I am so relieved that the vet found what was wrong and that your cat made it successfully through surgery!
Sometimes as cats recover from anesthesia they can be agitated. Perhaps that is what your cat is going through.
I hope you can hold him on your lap soon. He probably does not understand why he is caged.
Surgery causes pain at the incision site, so do see that he gets pain medicine and fluids as soon as the clinic opens.
Ask if you can put a few drops of honey on his gums, or honey water drops in his mouth. His mouth is likely very dry, especially if he vomited. He was likely nauseous from the anesthesia drugs wearing off, and may need anti-nausea meds.
I think you are doing a fantastic job taking care of your cat through all of this stress and uncertainty! I know you love your cat very much, and I will pray that he has a successful recovery.
Please do give us an update later in your day after you have been to the clinic.