Complications Following Dental


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
Hi all. This is less a request for advice and more a request for some support. Our girl Mindy is almost ten, and we adopted her in January. While I’ve been getting her used to having her teeth brushed it became clear to me that she had some dental issues, which were confirmed at her annual checkup on June 2. On Friday she had a dental with 6 extractions, and the vet also noted bone loss and so a sample is being biopsied to make sure it was from her massive infection and not from a tumor. She came home on Friday with metacam and Clavamox and had been doing okay until yesterday, where she threw up a lot, mostly clear liquid but some pink tinted liquid as well. She also seemed to lose some appetite yesterday. Behaviourally she’s acting fine besides the lack of appetite. I’ve been in touch with her vet, and this morning she was examined- all her vitals are normal and the vet suspected a reaction to the metacam and/or some esophagitis situation. The vet gave me a new painkiller, bupo, as well as an anti nausea med and one to soothe her esophagus (which is given 2 hours after the others). I got her home, gave her the first two meds, checked on her to bring her some food about an hour later and she’d thrown up again. She hasn’t thrown up any since, but she also hasn’t eaten anything, a decrease even from yesterday, despite all my tempting with tuna and softened kibble. I just got off the phone with the vet again, who is making up an appetite stimulant for her and then wants to see her tomorrow for abdominal X-rays to make sure nothing is wrong internally, which has me really freaked out.
She really doesn’t like going to the vet and I’m worried that all this stress is going to put off her appetite even more. I’m also worried that the vet wants to do those abdominal x rays no matter what, even if she regains her appetite and stops vomiting. This is my first big pet medical scare and it’s just really overwhelming, so thanks for reading- here’s a pic of Mindy lounging with me that I took today.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I have been there with this issue. Actually, TWO of our cats cannot take Clavamox! I swear that when they are on it they act as if they are dying. They are so lethargic, will not eat anything, and are very nauseated.

You didn't mention if the Vet changed Mindy to a different antibiotic? That would be something to discuss with them. Also, did they give her an anti-emitic (anti nausea med) via injection at their office, or did you have to pill her? It sounds as if you had to pill her, and the pill didn't have time to work before she threw up again.

It's your choice to hold off on the abdominal xray if you want. It's not surprising to me that after having 6 extractions and being on oral meds, her appetite would be a little bit decreased. Then add in vomiting and who would want to eat? You could ask the Vet what that xray might show, if having a dental could somehow have effected her digestive tract? They do use an endotracheal tube in order to keep oxygen flowing, but that shouldn't effect the digestive tract, I wouldn't think. Anyway, to make you feel better if they still want to do it, ask why? Then if you feel their reasoning is good, make your decision. But I would think seriously that it might be the Clavamox.

Keep us posted on how's she's doing. We worry like they're our own :alright:
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
Thanks so much for your response! Right now the vet said they wanted to see how she did off the metacam, and if she was better tomorrow morning then I am to restart the Clavamox. My guess is tomorrow at 1 when I take her for the x Ray they will get her on a new antibiotic. I think you very well may be right about the nausea med not having time to work before she threw up- it was 1/2 a tab of cerenia. I will call and ask about the xray recommendation tomorrow, and give them an update. Hopefully the appetite stimulant will help, and she won’t throw up again :(
To make this all worse, my partner isn’t well right now and just had to go to the walk in clinic, so I’m home alone with the cats right now. I was SO PROUD of myself for managing to get her Sulcrate into her by myself just now… and then I realized I had given it at 7:30 instead of 9:30 because my little list of medications for her was messy:frustrated:
I feel like such a disaster right now, and I’m so worried about Mindy that I’m barely even mad about having to wake up in the middle of the night for her next Sulcrate dose.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 27, 2021
You are doing as much as you possibly can for her. But don't forget you have to look after yourself too. Take some me time, even just 10 minutes to listen to some relaxing music or read a chapter out of your favourite book. It's not selfish, its important. As for your partner, I really hope they feel well soon - you know what they say, when it rains it pours. Can't just be one issue at a time, can it?

If your worried about her not eating, a paste called Nutrigel has at least some of the nutrients required for survival. You can even water it down and syringe feed, if your vet says that is ok. Also acts as an appetite stimulant. Just something to consider.

