed to get wilder and wilder as the night went on. By our usual bed time she was absolutely nuts, smashing into walls and throwing herself around non stop. We were genuinely concerned for her wellbeing, she was inconsolable and almost feral. This went on for HOURS until 2am when we finally contained her in a room and left her to calm down. This morning she was back to usual. Is this a normal kitten behaviour, or would this be cause for making an appointment with the vet? We installed a feliway diffuser 4 days ago and thought maybe this could be a bad reaction? Though she’s seemed fine up until this point. I don’t know if I’m just being a nervous new mum but I’m worried sick. She is an only cat but we are considering another kitten to keep her company if that might help.
Wow! And I thought my tabby car Maggie was wild. She runs up 72 inch tower,splat her paws,jerks her head, chases her tail, but not for hours!


TCS Member
Sep 29, 2020
My oldest cat does this and has since I got him as a kitten, hes 4 years now. I used to think he was insane too. But about 5 months ago I got another kitten, and she does the same exact thing. Her laps around the house may even be worse than his because she'll jump up and cling to the very top of the curtains haha it's crazy. They do it together now, and as they do they get super playful with each other so I love it now. Also i have 3 cat trees and even an outdoor catio they can access thru the window in the cat room (yeah, they have their room), so lack of equipment isn't the issue. Both of my cats are black, btw. I always joke that they're mini panthers because of how wild they act.
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  • #13


Thread starter
Sep 28, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Thanks for your responses, im using these as compelling testimony to give to my partner on why we need a new kitten asap lol. Also I hadn't considered the size difference if we wait a few months so im pretty eager to get onto it asap now. We have lots of toys for her, shes obsessed with her fishing toy sticks and we've got a huge cat tower (which is one of the objects she was flinging herself off on her wild night) but considering you all seem to have wild cats yourselves, any advice on toys for hyperactive/high energy cats? I would love to get her a running wheel but theyre quite exxy $$$


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
I've never had an Abby, but I hear "doglike" and think of the cats I've had that have loved to chase crumpled up balls of paper or aluminum foil. Ping pong balls or super balls also work really well. You can also throw the favorite catnip mouse. Lure toys are great to get energy out like Da Bird or this one my cats really like,aps,146&sr=1-6

You can even tie the favorite catnip mouse on the end for variety.

Oh, and I'm sure the stereotypical abby would love a laser pointer! So much fun to watch as well!

As far as toys that will occupy the cat when you aren't actively playing, I'm not expert on that. You can search "food puzzles" on amazon, some cats seem to like those.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The cat I adopted wasn't much smaller than my Aby and she's only a few weeks older. She looks big but it's her fluffy long-ish fur.

Aby love thing they can chase and bat around: bottle caps, a knotted sock, straws, balls. Anything you can throw safely will get an Aby excited.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
Thanks for your responses, im using these as compelling testimony to give to my partner on why we need a new kitten asap lol. Also I hadn't considered the size difference if we wait a few months so im pretty eager to get onto it asap now. We have lots of toys for her, shes obsessed with her fishing toy sticks and we've got a huge cat tower (which is one of the objects she was flinging herself off on her wild night) but considering you all seem to have wild cats yourselves, any advice on toys for hyperactive/high energy cats? I would love to get her a running wheel but theyre quite exxy $$$
Just be sure she has lots of room to run. I have thought of getting her a wheel but I think running all over my apt suits her. She runs threw cubes,not tunnels. Best ones are at target online if it's still there, not walmart,she did not like those. Lots of obstacles for her to hide and pounce. If Maggie was younger and I didnt have my other 2 cats I would get her a play mate. Just be sure you get a kitten as playful. Some can get annoyed like my cat Peaches
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3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
My oldest cat does this and has since I got him as a kitten, hes 4 years now. I used to think he was insane too. But about 5 months ago I got another kitten, and she does the same exact thing. Her laps around the house may even be worse than his because she'll jump up and cling to the very top of the curtains haha it's crazy. They do it together now, and as they do they get super playful with each other so I love it now. Also i have 3 cat trees and even an outdoor catio they can access thru the window in the cat room (yeah, they have their room), so lack of equipment isn't the issue. Both of my cats are black, btw. I always joke that they're mini panthers because of how wild they act.
I call Maggie my mini leopard. Black with grey stripes on the side


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
I don't know if an Aby would use a wheel. Their attention span is super short. At least mine has a super short attention span of 2 seconds:oops:

Sturdy durable cat furniture is a must. I had inexpensive modular nylon cat furniture starting out and my Aby single-highhandedly destroyed it in 3 months by himself. The nylon was shredded, the plastic connector tubes bent out of shape, the velcro ripped. I later got a sturdy tall cat tree. It was expensive but it's still in good shape today and it hasn't been tipped over even with extreme zoomies.