Anyone ever heard of the Cozy Kitten Cattery located in Missouri? The cats are absolutely beautiful and they have a great rep...just wondering if anyone knew something first hand about this cattery.
Yes it is them!Originally Posted by Arlyn
Aren't they the cattery that bred the lovely persian that played the before version of Mr. Bigglesworth?
At some point, not right now, it will be a pet not show!Originally Posted by GoldenKitty45
Never met any cats from that cattery in person, but the cattery name is familiar in the show rings - I remember seeing cats or background cats on pedigrees by that name.
I agree, they do look very nice. Are you interested in adopting a kitten from them? Pet or show?
I just look at their website and drool they are unbelievable!Originally Posted by Arlyn
Wow, well, if any of their other kitties are as gorgeous as him, I'll be very envious of you.
That is one stunning cat.
If she is breeding for rare colors and ridiculous prices, its quite probable she has some kittens of not so rare colors. Which for her are pet quality - and sold much cheaper...I have heard of them and saw advertisements in the past of ‘rare’ colors for ridiculous prices. I would be hesitant to buy if she is still breeding.