Cat Wont Stop Urinating On My Clothes!!!! Help!!!!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 17, 2018
So, here is the basic story...
Wayne, my sweet cat, has recently (say a month?) Started peeing on my clothes. I have had him for two years and he had NEVER had this issue. Ever. I rent a room and he has free reign on the house with his little sister (who is probably close to maturing, she is maybe 10 months old??) And the two have no problems with the boxes I have set up for them. They are the only indoor cats so they are the only ones using the boxes and they haven't had any issues!!!!

I noticed he had some dark urine so I got some over the counter treatment, switched his food the urinary tract sensitive and deep cleaned both boxes. Nothing has worked! I cannot afford a vet trip at the moment so I am hoping someone else has any ideas on how to stop him.

Is it a side effect of his sister maturing? There is also a pregnant woman in the house, could that do it? I just dont understand how not perfectly trained cat could suddenly flip! Help!!!!!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. Sorry about your cat's litter box avoidance issues.

A vet visit is always the first recommendation, just to rule out medical reasons such as UTIs. If he shows any signs of pain or discomfort, please do find a way to get him to a vet, because UTIs can become very serious, especially in males.

Is he neutered? Is the female kitten spayed?

Here's some TCS articles with more info:

No Money For Vet Care? How To Find Help And Save Your Cat's Life

How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats: The Ultimate Guide
Litterbox Problems? Here's Why You Should Call Your Vet
Inappropriate Peeing, Spraying, Toy Obsession And Leg And Hand Nipping
Spraying: When Your Cat Uses Urine To Mark Territory

How To Get Cat Pee Smell Out Of Clothes And Linens


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Both of your cats need to be spayed and neutered, asap! His sister is far past mature and could get pregnant at any time.

Where are you located? We can help you to find a low cost clinic.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 17, 2018
He is neutered, she is not spayed. I dont have the money to fix her at the moment, which frustrates me because I want to get it done FAST.

I have been giving him some over the counter uti medication that does not seem to be helping. Other than the dark urine, he has no other signs of a UTI. He is still playful and loving (not to me, because I give him his meds and that involves holding him down) and he's still running around like he always does.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
This is an excerpt from Cat Pee 101: Is My Cat’s Urine Normal?:

Normal cat urine color
Normal cat urine should be a clear, pale yellow3. "Golden” or “straw-colored” are often used to describe the yellowish hue of healthy urine. The urine shouldn’t be cloudy or difficult to see through. Changes in color (dark or light), cloudiness, or particulate matter (floating debris) are most often associated with bladder or kidney conditions.

After reading the above, your cat's dark urine is concerning. Can you give him more wet food, and add additional water to it, and see if that lightens the colour.

Is your female cat exclusively indoor? And does everyone in your house, and who comes to visit, aware to ensure she is no where near the doors when they enter/exit? It only takes a second for a cat to slip out the door, and once she's outside she will almost surely come home pregnant.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
As noted, you can't just assume its a UTI and use over the counter treatments. It could be kidney disease and/or other things. Untreated kidney problems = your cat is dying slowly while you watch. You wouldn't necessarily see the other signs yourself.

So...if you can't take the cat to the vet, the only responsible thing is to try and give the cat away to a person or organization that can get vet care. This is possible. My brother found an organization willing to take a diabetic cat, for example.

I hesitate to mention this, because its quite likely a health issue and possibly quite serious given the dark urine. However, if you are leaving clothes on the floor, the bed or even leaving the laundry basket accessible, its not so shocking the cat is peeing on them. Loose clothes can be kneeded with the paws to simulate burying waste. I hate to sound like mom, but if you have a cat, clothes need to be put away and not accessible or this can happen. I'm not judging -- I used to like leaving clothes on the floor at times; a prior cat forced me to stop.
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