Caught a feral cat... and now don't know what to do...

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  • #21


TCS Member
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Jan 9, 2025
This cat honestly doesn't sound feral. She's too comfortable with the rest of your family members, including your the little black cat to really be a total feral. May be a stray that has been on her own for some time, they can act pretty feral, especially when first caught. And, if she was neglected/abused, it could be from a male human, and that is why she reacts negatively to you. Could be the same for the vet/vet techs if they were male, although being at vet's office could be totally foreign to her as well, causing a bad reaction.

The trashing of the bathroom could be because of the confined quarters and so not enough room, she may be bored and bored cats can be destructive. If you have another room that you can 'cat-proof', I would give her some extra space. I previously provided links to some TCS articles about helping a new cat adapt to your home, and one on cat introductions - and I encourage you to read them - but in the meantime, perhaps these would help you prepare a place for her where she can have a bit more room. She likely needs some perches to climb and a window to look out as part of her new safe zone room.
13 Practical Ways to Kitten-Proof Your Home - TheCatSite
Cats And Hidden Dangers In The Home [How to Ensure Safety Indoors] - TheCatSite
She's nicest with my daughter... she actually allows my daughter to pet her paw and a little bit of her backside... but she still hisses at them every time they get close. I think she hates me the most because I was the one who caught her, took her to the vet, and also transported her (it was violent) from the patio to the bathroom. She was clawing and biting... man, it was crazy. So I'm making myself the martyr if you will. The vets (who were all female), did ask if I had caught a neighbor's pet. They said she was incredibly clean (ears, etc.)... but said she wasn't chipped, and had no indication of ever wearing a collar. We check for "lost cat" reports in the area, but noting. I did question if perhaps the cat might have been abused. I see no physical indication of it... but she's only a year old apparently, so I just don't know.

I did read the links, and I appreciate it immensely... I'm still trying to decide if I want to make her an outdoor cat or an indoor pet... and whether or not I want to subject the downstairs guest bedroom (couch and arcade machines) to this cat.

Do you have multiple cardboard scratchers? That might help. As for furniture there are many fabrics you can get that attach to the sides of sofas, etc so they aren’t actually scratching the furniture. This is a wonderful story, I think you’re making great progress! Thanks for the updates!
I do for our little black cat, but I definitely don't have one for the cat in the bathroom... I will for sure get one today or tomorrow and put it in there for her.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Thanks! I appreciate the response. That makes sense. I feel bad keeping the cat in the bathroom, but we're having another cold snap again, so I'm helping myself justify it. From what you guys tell me... the "mean" time is about a month, but could be much longer. My daughter has been working with the cat, and also my wife... (I do all the feedings and cleaning up the litter box, but am largely hated by the cat, hahah). The cat loves to interact with our little black cat, so that's progress because she actually purrs when we let the little black cat in.

I'm just wondering how I know if we're making progress. Any little thing I leave in the bathroom that isn't bolted down, gets trashed... so I'm hesitate (to say the least) in transitioning the cat to any other room in the house anywhere... for fear that it'll get totally destroyed.
Well,I'd never put a time limit,I think you may have misinterpreted something along the way ?

With most feral cats transitioned or relocated it would require a minimum of 30 days for them to establish a new & unfamiliar place as their territory. How quickly they relate to you or their human providers or co-inhabitants has way too many variables to fit neatly into any set time period.

Typically for strays anywhere after 30 days & possibly up to 90 days do they feel safe and confident enough to seek or accept companionship..... with true ferals it can take much longer ,it depends on the individual cat,the environment and methods of socialization and reconditioning of behavior

The more you give the more you get....Ferals really should have vertical space,the containment space does not need to exceed 3x4 feet but high perches are not only beneficial for confidence & feeling safe but also for exercise


Happiness is being owned by a cat
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May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
I'm still trying to decide if I want to make her an outdoor cat or an indoor pet...
We decide for you. Indoor cat please.

After all she's gone through, please keep her in else you'll never get her back. Cats that are indoors are the safest and will live a happy healthy life.

Please, please, keep her inside.
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Jan 9, 2025
Hi! Just wanted to provide a quick update to anyone who's interested.

The cat has been warming up to us more and more, especially over the past 2 weeks. She no longer hisses at us, and is starting to get very social. I'd have to say that we're at the 1 month mark at this point. The cat is still in the bathroom, and we're considering letting her out to roam around the house later this week.

The cat was almost violently resistant to anyone touching her, but my daughter (who I call the Cat Whisperer) has been petting the cat completely. She started with the back, and the face, and now the cat comes up to her, rolls over onto her and asks for her (my daughter) to pet her belly.