Best of luck, and yes, love updates!
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
Thanks for all your support! Some updates for the morning:
First of all, my partner is safely home with some antibiotics, so that is a weight off my shoulders!
We missed one of her painkiller doses overnight, so I’ve set alarms in my phone for all the different meds now. I feel like a chicken with its head cut off, but Mindy seems okay and she’s had her next dose now so we are doing our best. I’m trying not to beat myself up too much. This is so hard.
Mindy seems to have eaten a few bites of both soaked kibble and wet food overnight, but just picking at it. I’m sitting with her right now tempting her with people tuna, her very favourite. She is nowhere near her usual level of interested, but she’s eaten two spoonfuls so far. Hoping the appetite stimulant will really start to kick in this morning.
She has her X-ray at 1:00 today, and barring a sudden turn for the better I think I’ll let them go ahead with it. I’m glad for my savings account right now!
Lastly, I’ve been missing going for runs the past couple days because of all this, so I’m going to commit to some exercise today that will help clear my head.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
Mindy update: they are proceeding with tests for suspected post-operative pancreatitis. If that is what she has she will have to be hospitalized for a couple days. If not they’ll figure out what we try next. I’m so afraid for her.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
Another update: the vet is pretty sure it’s pancreatitis, so Miss Mindy will be in the hospital for 24 hours with IV fluids and syringe feeding, at which point if her appetite is coming back she may be able to come home, and if not she will need an ultrasound. I’m so sad I can’t hold her and tell her things will be okay.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Poor baby. Hopefully she'll start feeling better soon with the fluids getting in her and, of course, they will continue her on the pain meds as well.

Well be thinking of all of you. So glad your partner is at least doing better :alright:
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
Yes, she will have the pain meds and the nausea meds and the appetite meds, poor love. We also got to bring her her blanket from the scratching post where she sleeps, which gave me some comfort and I hope will for her too. The vet will give us an update in the morning, and I’m going to try to get a good rest rather than stay up worrying.


Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
Hi all. This is less a request for advice and more a request for some support. Our girl Mindy is almost ten, and we adopted her in January. While I’ve been getting her used to having her teeth brushed it became clear to me that she had some dental issues, which were confirmed at her annual checkup on June 2. On Friday she had a dental with 6 extractions, and the vet also noted bone loss and so a sample is being biopsied to make sure it was from her massive infection and not from a tumor. She came home on Friday with metacam and Clavamox and had been doing okay until yesterday, where she threw up a lot, mostly clear liquid but some pink tinted liquid as well. She also seemed to lose some appetite yesterday. Behaviourally she’s acting fine besides the lack of appetite. I’ve been in touch with her vet, and this morning she was examined- all her vitals are normal and the vet suspected a reaction to the metacam and/or some esophagitis situation. The vet gave me a new painkiller, bupo, as well as an anti nausea med and one to soothe her esophagus (which is given 2 hours after the others). I got her home, gave her the first two meds, checked on her to bring her some food about an hour later and she’d thrown up again. She hasn’t thrown up any since, but she also hasn’t eaten anything, a decrease even from yesterday, despite all my tempting with tuna and softened kibble. I just got off the phone with the vet again, who is making up an appetite stimulant for her and then wants to see her tomorrow for abdominal X-rays to make sure nothing is wrong internally, which has me really freaked out.
She really doesn’t like going to the vet and I’m worried that all this stress is going to put off her appetite even more. I’m also worried that the vet wants to do those abdominal x rays no matter what, even if she regains her appetite and stops vomiting. This is my first big pet medical scare and it’s just really overwhelming, so thanks for reading- here’s a pic of Mindy lounging with me that I took today.
View attachment 384544
. Clavamox causes me to violently vomit for about an hour + after it’s been in my system about 2 hours. This is only on the first dose after that I’m fine. Maybe that is it. Also maybe a B12 shot for her appetite
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
She has been switched to a different antibiotic today so that may help a bit! I just talked to the vet on the phone, and Mindy has been a very brave girl for the syringe feedings, hasn’t been bothered by the IV, and hasn’t thrown up again. She did have some diarrhea overnight. The vets will continue syringe feeding and also offer her some food to see if she’s interested. We are going to visit her at 11:00 and offer her some food then too and see if she will eat for us.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2014
Having 6 teeth extracted is a big deal. Where I work we keep them on iv fluids a few days with appetite stimulants and iv fentanyl CRI. Recently, in a veterinary tech forum, I was shocked to learn that most Veterinarian’s send their complicated dental cats home the same day. Cerenia with the fluids is also used to avoid nausea in cats where I work. We don’t use metacan. Metacam has a black box warning on it for cats. That said some Vets do use it. I have seen Clavamox make cats vomit before. We don’t use that either.

