Cat Squatting Too Low Getting Pee on Private Area


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2021
Help! We have tried EVERYTHING & are at our wits end.
Our eight month old shorthaired cat Loki has recently adopted a new behavior in his litter box strangely enough after he got neutered in January of 2021. Every time he comes out from using the litter box his private area is soaked with pee mixed with litter and sometimes ends up on his rear legs and fur as well. This was never an issue, we noticed it started occurring after he was neutered.
After trying to switch the litter, the litter box itself, and also taking him to the vet to make sure it wasn’t an internal problem, we have absolutely run out of ideas to solve this problem.
Additionally, he does not show any outward signs of having an infection or UTI such as crying out, straining to urinate, or anything else. He pees twice a day, once in the morning & once at night & it is a normal amount. His behavior is completely normal. We took him to the vet recently and she found nothing abnormal physically or in his urinalysis / blood work.
We currently use a top entry litter box that he has always used since we got him and clumping tidy cats litter.
We thought maybe he felt too crammed in his litter box so we try to get a bigger one but he had no interest in using a different litter box.
We also tried pretty litter and worlds best litter but it still gets stuck to him.
The only other option I have been told is to try to use feline pellets and a litter box that has the crate where the pee drains down onto an absorbent pad.
However he is so fussy that I have a bad feeling that even when I purchase these new supplies he will not want to go in it and I’m afraid he will end up urinating elsewhere if I don’t keep his old litter box around.
Does anybody have any previous experience/thoughts on using feline pellets with the litter box that has the absorbent pads? Perhaps the Tidy Breeze system?
But I am truly at my wits end after he has sat down on our couch, our carpet, and our bed with his wet butt when I’m not home in time to catch him and wipe him.
Is this all happening because he is squatting too low??
Please anybody with any ideas as to why this is happening all of a sudden and any solutions drop them down below I am DESPERATE!


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Try using different brands and not putting as much litter in the box, maybe only a few inches. some brands stick a LOT worse than others, lightweight is the worst! Maybe if he couldn't dig as deep a hole it won't be piled up.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2021
We’ve tried different brands but to no a vail 😩
We’ve also tried putting in the recommended 2 to 3 inches of litter and than trying barely any at all but it didn’t make any difference unfortunately😣


TCS Member
Apr 17, 2021
Ontario, Canada
Did you have any luck resolving this issue? I’m having a similar problem with my 4 month old kitten. I don’t exactly know how it happens, but he sometimes has a wet bum coming out of the litter box. He then comes right to me in bed and leaves stains on bed sheets. He also realizes this and starts pawing on the sheet and duvet cover as if he is digging around the urine spot or trying to cover it. It scares me because I am afraid he might think my bed is a good place to pee but I also can’t wash my sheets every time this happens.

I was using Naturally Fresh walnut based litter before, which had a lot of fines that would stick to his bum and made the stains gooey dark brown resembling poop. I’ve changed the litter to World’s Best Cat Litter. It doesn’t stick as much, but the wet spot issue has not changed.

I now have a towel by my bed and every morning he jumps on my bed I make him sit on the towel first. But I can’t catch him every time. I don’t think it happens every time he pees. Maybe when he has a full bladder. I was thinking to switch to a conventional clay based litter, but reading your post, that will probably not work. I’ve also tried the shallow vs. deep litter and it didn’t make a difference. His litter box is a simple open one.