Chewed paw with black gunk & raw skin - treatment


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 13, 2020
Hi everyone!

It's my first time posting on the forum - first of all, thank you for everyone who's contributed to this forum and specifically the problem of black gunk in paws - I've read quite a number of past posts, and I am posting my own current condition, hoping for any wisdom re: this situation & treatment.

Background info:
Ginger cat around 6 y.o., healthy, vaccinated, diet consists of homemade cooked meats only, behaviors + litterbox habits are normal.


A couple days ago, I discovered a raw spot (hair loss) near the backleg paw toe, and black gunk between the toes. They look like tiny black dots (think: blackhead-like on the bottom paw skins) that cannot be washed away. I shared the pictures with a neighborhood vet (as I'm unable to visit a clinic atm during COVID) and were asked to use the chlorhexidine solution (diluted) to soak his affected paw for 5 min, then apply Betadine (10% Povidone-iodine, store bought, diluted to the color of weak tea) with a Q-tip around the paw. Of course this is very uncomfortable for the cat. He's been wearing a cone 24/7 (except for when he eats) and he's looking much more lethargic than usual. Could also be the hot weather though.

I'm given the advise to do this for 6 days, and if conditions do not get better, to return for a clinic visit.

Pictures are below.

My questions

- Have others experienced this before? Does this look like an allergy to you? We've diversified his diet to include new meats like Turkey as of a few days ago, but I'm not sure if that's the culprit. Or because his litterbox was dirty? Or he just wanted to chew his foot?
- Have others used chlorhexidine/Povidone-iodine on the cat and if you could share any tips when doing so?

First night:

Last Night.jpg

With exposed raw skin

48 hours after (started treatment)
July 14 Pic 1.JPG


Thank you so much! Really hope to hear back. x


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Just wanted to let you know I read your thread and looked at your picture, but have no idea whatt might be going on. How many days now have you been doing the treatments? (I'm guessing two?) In your opinion, is it improving or not? What did your neighbor the Vet think it was? I DO know that the chlorhexidine solution is commonly used to cleanse wounds in animals and betadine can be used to kill bacteria, so guessing this is thought to be some sort of bacterial infection?

I don't think your little guy just decided to start chewing on his foot, BTW. I suppose it could be related to food allergies. Normally those will mainly effect their heads with extreme itchiness, but there are always exceptions. And it does seem to coincide with the addition of Turkey to his diet, right? Have you cut the Turkey out to see what would happen? Additionally, I don't really think it would be caused by a dirty litterbox, but IF he has one, I would certainly try to keep it clean, especially if he's got a raw spot on his paw. No need to invite other issues. Besides, who wants to use a dirty toilet?

Anyhoo, hoping the regimen you are one right now fixes it right up. Nice that you have a Vet in your neighborhood to consult with :wink:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
NOT a vet, but I agree with mrsgreenjeens mrsgreenjeens , as I usually do. This looks, to a layperson, like an injury. Almost like he stepped on something that caused an injury that infected. Does it seem to be getting better?