Dentals are also expensive where I am, so not everyone can do it this way. I will say that even the cats withfull mouth extractions do go home 3 days later, eating and happy. But that can run well over $2,000. Fortunately more people are getting their cats insured.

I do remember about 15 years agoI was given a quote of $1,000. for a routine dental on my cat from a dental specialist in the area. That was just to start. Extractions and complications would have been additional. I was shocked then and couldn’t understand the cost. I didn’t go it. Now seeing all that goes into it, I do understand more. Still not everyone can do that, and I couldn’t then.

As for the pancreatitis, h Th here is a simple test they can do in house called a FPLI to see if your cat does have it. I eojlf also be on alert for hepatic libidosis which is fatty liver disease that cats can get from not eating.
Sounds like your cat did start eating for you at home, so that’s good.

Anyway, this isn’t advice, just some things I have learned along the way. It is great that you are taking care of hour cats teethe and didn’t put it off like I did and now it’s to late.

I hope your cat is able to get back to normal soon.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
Hi all. I got to see her at 11 yesterday and cried the whole time. It was good to hold and pet her. She wouldn’t eat for me, and it appears she still hasn’t regained her appetite- the vet emailed me an estimate about 30 minutes ago for an ultrasound which is the next step in trying to figure out what’s wrong and said she’d call to follow up shortly, so I’m just waiting for that now.

There’s my girl during visit yesterday.
She was given the blood test for pancreatitis and had a very strong positive response, but the vet said she couldn’t rule out something like a pancreatic tumor without the ultrasound.
The dental itself was 2100 dollars. This hospital stay will be about 1300. The ultrasound estimate is 300-700 depending on the biopsies that may be needed.
I just want my girl to come home and be okay.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
The vet just called. The good news is she licked at the gravy of her food last night! She seems to be in more pain today with palpation of her abdomen, so the vet is adjusting her meds (more frequent pain meds, and also a probiotic with her syringe feedings) with the hope that if she’s more comfortable she will feel better about eating. They’re going to call me back around lunchtime, and if she still hasn’t eaten we will do an ultrasound this evening because otherwise it’d have to wait til Monday. We get to visit today at 3:30.
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
Mindy has had some more diarrhea, and seems to still be in abdominal discomfort. They want to switch to IV antibiotics and pain meds for maximum effect, and also want to repeat the X-ray to ensure there’s no fluid build up in her belly, and then proceed with the ultrasound tonight. She still isn’t eating at this point, and she’s also more quiet/withdrawn, not as bright as she was yesterday. The vet still wants us to come visit though.
I am so incredibly worried about her. It feels so unfair that this is all happening (not that any pets illness ever feels fair). It’s hard for me to not feel hopeless when it seems like she’s getting worse not better. I just want her to be okay.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Hang in there :alright: I know you feel totally helpless at the moment, but she is in good hands. I'm sure your Vet is doing everything they can for little Mindy. Here's hoping the untrasound shows something, and that whatever it is has an easy fix :crossfingers:
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
I’m feeling a little better after our visit today and chatting with the vet. She was feeling much better this afternoon, the vet said the more frequent pain meds were really helping. She got to have her cone off and be off the IV for the visit. I put her in my lap and she settled right in, and I even got a purr out of her before we left!


she’s being started on IV painkiller and antibiotics so it can better penetrate her system, and she had her ultrasound tonight and we will get results tomorrow. Fingers crossed it doesn’t reveal anything sinister, and in the meantime Mindy regains interest in food.
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
Our sweet girl didn’t even need to be sedated for her ultrasound yesterday! I am so proud of how good she’s been for the vets. I’m waiting for the vet to call with the ultrasound results- it sounds like right now our options are either increase her antibiotic strength or wait and do a needle biopsy of the pancreas, which would need sedation. Hopefully I will know more after the vet calls, which I hope will be soon! I’m putting off showering because I know as soon as I turn the water on the phone will ring.
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 17, 2018
Saskatchewan, Canada
The abnormalities on Mindy’s ultrasound are consistent with pancreatitis, though there were some sections that could either be bacteria and white blood cells or something more sinister- but because everything was normal right up until her dental, there’s no real reason to suspect pancreatic cancer right now. We are switching to a broader spectrum antibiotic and continuing with her supportive care, and then reassessing after the weekend. We get to visit at 3:30 again today!
The vet was so impressed with her during the ultrasound. They played some relaxing birdsong, and Mindy looked at the ultrasound screen looking for the birds, but otherwise was totally relaxed! I’m so proud of my brave girl.