Cat Not Eating Much, Dehydrated, Need Advice On Kidney Problems


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 20, 2015
My 17 yr old male cat gradually over the last week has gotten more constipated but the vet's said he didn't seem to have much in him. I think he just hasn't eaten much in the last few days to poop maybe and I have tried so many different types of food. The vet's gave him some IV fluids but I don't want to continue that because at his age I feel it is like a band aid. Right now he is acting like he doesn't feel well but he ate a little when we came home from the vet's but very picky about what he eats.

She did suggest to try switching from an all canned diet to Science diet's food for kidney problems. I am wondering at this point would it really do any good. He seems to drink a lot but I think a canned diet would also help him get added fluids.

I would appreciate any advice. Thanks


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 7, 2016
we started giving our cat foods he REALLY liked when he stopped eating - he's older, so instead of worrying about his health, we stayed focused on getting him to eat. we also gave him pepcid, which seemed to help and sometimes cerenia if the pepcid didn't work. when he wasn't acidy or nauseous, he was happy to eat. even when he was, he was happy to lap up the juice from cans of fancy feast, and that got him liquids and a few calories, as well.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I just went through this with my own 17 year old. He developed a tumor in his abdomen, and we didn't want to operate, he had a heart condition too and was terrified of vets, and had just had surgery for an abscess several months before. The vet said he could fight almost any condition, but he can't fight old age. We promised him he would die at home and he did. We didn't worry about what he ate, we offered Arby's, McDonald Chicken nuggets, tuna, ANYTHING to get him to eat, he especially liked the deli fried chicken. He would lick the liquids up from the foil packs of cat food, but didn't eat the solids. He would stick with one flavor and then refuse it, so we switched. I sat small cups of water around to encourage him to drink, he especially liked to drink out of the faucet.
There comes a time when a decision has to be made to.. prolong the inevitable, to put them through surgeries, more medications and frightening experiences, or to let nature take it's course. Of course go with your vet's advice, she has seen a lot and knows what the future may bring.
We gave him Miralax, 1/4 teaspoon, mixed in what he would drink, an egg yolk whipped with a little water. Ask your vet about this, we started with an 1/8 teaspoon, and increased it. It worked, and he had almost normal bowel movements after going a week with none. He has done this several times over the past year or so, and once we got him eating, he seemed to rally for a few months, so yours may too. I did notice at the end he tried to pull away from us, he no longer enjoyed cuddles and wanted to be left alone. Be prepared for this. He still loves you, he is going through something personal. But he purred to the very end, and used the litterbox. The only thing I regret is not to have an injection on hand to relieve some of his anxiety at the end, he had such a strong will to live, and fought hard.
You can never prepare your heart for what old age will eventually bring, it is so hard to say goodbye. Just take one day at a time, love that little boy, and give him lots of extra attention and good treats right now. You have seventeen years of love and memories, and who knows, miracles happen every day and you may have years more. Don't be afraid to ask for help, you are not alone in your pain and confusion. Keep in touch and give him a kiss from me!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
May 20, 2015
He is eating little bits of mainly gravy of the Hartz Lickable Treats. I didn't think he wanted to chew anything but I gave him a little chicken and he ate that. The vet's said that's worse on the kidneys because of the high protein. But cats easily get depressed especially not eating and it becomes a downward spiral. I don't want him living off chicken but if it could help to get him over this hump it's worth a try. But he is very old and I know he probably doesn't have much time. Who knows.