My daughter just put a collar on her, and the cat never complained for a second, continued to purr, and is totally unphased by it... even to the point that the cat is acting even happier now. It's totally wild.

I've been the "bad guy" through all of this, basically allowing myself to do all the mean things that had to get done (moving her, taking her to the vet, all that), so it's allowed my wife and daughter to have a bit more "freedom" in warming up to Spicy the cat. I was gone on a business trip though and just got back yesterday, and even with me being the "bad guy," she let me pet her in the face (rubbing from the front to the side), without getting upset.


This is her as of about a half an hour ago. She's much better adjusted, seems happier, but I don't know. I think if their eyes are hugely dialated, it means they're mad, but she seems pretty decent here.

I'd like to give her a bath, honestly... but not sure if we can do that yet. But she is a cute cat.

I told my daughter we could keep her, and keep her inside... but I told the family, this is it... no more pets. 2 cats is enough. If there are any others, we'll spay and neuter them and they stay outside. I still have scars on my hand from when I brought her back from the vet.

(this was a few days after, but it looks a lot better now)


She is pretty adorable though... I cannot lie... haha...


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Thanks for the update! Really good news. As far as the bath, unless she has dirt caked in her fur, it is probably not needed. You can get some unscented hypoallergenic wipes to use, just rub them over her body as if she is being petted. Brushing can help too, also similar to pettings, letting her get used to it before diving in to do the whole body at once.

Eye dilation can often be due to the lighting and how it is/is not hitting her eyes. Curiosity/excitement/fear can also impact dilation of the eyes.

When you are ready to give her some space to roam about, make it small areas to begin with. Maybe a single room, then maybe a section of the house barricaded off from the rest, and so on. I wouldn't give her 'carte blanche' to the entire house at one time. Gradual expansion helps cats to adapt to larger and larger areas without taking the chance of overwhelming them.

Don't forget, getting her used to the house should go on before you start to introduce her to your other cat.
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Jan 9, 2025
Well, we let her out to roam around and spend the whole night (and day) downstairs (we keep all the doors upstairs closed).

Couple of things we noticed:

1 - Our black cat Onyx now never greets us or could care less what we do... all he wants to do is hang out with the female cat. Which is kind of sad, but whatever.

2 - The female cat (Spicy) has managed to find lots of amazing hiding spots that I had no idea ever even existed.

3 - Spicy lets me pet her at will, and doesn't freak out at all... as long as I can find her.

4 - Onyx keeps trying to eat her food, which concerns me...

So now I need to figure out how I can convince the two cats to both use the 2001 Space Odyssey crapper ... this is the one we have:

I'm seriously considering putting a HAL 9000 light in the back, and attaching the little arms to the side:

Anyway, our first cat, Onyx, uses it all the time. But with the bathroom now open, Onyx is using both litterboxes, and I don't know if Spicy is using the space pod.

How do I handle both of them eating food? My "kitten" is now about 6 months old... and getting pretty huge, and basically eats everything. Can they both eat the same food? Onyx is about ~6 months old, and Spicy is ~1 year old.

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  • #28


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 9, 2025
Also, I just wanted to say thank you again to everyone who has given me advice and helped me through this.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I can't speak to the litter boxes, that is all about cat preference. But, the rest of the 'unusual' stuff will dissipate over time. Onyx is just interested in a food that tastes differently. It shouldn't be an issue if it turns out to be a short term thing, however you do need to keep an eye out on Onyx's weight. He will also get over his obsession with Spicy as they get to know each other, spend time together, and things settle down into a more normal routine.

Spicy hiding is exactly why I suggested getting her acclimated to small areas first. But, this too shall pass eventually.

I take it they are getting along, and that is good!


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Just seeing your thread now, and am thrilled to see the update that Spicy has become much more comfortable and friendly towards all of you. I imagine part of it was made easier by having Onyx around to show her the humans weren't something to fear. Onyx wanting to spend all his time with Spicy isn't unusual, as I've read before that when someone gets a second cat, the first one is less clingy toward the humans. In time, though, he'll probably want to spend time with you all again.
Thanks, btw, for rescuing both Onyx and Spicy. :petcat::catlove:
And welcome to TCS. :wave2:

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Agree about the eyes: I don’t think it’s pure fear. I see a mixture of curiosity & shyness. I bet you’ll have a purry lap cat one day— it just takes a lot of time (and conversation, even if you are conversing with the front of the fridge and she’s behind it) —let her know you’re talking to her, in a voice you especially use for her…kitties like that! She’s listening. And those markings are beautiful! Great name!